Given /^I am assigned to the project$/ do User.last.has_role!(:developer, Project.last) end Given /^the following projects:$/ do |projects| client = Client.create(:name => 'test', :status => 'test') projects.hashes.each do |hash| Project.create(hash.merge(:client_id => end end When /^I visit the projects index page for a given client$/ do client = Client.create(:name => 'test', :status => 'test') visit projects_path end When /^(?:|I )visit the new project page for a given client$/ do client = Client.create(:name => 'test', :status => 'test') visit new_client_project_path(client) end When /^I delete the (\d+)(?:st|nd|rd|th) project$/ do |pos| visit projects_path within("table tbody tr:nth-child(#{pos.to_i})") do click_link "Destroy" end end Then /^I should see the following projects:$/ do |expected_projects_table| expected_projects_table.diff!(find('table').all('tr').map { |row| row.all('th, td').map { |cell| cell.text.strip } }) end