Feedback Stats
<%= form_tag({}, {:method => :get}) do %>
<% end %>
<%= @feedbacks.positive.count %>
Positive Feedbacks
<%= @feedbacks.neutral.count %>
Neutral Feedbacks
<%= @feedbacks.negative.count %>
Negative Feedbacks
<%= ((@feedbacks.positive.count.to_f / @feedbacks.count.to_f) * 100).round(1) %>%
Percent Positive
<%= column_chart(
{ name: 'Positive', color: '#32BA86', data: @feedbacks.positive.group_by_week('feedback_feedbacks.created_at').count },
{ name: 'Neutral', color: '#e1e2e6', data: @feedbacks.neutral.group_by_week('feedback_feedbacks.created_at').count },
{ name: 'Negative', color: '#ea5353', data: @feedbacks.negative.group_by_week('feedback_feedbacks.created_at').count },
stacked: true, defer: true
) %>
all = @feedbacks.group_by_month('feedback_feedbacks.created_at').count
positive = @feedbacks.positive.group_by_month('feedback_feedbacks.created_at').count
neutral = @feedbacks.neutral.group_by_month('feedback_feedbacks.created_at').count
negative = @feedbacks.negative.group_by_month('feedback_feedbacks.created_at').count
all.each do |date, count|
if count === 0
# Remove entries that had no feedbacks
[all, positive, neutral, negative].each { |h| h.delete(date) } unless count == 0
# Otherwise ensure that both positive and negative have values
positive[date] = 0 unless positive[date]
neutral[date] = 0 unless neutral[date]
negative[date] = 0 unless negative[date]
# Convert values to percentages
positive[date] = ((positive[date].to_f / count.to_f) * 100).round(1)
neutral[date] = ((neutral[date].to_f / count.to_f) * 100).round(1)
negative[date] = ((negative[date].to_f / count.to_f) * 100).round(1)
Feedback split percent by month
<%= column_chart(
{ name: 'Positive', color: '#32BA86', data: positive },
{ name: 'Neutral', color: '#e1e2e6', data: neutral },
{ name: 'Negative', color: '#ea5353', data: negative },
stacked: true, defer: true
) %>
Worst Performing Content
<%= render 'performance_table', resources: Feedback::Resource.worst_performing.first(5) %>
Best Performing Content
<%= render 'performance_table', resources: Feedback::Resource.best_performing.first(5) %>