require 'redis' require 'concurrent-ruby' module Gush class Client attr_reader :configuration @@redis_connection = def self.redis_connection(config) cached = (@@redis_connection.value ||= { url: config.redis_url, connection: nil }) return cached[:connection] if !cached[:connection].nil? && config.redis_url == cached[:url] config.redis_url).tap do |instance| RedisClassy.redis = instance @@redis_connection.value = { url: config.redis_url, connection: instance } end end def initialize(config = Gush.configuration) @configuration = config end def configure yield configuration end def create_workflow(name) begin name.constantize.create rescue NameError raise"Workflow with given name doesn't exist") end flow end def start_workflow(workflow, job_names = []) workflow.mark_as_started persist_workflow(workflow) jobs = if job_names.empty? workflow.initial_jobs else {|name| workflow.find_job(name) } end jobs.each do |job| enqueue_job(, job) end end def stop_workflow(id) workflow = find_workflow(id) workflow.mark_as_stopped persist_workflow(workflow) end def next_free_job_id(workflow_id, job_klass) job_id = nil loop do job_id = SecureRandom.uuid available = !redis.hexists("{workflow_id}.#{job_klass}", job_id) break if available end job_id end def next_free_workflow_id id = nil loop do id = SecureRandom.uuid available = !redis.exists?("gush.workflows.#{id}") break if available end id end # Returns the specified range of workflow ids, sorted by created timestamp. # # @param start, stop [Integer] see # for details on the start and stop parameters. # @param by_ts [Boolean] if true, start and stop are treated as timestamps # rather than as element indexes, which allows the workflows to be indexed # by created timestamp # @param order [Symbol] if :asc, finds ids in ascending created timestamp; # if :desc, finds ids in descending created timestamp # @returns [Array] array of workflow ids def workflow_ids(start=nil, stop=nil, by_ts: false, order: :asc) start ||= 0 stop ||= 99 redis.zrange( "gush.idx.workflows.created_at", start, stop, by_score: by_ts, rev: order&.to_sym == :desc ) end def workflows(start=nil, stop=nil, **kwargs) workflow_ids(start, stop, **kwargs).map { |id| find_workflow(id) } end def workflows_count redis.zcard('gush.idx.workflows.created_at') end # Deprecated. # # This method is not performant when there are a large number of workflows # or when the redis keyspace is large. Use workflows instead with pagination. def all_workflows redis.scan_each(match: "gush.workflows.*").map do |key| id = key.sub("gush.workflows.", "") find_workflow(id) end end def find_workflow(id) data = redis.get("gush.workflows.#{id}") unless data.nil? hash = Gush::JSON.decode(data, symbolize_keys: true) if hash[:job_klasses] keys = hash[:job_klasses].map { |klass| "{id}.#{klass}" } else # For backwards compatibility, get job keys via a full keyspace scan keys = redis.scan_each(match: "{id}.*") end nodes = keys.each_with_object([]) do |key, array| array.concat(redis.hvals(key).map { |json| Gush::JSON.decode(json, symbolize_keys: true) }) end workflow_from_hash(hash, nodes) else raise"Workflow with given id doesn't exist") end end def persist_workflow(workflow) created_at = added = redis.zadd("gush.idx.workflows.created_at", created_at,, nx: true) if added && configuration.ttl&.positive? expires_at = created_at + configuration.ttl redis.zadd("gush.idx.workflows.expires_at", expires_at,, nx: true) end redis.set("gush.workflows.#{}", workflow.to_json) {|job| persist_job(, job, expires_at: expires_at) } workflow.mark_as_persisted true end def persist_job(workflow_id, job, expires_at: nil) redis.zadd("", expires_at, "#{workflow_id}.#{job.klass}", nx: true) if expires_at redis.hset("{workflow_id}.#{job.klass}",, job.to_json) end def find_job(workflow_id, job_name) job_name_match = /(?\w*[^-])-(?.*)/.match(job_name) data = if job_name_match find_job_by_klass_and_id(workflow_id, job_name) else find_job_by_klass(workflow_id, job_name) end return nil if data.nil? data = Gush::JSON.decode(data, symbolize_keys: true) Gush::Job.from_hash(data) end def destroy_workflow(workflow) redis.del("gush.workflows.#{}") redis.zrem("gush.idx.workflows.created_at", redis.zrem("gush.idx.workflows.expires_at", {|job| destroy_job(, job) } end def destroy_job(workflow_id, job) redis.del("{workflow_id}.#{job.klass}") redis.zrem("", "#{workflow_id}.#{job.klass}") end def expire_workflows(expires_at=nil) expires_at ||= ids = redis.zrange("gush.idx.workflows.expires_at", "-inf", expires_at, by_score: true) return if ids.empty? redis.del( { |id| "gush.workflows.#{id}" }) redis.zrem("gush.idx.workflows.created_at", ids) redis.zrem("gush.idx.workflows.expires_at", ids) expire_jobs(expires_at) end def expire_jobs(expires_at=nil) expires_at ||= keys = redis.zrange("", "-inf", expires_at, by_score: true) return if keys.empty? redis.del( { |key| "{key}" }) redis.zrem("", keys) end def expire_workflow(workflow, ttl=nil) ttl ||= configuration.ttl if ttl&.positive? redis.zadd("gush.idx.workflows.expires_at", + ttl, else redis.zrem("gush.idx.workflows.expires_at", end {|job| expire_job(, job, ttl) } end def expire_job(workflow_id, job, ttl=nil) ttl ||= configuration.ttl if ttl&.positive? redis.zadd("", + ttl, "#{workflow_id}.#{job.klass}") else redis.zrem("", "#{workflow_id}.#{job.klass}") end end def enqueue_job(workflow_id, job) job.enqueue! persist_job(workflow_id, job) options = { queue: configuration.namespace }.merge(job.worker_options) job.enqueue_worker!(options) end private def find_job_by_klass_and_id(workflow_id, job_name) job_klass, job_id = job_name.split('|') redis.hget("{workflow_id}.#{job_klass}", job_id) end def find_job_by_klass(workflow_id, job_name) new_cursor, result = redis.hscan("{workflow_id}.#{job_name}", 0, count: 1) return nil if result.empty? job_id, job = *result[0] job end def workflow_from_hash(hash, nodes = []) jobs = do |node| Gush::Job.from_hash(node) end internal_state = { persisted: true, jobs: jobs, # For backwards compatibility, setup can only be skipped for a persisted # workflow if there is no data missing from the persistence. # 2024-07-23: dependencies added to persistence skip_setup: !hash[:dependencies].nil? }.merge(hash) hash[:klass] *hash[:arguments], **hash[:kwargs], globals: hash[:globals], internal_state: internal_state ) end def redis self.class.redis_connection(configuration) end end end