class String # :nodoc: def underscore # :nodoc: self.to_s.gsub(/::/, '/'). gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2'). tr("-", "_"). downcase end def methodize # :nodoc: x = self # if we get down to a nil or an empty string raise an exception! raise"#{self} cannot be converted to a valid method name!") if x.nil? || x == '' # get rid of the big stuff in the front/back x.strip! # if we get down to a nil or an empty string raise an exception! raise"#{self} cannot be converted to a valid method name!") if x.nil? || x == '' x = x.underscore # get rid of spaces and make the _ x.gsub!(' ', '_') # get rid of everything that isn't 'safe' a-z, 0-9, ?, !, =, _ x.gsub!(/([^ a-zA-Z0-9\_\?\!\=]+)/n, '_') # if we get down to a nil or an empty string raise an exception! raise"#{self} cannot be converted to a valid method name!") if x.nil? || x == '' # condense multiple 'safe' non a-z chars to just one. # ie. ___ becomes _ !!!! becomes ! etc... [' ', '_', '?', '!', "="].each do |c| x.squeeze!(c) end # if we get down to a nil or an empty string raise an exception! raise"#{self} cannot be converted to a valid method name!") if x.nil? || x == '' #down case the whole thing x.downcase! # get rid of any characters at the beginning that aren't a-z while !x.match(/^[a-z]/) x.slice!(0) # if we get down to a nil or an empty string raise an exception! raise"#{self} cannot be converted to a valid method name!") if x.nil? || x == '' end # let's trim this bad boy down a bit now that we've cleaned it up, somewhat. # we should do this before cleaning up the end character, because it's possible to end up with a # bad char at the end if you trim too late. x = x[0..100] if x.length > 100 # get rid of any characters at the end that aren't safe while !x.match(/[a-z0-9\?\!\=]$/) x.slice!(x.length - 1) # if we get down to a nil or an empty string raise an exception! raise"#{self} cannot be converted to a valid method name!") if x.nil? || x == '' end # if we get down to a nil or an empty string raise an exception! raise"#{self} cannot be converted to a valid method name!") if x.nil? || x == '' # let's get rid of characters that don't belong in the 'middle' of the method. orig_middle = x[1..(x.length - 2)] n_middle = orig_middle.dup ['?', '!', "="].each do |c| n_middle.gsub!(c, "_") end # the previous gsub can leave us with multiple underscores that need cleaning up. n_middle.squeeze!("_") x.gsub!(orig_middle, n_middle) x.gsub!("_=", "=") x end end