# Be nice to other library systems, like the wonderful Rip require 'rubygems' unless ENV['NO_RUBYGEMS'] # We're riding on Sinatra, so let's include it require 'sinatra/base' module Middleman class Base < Sinatra::Base set :app_file, __FILE__ set :root, Dir.pwd set :reload, false set :logging, false set :environment, ENV['MM_ENV'] || :development set :supported_formats, %w(erb) set :index_file, "index.html" set :js_dir, "javascripts" set :css_dir, "stylesheets" set :images_dir, "images" set :build_dir, "build" set :http_prefix, nil use Rack::ConditionalGet if environment == :development @@features = [] def self.enable(*opts) @@features << opts super end def self.disable(*opts) @@features -= opts super end @@afters = [] def self.after_feature_init(&block) @@afters << block end # Rack helper for adding mime-types during local preview def self.mime(ext, type) ext = ".#{ext}" unless ext.to_s[0] == ?. ::Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES[ext.to_s] = type end # Convenience function to discover if a tempalte exists for the requested renderer (haml, sass, etc) def template_exists?(path, renderer=nil) template_path = path.dup template_path << ".#{renderer}" if renderer File.exists? File.join(options.views, template_path) end # Base case renderer (do nothing), Should be over-ridden module StaticRender def render_path(path) if template_exists?(path, :erb) erb(path.to_sym) else false end end end include StaticRender # This will match all requests not overridden in the project's init.rb not_found do # Normalize the path and add index if we're looking at a directory path = request.path path << options.index_file if path.match(%r{/$}) path.gsub!(%r{^/}, '') # layout(:"layout.html") # Insert the .html into the layout name like the rest of the templates # If the enabled renderers succeed, return the content, mime-type and an HTTP 200 if content = render_path(path) content_type media_type(File.extname(path)), :charset => 'utf-8' status 200 content else status 404 end end end end # Haml is required & includes helpers require "middleman/haml" require "middleman/sass" require "sinatra/content_for" require "middleman/helpers" require "middleman/rack/static" require "middleman/rack/sprockets" class Middleman::Base helpers Sinatra::ContentFor helpers Middleman::Helpers use Middleman::Rack::Static use Middleman::Rack::Sprockets # Features disabled by default disable :slickmap disable :cache_buster disable :minify_css disable :minify_javascript disable :relative_assets disable :maruku disable :smush_pngs disable :automatic_image_sizes # Default build features configure :build do enable :relative_assets enable :cache_buster end def self.new(*args, &bk) # Check for and evaluate local configuration local_config = File.join(self.root, "init.rb") if File.exists? local_config puts "== Reading: Local config" if logging? class_eval File.read(local_config) set :app_file, File.expand_path(local_config) end # loop over enabled feature @@features.flatten.each do |feature_name| next unless send(:"#{feature_name}?") feature_path = "features/#{feature_name}" if File.exists? File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "#{feature_path}.rb") puts "== Enabling: #{feature_name.to_s.capitalize}" if logging? require "middleman/#{feature_path}" end end @@afters.each { |block| class_eval(&block) } super end end