#! /usr/bin/env ruby $:.unshift File.expand_path('../../lib',__FILE__) require 'nutcracker' require 'nutcracker/web' require 'optparse' require 'fileutils' require 'socket' require 'open3' options = { stats_port: 22222 } OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.set_summary_indent " " opts.banner = "Usage: nutcracker-web [web-options] -- [nutcracker-options]" opts.separator "" opts.separator "[web-options]" opts.separator "" opts.on("-s", "--stats-port PORT", "Nutcracker stats port - #{options[:stats_port]}") do |v| options[:stats_port] = v.to_i end opts.on("-c","--config FILE", "Nutcracker cluster config file") do |v| options[:config_file] = File.expand_path v end opts.on("-p","--port PORT", "Web interface listening port") do |v| options[:Port] = v.to_i end opts.on("-b","--backend BACKEND", "Web server to use ( needs to be Rack compliant )") do |v| options[:server] = v end opts.on("-d", "--daemonize","run in background") do options[:daemonize] = true end opts.on("-l", "--launch","launch Nutcracker instance as well") do options[:launch_nutcracker] = true end opts.on("-s", "--max-memory SIZE", "manually specify max memory for every redis node ( Use it for elastic cache )") do |v| options[:max_memory] = v end opts.on("-i","--pid FILE","pid file") do |v| options[:pid] = v options[:nutcracker_pid] = v + ".nutcracker" end opts.separator "" opts.separator "[nutcracker-options]" Open3.popen3("nutcracker --help") do |_,_,stderr| opts.separator stderr.read.match(/options:(.*)/msi)[1] end rescue nil end.parse! abort "Please specified nutcracker config file" if options[:config_file].nil? abort "Can't find the specified config file @ #{options[:config_file]}" unless File.exists? options[:config_file] args = ARGV.to_a args << "--stats-port" << options[:stats_port] if options[:pid] args << "--pid-file" << options[:nutcracker_pid] at_exit { options.values_at(:pid,:nutcracker_pid).map(&FileUtils.method(:rm_rf)) } end if options[:daemonize] if RUBY_VERSION < "1.9" exit if fork Process.setsid exit if fork Dir.chdir "/" STDIN.reopen "/dev/null" STDOUT.reopen "/dev/null", "a" STDERR.reopen "/dev/null", "a" else Process.daemon end File.open(options[:pid],'w') { |f| f.write(Process.pid) } rescue nil end if options[:launch_nutcracker] nutcracker = Nutcracker.start(options.merge(args: args)) else if (TCPSocket.new('',options[:stats_port]) rescue nil) nutcracker = Nutcracker.attach(options) else abort "Failed to attach, are you sure that Nutcracker is running ?\n" + "the specified stats port is closed ( #{options[:stats_port]} )\n" + "If you want to launch Nutcracker instance as well use the --launch switch" end end server = nutcracker.use(:web, options) ( options[:launch_nutcracker] ? nutcracker : server ).join