class Eye::Config attr_reader :settings, :applications def initialize(settings = {}, applications = {}) @settings = settings @applications = applications end def merge(other_config) new_settings = {} Eye::Utils.deep_merge!(new_settings, @settings) Eye::Utils.deep_merge!(new_settings, other_config.settings), @applications.merge(other_config.applications)) end def merge!(other_config) Eye::Utils.deep_merge!(@settings, other_config.settings) @applications.merge!(other_config.applications) end def to_h h = {} h[:settings] = @settings if Eye.respond_to?(:parsed_default_app) d = Eye.parsed_default_app h[:defaults] = d ? d.config : {} end h[:applications] = @applications h end # raise an error if config wrong def validate!(validate_apps = []) # Check blank pid_files no_pid_file = [] each_process { |c| no_pid_file << c if c[:pid_file].blank? } if no_pid_file.any? raise Eye::Dsl::Error, "blank pid_file for: #{ { |c| c[:name] } * ', '}" end # Check duplicates of the full pid_file dupl_pids = each_process do |o| ex_pid_file = Eye::System.normalized_file(o[:pid_file], o[:working_dir]) dupl_pids[ex_pid_file] += 1 end dupl_pids = { |_, v| v > 1 } if dupl_pids.any? raise Eye::Dsl::Error, "duplicate pid_files: #{dupl_pids.inspect}" end # Check duplicates of the full_name dupl_names = each_process do |o| full_name = "#{o[:application]}:#{o[:group]}:#{o[:name]}" dupl_names[full_name] += 1 end dupl_names = { |_, v| v > 1 } if dupl_names.any? raise Eye::Dsl::Error, "duplicate names: #{dupl_names.inspect}" end # validate processes with their own validate each_process do |process_cfg| Eye::Process.validate process_cfg, validate_apps.include?(process_cfg[:application]) end # just to be sure ENV was not removed ENV[''] rescue raise Eye::Dsl::Error, "ENV is not a hash '#{ENV.inspect}'" end def transform! # transform syslog option each_process do |process| out = process[:stdout] && process[:stdout].start_with?(':syslog') err = process[:stderr] && process[:stderr].start_with?(':syslog') next unless err || out redir = err ? '2>&1' : '' process[:stdout] = nil if out process[:stderr] = nil if err escaped_start_command = process[:start_command].to_s.gsub(%{"}, %{\\"}) names = [process[:application], process[:group] == '__default__' ? nil : process[:group], process[:name]].compact logger = "logger -t \"#{names.join(':')}\"" process[:start_command] = %{sh -c "#{escaped_start_command} #{redir} | #{logger}"} process[:use_leaf_child] = true if process[:daemonize] end end def each_process(&block) applications.each_value do |app_cfg| (app_cfg[:groups] || {}).each_value do |gr_cfg| (gr_cfg[:processes] || {}).each_value(&block) end end end def application_names applications.keys end def delete_app(name) applications.delete(name) end def delete_group(name) applications.each do |_app_name, app_cfg| (app_cfg[:groups] || {}).delete(name) end end def delete_process(name) applications.each do |_app_name, app_cfg| (app_cfg[:groups] || {}).each do |_gr_name, gr_cfg| (gr_cfg[:processes] || {}).delete(name) end end end end