# ExpressTemplates Provides a DSL for HTML templates using a declarative style of Ruby as an alternative to Erb or HAML. Although originally we implemented our own DSL and used a code generation approach, this gem now uses [ActiveAdmin's arbre](https://github.com/activeadmin/arbre). Arbre is widely used as part of ActiveAdmin, has a long history and many contributors and is conceptually much simpler. ## Usage Add this to your gemfile: ```ruby gem 'express_templates' ``` Rename your application.html.erb to application.html.et. Change your template to look like this. ```ruby html(lang: "en") { head { meta charset: 'utf-8' meta name: 'viewport', content: "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" title { content_for(:title) } stylesheet_link_tag "application", media: 'all', 'data-turbolinks-track' => true csrf_meta_tags } body { current_arbre_element.add_child yield javascript_include_tag "application" } } ``` Everything should work as you would expect. Set your editor syntax for .et files to Ruby. You can now utilize components which are found with documentation and examples in <tt>ExpressTemplates::Components<tt>. Components are the real strength of both arbre and express_templates. express_templates now *is* arbre + some components + some conventions. ExpressTemplates::Components::Base provides a little syntactic sugar in the form of the emits class method. In terms of conventions, we use brace blocks { } to indicate html structure and do/end blocks to indicate control flow. Control flow should only be used in Components. This is currently not enforced but it will be in the future. The purpose of express_templates is to provide a foundation for a library of reusable UX components which we can enhance for drag-and-drop style UX construction and template editing. ## Block Structure ExpressTemplates use Ruby's block structure and execution order to indicate parent-child relationships and to build the tree structure that ultimately results in nodes in the DOM. Example: ```ruby ul { li { "one" } li "two" li %Q(#{@three}) } ``` Let us suppose that an @three variable exists in the view context with the value "three". This would yield the following markup: ```html <ul> <li>one</li> <li>two</li> <li>three</li> </ul> ``` ## Components Given the constraint that logic must not go in the template, where does one put it? The answer is we make a component! ExpressTemplates provide a framework for construction of components by encapsulating common logic patterns found in view code into Capabilities which Components may include. These Capabilities form a DSL which allows Components to be built in a declarative fashion. This makes them "low-cost" entities to construct in terms of developer time. A common need is for a list items such as in the above example to be generated from a collection or array of data. Let us suppose we expect the view context to have: ```ruby @list = %w(one two three) ``` We can make a simple component like so: ```ruby class ListComponent < ExpressTemplates::Components::Base emits -> { ul { # assumes view provides list list.each do |item| li { item } end } } end ``` This would be used in a view template just as if it were a tag, like so: ```ruby div(class: "active") { list_component } ``` Now when the template renders, it will yield: ```html <div class="active"> <ul> <li>one</li> <li>two</li> <li>three</li> </ul> </div> ``` ## Background ExpressTemplates is a key part of the AppExpress platform at [appexpress.io](http://appexpress.io). This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.