require 'rspec' require 'abstractivator/trees' require 'json' require 'rails' require 'pp' describe Abstractivator::Trees do include Abstractivator::Trees describe '#tree_map' do context 'when no block is provided' do it 'raises an exception' do expect{ tree_map(hash) }.to raise_error ArgumentError, 'Must provide a transformer block' end end it 'handles both string and symbol keys' do h = {:a => 1, 'b' => 2} result = tree_map(h) do |t| t.when('a') {|v| v + 10} t.when('b') {|v| v + 10} end expect(result).to eql({:a => 11, 'b' => 12}) end it 'replaces primitive-type hash fields' do h = {'a' => 1} result = transform_one_path(h, 'a') { 2 } expect(result).to eql({'a' => 2}) end it 'replaces nil hash fields' do h = {'a' => nil} result = transform_one_path(h, 'a') {|v| v.to_s} expect(result).to eql({'a' => ''}) end it 'replaces hash-type hash fields' do h = {'a' => {'b' => 1}} result = transform_one_path(h, 'a') { {'z' => 99} } expect(result).to eql({'a' => {'z' => 99}}) end it 'replaces array-type hash fields' do h = {'a' => [1,2,3]} result = transform_one_path(h, 'a') {|v| v.reverse} expect(result).to eql({'a' => [3,2,1]}) end it 'replaces primitive-type hash members' do h = {'a' => {'b' => 'foo', 'c' => 'bar'}} result = transform_one_path(h, 'a{}') {|v| v.reverse} expect(result).to eql({'a' => {'b' => 'oof', 'c' => 'rab'}}) end it 'replaces hash-type hash members' do h = {'a' => {'b' => {'x' => 88}, 'c' => {'x' => 88}}} result = transform_one_path(h, 'a{}') {|v| {'y' => 99}} expect(result).to eql({'a' => {'b' => {'y' => 99}, 'c' => {'y' => 99}}}) end it 'replaces array-type hash members' do h = {'a' => {'b' => [1,2,3], 'c' => [4,5,6]}} result = transform_one_path(h, 'a{}') {|v| v.reverse} expect(result).to eql({'a' => {'b' => [3,2,1], 'c' => [6,5,4]}}) end it 'replaces primitive-type array members' do h = {'a' => [1, 2]} result = transform_one_path(h, 'a[]') {|v| v + 10} expect(result).to eql({'a' => [11, 12]}) end it 'replaces hash-type array members' do h = {'a' => [{'b' => 1}, {'c' => 2}]} result = transform_one_path(h, 'a[]') { {'z' => 99} } expect(result).to eql({'a' => [{'z' => 99}, {'z' => 99}]}) end it 'replaces array-type array members' do h = {'a' => [[1,2,3], [4,5,6]]} result = transform_one_path(h, 'a[]') {|v| v.reverse} expect(result).to eql({'a' => [[3,2,1], [6,5,4]]}) end context 'when replacing array members' do it 'allows the array to be nil' do h = {'a' => nil} result = transform_one_path(h, 'a[]') {|v| v + 1} expect(result).to eql({'a' => nil}) end end context 'when replacing hash members' do it 'allows the hash to be nil' do h = {'a' => nil} result = transform_one_path(h, 'a{}') {|v| v + 1} expect(result).to eql({'a' => nil}) end end context 'mutation' do before(:each) do @old = {'a' => {'x' => 1, 'y' => 2}, 'b' => {'x' => 17, 'y' => 23}} @new = transform_one_path(@old,'a') {|v| v['z'] = v['x'] + v['y'] v } end it 'does not mutate the input' do expect(@old).to eql({'a' => {'x' => 1, 'y' => 2}, 'b' => {'x' => 17, 'y' => 23}}) expect(@new).to eql({'a' => {'x' => 1, 'y' => 2, 'z' => 3}, 'b' => {'x' => 17, 'y' => 23}}) end it 'preserves unmodified substructure' do expect(@old['a'].equal?(@new['a'])).to be_falsey expect(@old['b'].equal?(@new['b'])).to be_truthy end #TODO: create a generic json file to use for this test # it 'really does not mutate the input' do # old = JSON.parse('assay.json')) # old2 = old.deep_dup # tree_map(old) do |t| # t.when('compound_methods/calibration/normalizers[]') {|v| v.to_s.reverse} # t.when('compound_methods/calibration/responses[]') {|v| v.to_s.reverse} # t.when('compound_methods/rule_settings{}') {|v| v.to_s.reverse} # t.when('compound_methods/chromatogram_methods/rule_settings{}') {|v| v.to_s.reverse} # t.when('compound_methods/chromatogram_methods/peak_integration/retention_time') do |ret_time| # if ret_time['reference_type_source'] == 'chromatogram' # ret_time['reference'] = ret_time['reference'].to_s.reverse # end # ret_time # end # end # expect(old).to eql old2 # end end def transform_one_path(h, path, &block) tree_map(h) do |t| t.when(path, &block) end end end describe '#recursive_delete!' do it 'deletes keys in the root hash' do h = {a: 1, b: 2} recursive_delete!(h, [:a]) expect(h).to eql({b: 2}) end it 'deletes keys in sub hashes' do h = {a: 1, b: {c: 3, d: 4}} recursive_delete!(h, [:c]) expect(h).to eql({a: 1, b: {d: 4}}) end it 'deletes keys in hashes inside arrays' do h = {a: [{b: 1, c: 2}, {b: 3, c: 4}]} recursive_delete!(h, [:b]) expect(h).to eql({a: [{c: 2}, {c: 4}]}) end end describe '#tree_compare' do extend Abstractivator::Trees def self.example(description, values) it description do tree, mask, expected = values[:tree], values[:mask], values[:result] expect(tree_compare(tree, mask)).to eql expected end end example 'returns an empty list if the tree is comparable to the mask', tree: {a: 1}, mask: {a: 1}, result: [] example 'only requires the mask to match a subtree', tree: {a: 1, b: 1}, mask: {a: 1}, result: [] example 'returns a list of differences', tree: {a: 1, b: {c: [8, 8]}}, mask: {a: 2, b: {c: [8, 9]}}, result: [{path: 'a', tree: 1, mask: 2}, {path: 'b/c/1', tree: 8, mask: 9}] example 'returns a list of differences for missing values', tree: {}, mask: {a: 2, b: nil}, result: [{path: 'a', tree: :__missing__, mask: 2}, {path: 'b', tree: :__missing__, mask: nil}] example 'compares hash values', tree: {a: 1}, mask: {a: 2}, result: [{path: 'a', tree: 1, mask: 2}] example 'compares array values', tree: {a: [1, 2]}, mask: {a: [1, 3]}, result: [{path: 'a/1', tree: 2, mask: 3}] example 'compares with predicates', tree: {a: 1}, mask: {a: proc {|x| x.even?}}, result: [{path: 'a', tree: 1, mask: 'proc { |x| x.even? }'}] example 'compares with predicates (degrades gracefully when source code is unavailable)', tree: {a: 1}, mask: {a: :even?.to_proc}, result: [{path: 'a', tree: 1, mask: :__predicate__}] it 'compares with predicates (lets non-sourcify errors through)' do expect{tree_compare({a: 1}, {a: proc { raise 'oops' }})}.to raise_error end example 'can ensure values are absent with :-', tree: {a: 1}, mask: {a: :-}, result: [{path: 'a', tree: 1, mask: :__absent__}] example 'can check for any value being present with :+', tree: {a: 1, b: [1, 2, 3]}, mask: {a: :+, b: [1, :+, 3]}, result: [] context 'when comparing arrays' do example 'reports the tree being shorter', tree: {a: [1]}, mask: {a: [1, 2]}, result: [{path: 'a/1', tree: :__missing__, mask: [2]}] example 'reports the mask being shorter', tree: {a: [1, 2]}, mask: {a: [1]}, result: [{path: 'a/1', tree: [2], mask: :__absent__}] example 'can allow arbitrary tails with :*', tree: {a: [1, 2, 3], b: [1], c: [2]}, mask: {a: [1, :*], b: [1, :*], c: [1, :*]}, result: [{path: 'c/0', tree: 2, mask: 1}] end context 'when comparing sets' do def self.get_name ->(x){ x[:name] } end example 'allows out-of-order arrays', tree: {set: [{id: 2, name: 'b'}, {id: 1, name: 'a'}]}, mask: {set: set_mask([{id: 1, name: 'a'}, {id: 2, name: 'b'}], get_name)}, result: [] example 'reports missing set attribute in the tree', tree: {}, mask: {set: set_mask([{id: 1, name: 'a'}], get_name)}, result: [{path: 'set', tree: :__missing__, mask: [{id: 1, name: 'a'}]}] example 'reports missing items in the tree', tree: {set: []}, mask: {set: set_mask([{id: 1, name: 'a'}], get_name)}, result: [{path: 'set/a', tree: :__missing__, mask: {id: 1, name: 'a'}}] example 'reports extra items in the tree', tree: {set: [{id: 1, name: 'a'}]}, mask: {set: set_mask([], get_name)}, result: [{path: 'set/a', tree: {id: 1, name: 'a'}, mask: :__absent__}] example 'reports duplicate keys in the tree', tree: {set: [{id: 1, name: 'a'}, {id: 2, name: 'a'}]}, mask: {set: set_mask([:*], get_name)}, result: [{path: 'set', tree: [:__duplicate_keys__, ['a']], mask: nil}] example 'reports duplicate keys in the mask', tree: {set: [{id: 1, name: 'a'}]}, mask: {set: set_mask([{id: 1, name: 'a'}, {id: 2, name: 'a'}], get_name)}, result: [{path: 'set', tree: nil, mask: [:__duplicate_keys__, ['a']]}] example 'can test for only a subset', tree: {set: [{id: 1, name: 'a'}, {id: 2, name: 'b'}]}, mask: {set: set_mask([{id: 2, name: 'b'}, :*], get_name)}, result: [] end context 'reports mismatched types' do example 'hash for primitive', tree: {a: {b: 1}}, mask: {a: 1}, result: [{path: 'a', tree: {b: 1}, mask: 1}] example 'primitive for hash', tree: {a: 1}, mask: {a: {b: 1}}, result: [{path: 'a', tree: 1, mask: {b: 1}}] example 'array for primitive', tree: {a: [1, 2]}, mask: {a: 1}, result: [{path: 'a', tree: [1, 2], mask: 1}] example 'primitive for array', tree: {a: 1}, mask: {a: [1, 2]}, result: [{path: 'a', tree: 1, mask: [1, 2]}] example 'primitive for set', tree: {set: 1}, mask: {set: set_mask([{x: 1}], ->(item) { item[:x] })}, result: [{path: 'set', tree: 1, mask: [{x: 1}]}] end end end