module Netzke # == BasicApp # Basis for a Ext.Viewport-based application # # Features: # * dynamic loading of widgets # * authentification support # * browser history support (press the "Back"-button to go to the previously loaded widget) # * FeedbackGhost-powered feedback # * aggregation of widget's own menus # * masquerade support # * AJAX activity indicator class BasicApp < Base def self.include_js res = [] ext_examples = Netzke::Base.config[:ext_location] + "/examples/" res << ext_examples + "ux/StatusBar.js" res << "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/basic_app_extras/statusbar_ext.js" end def self.js_base_class "Ext.Viewport" end # Global BasicApp configuration def self.config set_default_config({ :logout_url => "/logout" # default logout url }) end # def self.include_css # res = [] # res << Netzke::Base.config[:ext_location] + "/examples/ux/css/StatusBar.css" # res # end def self.js_panels # In status bar we want to show what we are masquerading as if session[:masq_user] user = User.find(session[:masq_user]) masq = %Q{user "#{user.login}"} elsif session[:masq_role] role = Role.find(session[:masq_role]) masq = %Q{role "#{}"} elsif session[:masq_world] masq = %Q{World} end [{ :id => 'main-panel', :region => 'center', :layout => 'fit' },{ :id => 'main-toolbar', :xtype => 'toolbar', :region => 'north', :height => 25 # :items => ["-"] },{ :id => 'main-statusbar', :xtype => 'statusbar', :region => 'south', :height => 22, :statusAlign => 'right', :busyText => 'Busy...', :default_text => masq.nil? ? "Ready #{"(config mode)" if session[:config_mode]}" : "Masquerading as #{masq}", :default_icon_cls => "" }] end def self.js_extend_properties { :layout => 'border', :panels => js_panels, :init_component => <<-END_OF_JAVASCRIPT.l, function(){ this.items = this.panels; // a bit weird, but working; can't assign it straight #{js_full_class_name}; // If we are given a token, load the corresponding widget, otherwise load the last loaded widget var currentToken = Ext.History.getToken(); if (currentToken != "") { this.processHistory(currentToken); } else { var lastLoaded = this.initialConfig.widgetToLoad; // passed from the server if (lastLoaded) Ext.History.add(lastLoaded); } Ext.History.on('change', this.processHistory, this); // Hosted menus this.menus = {}; // Setting the "busy" indicator for Ajax requests Ext.Ajax.on('beforerequest', function(){this.findById('main-statusbar').showBusy()}, this); Ext.Ajax.on('requestcomplete', function(){this.findById('main-statusbar').hideBusy()}, this); Ext.Ajax.on('requestexception', function(){this.findById('main-statusbar').hideBusy()}, this); // Initialize history Ext.History.init(); } END_OF_JAVASCRIPT :host_menu => <<-END_OF_JAVASCRIPT.l, function(menu, owner){ var toolbar = this.findById('main-toolbar'); if (!this.menus[]) this.menus[] = []; Ext.each(menu, function(item) { // var newMenu = new Ext.Toolbar.Button(item); // var position = toolbar.items.getCount() - 2; // position = position < 0 ? 0 : position; // toolbar.insertButton(position, newMenu); toolbar.add(item); // this.menus[].push(newMenu); // TODO: remember the menus from this owner in some other way }, this); } END_OF_JAVASCRIPT :unhost_menu => <<-END_OF_JAVASCRIPT.l, function(owner){ // var toolbar = this.findById('main-toolbar'); // if (this.menus[]) { // Ext.each(this.menus[], function(menu){ // toolbar.items.remove(menu); // remove the item from the toolbar // menu.destroy(); // ... and destroy it // }); // } } END_OF_JAVASCRIPT :on_login => <<-END_OF_JAVASCRIPT.l, function(){ window.location = "/login" } END_OF_JAVASCRIPT :on_logout => <<-END_OF_JAVASCRIPT.l, function(){ window.location = "#{config[:logout_url]}" } END_OF_JAVASCRIPT # Event handler for history change :process_history => <<-END_OF_JAVASCRIPT.l, function(token){ if (token){ this.loadAggregatee({id:token, container:'main-panel'}); } else { Ext.getCmp('main-panel').removeChild(); } } END_OF_JAVASCRIPT :instantiate_aggregatee => <<-END_OF_JAVASCRIPT.l, function(config){ this.findById('main-panel').instantiateChild(config); } END_OF_JAVASCRIPT # Loads widget by name :app_load_widget => <<-END_OF_JAVASCRIPT.l, function(name){ Ext.History.add(name); } END_OF_JAVASCRIPT # Loads widget by action :load_widget_by_action => <<-END_OF_JAVASCRIPT.l, function(action){ this.appLoadWidget(action.widget ||; } END_OF_JAVASCRIPT :on_toggle_config_mode => <<-END_OF_JAVASCRIPT.l, function(){ this.toggleConfigMode(); } END_OF_JAVASCRIPT # Masquerade selector window :show_masquerade_selector => <<-END_OF_JAVASCRIPT.l function(){ var w = new Ext.Window({ title: 'Masquerade as', modal: true, width: Ext.lib.Dom.getViewWidth() * 0.6, height: Ext.lib.Dom.getViewHeight() * 0.6, layout: 'fit', closeAction :'destroy', buttons: [{ text: 'Select', handler : function(){ if (role = w.getWidget().masquerade.role) { Ext.Msg.confirm("Masquerading as a role", "Individual preferences for all users with this role will get overwritten as you make changes. Continue?", function(btn){ if (btn === 'yes') { w.close(); } }); } else { w.close(); } }, scope:this },{ text:'As World', handler:function(){ Ext.Msg.confirm("Masquerading as World", "Caution! All settings that you will modify will be overwritten for all roles and all users. Are you sure you know what you're doing?", function(btn){ if (btn === "yes") { this.masquerade = {world:true}; w.close(); } }, this); }, scope:this },{ text:'No masquerading', handler:function(){ this.masquerade = {}; w.close(); }, scope:this },{ text:'Cancel', handler:function(){ w.hide(); }, scope:this }], listeners : {close: {fn: function(){ this.masqueradeAs(this.masquerade || w.getWidget().masquerade || {}); }, scope: this}} });, function(){ this.loadAggregatee({id:"masqueradeSelector",}) }, this); } END_OF_JAVASCRIPT } end # Set the Logout button if Netzke::Base.user is set def menu res = [] user = User.find_by_id(session[:netzke_user_id]) if !user.nil? user_name = user.respond_to?(:name) ? : user.login # try to display user's name, fallback to login res << "->" << { :text => "#{user_name}", :menu => user_menu } else res << "->" << :login end res end def user_menu [:logout] end def initialize(*args) super if session[:netzke_just_logged_in] || session[:netzke_just_logged_out] session[:config_mode] = false session[:masq_world] = session[:masq_user] = session[:masq_roles] = nil end strong_children_config.deep_merge!({:ext_config => {:mode => :config}}) if session[:config_mode] end # # Available actions # def actions { :masquerade_selector => {:text => "Masquerade as ...", :fn => "showMasqueradeSelector"}, :toggle_config_mode => {:text => "#{session[:config_mode] ? "Leave" : "Enter"} config mode"}, :login => {:text => "Login"}, :logout => {:text => "Logout"} } end # Html required for Ext.History to work def js_widget_html super << %Q{
} end # # Interface section # api :toggle_config_mode def toggle_config_mode(params) session = Netzke::Base.session session[:config_mode] = !session[:config_mode] {:js => "window.location.reload();"} end api :masquerade_as def masquerade_as(params) session = Netzke::Base.session session[:masq_world] = params[:world] session[:masq_role] = params[:role] session[:masq_user] = params[:user] {:js => "window.location.reload()"} end end end