###* Modal dialogs ============= Instead of [linking to a page fragment](/up.link), you can choose to show a fragment in a modal dialog. The existing page will remain open in the background and reappear once the modal is closed. To open a modal, add an [`up-modal` attribute](/up-modal) to a link, or call the Javascript functions [`up.modal.follow`](/up.modal.follow) and [`up.modal.visit`](/up.modal.visit). For smaller popup overlays ("dropdowns") see [up.popup](/up.popup) instead. \#\#\#\# Customizing the dialog design Loading the Unpoly stylesheet will give you a minimal dialog design: - Dialog contents are displayed in a white box that is centered vertically and horizontally. - There is a a subtle box shadow around the dialog - The box will grow to fit the dialog contents, but never grow larger than the screen - The box is placed over a semi-transparent background to dim the rest of the page - There is a button to close the dialog in the top-right corner The easiest way to change how the dialog looks is by overriding the [default CSS styles](https://github.com/unpoly/unpoly/blob/master/lib/assets/stylesheets/up/modal.css.sass). By default the dialog uses the following DOM structure:
If you want to change the design beyond CSS, you can configure Unpoly to [use a different HTML structure](/up.modal.config). \#\#\#\# Closing behavior By default the dialog automatically closes *when a link inside a modal changes a fragment behind the modal*. This is useful to have the dialog interact with the page that opened it, e.g. by updating parts of a larger form or by signing in a user and revealing additional information. To disable this behavior, give the opening link an `up-sticky` attribute: Settings @class up.modal ### up.modal = (($) -> u = up.util ###* Sets default options for future modals. @property up.modal.config @param {String} [config.history=true] Whether opening a modal will add a browser history entry. @param {Number} [config.width] The width of the dialog as a CSS value like `'400px'` or `50%`. Defaults to `undefined`, meaning that the dialog will grow to fit its contents until it reaches `config.maxWidth`. Leaving this as `undefined` will also allow you to control the width using CSS on `.up-modal-dialog´. @param {Number} [config.maxWidth] The width of the dialog as a CSS value like `'400px'` or `50%`. You can set this to `undefined` to make the dialog fit its contents. Be aware however, that e.g. Bootstrap stretches input elements to `width: 100%`, meaning the dialog will also stretch to the full width of the screen. @param {Number} [config.height='auto'] The height of the dialog in pixels. Defaults to `undefined`, meaning that the dialog will grow to fit its contents. @param {String|Function(config)} [config.template] A string containing the HTML structure of the modal. You can supply an alternative template string, but make sure that it defines tag with the classes `up-modal`, `up-modal-dialog` and `up-modal-content`. You can also supply a function that returns a HTML string. The function will be called with the modal options (merged from these defaults and any per-open overrides) whenever a modal opens. @param {String} [config.closeLabel='X'] The label of the button that closes the dialog. @param {String} [config.openAnimation='fade-in'] The animation used to open the viewport around the dialog. @param {String} [config.closeAnimation='fade-out'] The animation used to close the viewport the dialog. @param {String} [config.backdropOpenAnimation='fade-in'] The animation used to open the backdrop that dims the page below the dialog. @param {String} [config.backdropCloseAnimation='fade-out'] The animation used to close the backdrop that dims the page below the dialog. @param {String} [config.openDuration] The duration of the open animation (in milliseconds). @param {String} [config.closeDuration] The duration of the close animation (in milliseconds). @param {String} [config.openEasing] The timing function controlling the acceleration of the opening animation. @param {String} [config.closeEasing] The timing function controlling the acceleration of the closing animation. @param {Boolean} [options.sticky=false] If set to `true`, the modal remains open even it changes the page in the background. @stable ### config = u.config maxWidth: null minWidth: null width: null height: null history: true openAnimation: 'fade-in' closeAnimation: 'fade-out' openDuration: null closeDuration: null openEasing: null closeEasing: null backdropOpenAnimation: 'fade-in' backdropCloseAnimation: 'fade-out' closeLabel: '×' flavors: { default: {} } template: (config) -> """
""" ###* Returns the source URL for the fragment displayed in the current modal overlay, or `undefined` if no modal is currently open. @function up.modal.url @return {String} the source URL @stable ### currentUrl = undefined currentFlavor = undefined ###* Returns the URL of the page behind the modal overlay. @function up.modal.coveredUrl @return {String} @experimental ### coveredUrl = -> $('.up-modal').attr('up-covered-url') reset = -> # Destroy the modal container regardless whether it's currently in a closing animation close(animation: false) currentUrl = undefined currentFlavor = undefined config.reset() templateHtml = -> template = flavorDefault('template') if u.isFunction(template) template(config) else template discardHistory = -> $modal = $('.up-modal') $modal.removeAttr('up-covered-url') $modal.removeAttr('up-covered-title') createFrame = (target, options) -> promise = u.resolvedPromise() if isOpen() promise = promise.then -> close() promise = promise.then -> currentFlavor = options.flavor $modal = $(templateHtml()) $modal.attr('up-flavor', currentFlavor) $modal.attr('up-sticky', '') if options.sticky $modal.attr('up-covered-url', up.browser.url()) $modal.attr('up-covered-title', document.title) $dialog = $modal.find('.up-modal-dialog') $dialog.css('width', options.width) if u.isPresent(options.width) $dialog.css('max-width', options.maxWidth) if u.isPresent(options.maxWidth) $dialog.css('height', options.height) if u.isPresent(options.height) $content = $modal.find('.up-modal-content') # Create an empty element that will match the # selector that is being replaced. u.$createPlaceholder(target, $content) $modal.appendTo(document.body) return promise unshifters = [] # Gives `` a right padding in the width of a scrollbar. # Also gives elements anchored to the right side of the screen # an increased `right`. # # This is to prevent the body and elements from jumping when we add the # modal overlay, which has its own scroll bar. # This is screwed up, but Bootstrap does the same. shiftElements = -> return if unshifters.length > 0 if u.documentHasVerticalScrollbar() $body = $('body') scrollbarWidth = u.scrollbarWidth() bodyRightPadding = parseInt($body.css('padding-right')) bodyRightShift = scrollbarWidth + bodyRightPadding unshiftBody = u.temporaryCss($body, 'padding-right': "#{bodyRightShift}px", 'overflow-y': 'hidden' ) unshifters.push(unshiftBody) up.layout.anchoredRight().each -> $element = $(this) elementRight = parseInt($element.css('right')) elementRightShift = scrollbarWidth + elementRight unshifter = u.temporaryCss($element, 'right': elementRightShift) unshifters.push(unshifter) # Reverts the effects of `shiftElements`. unshiftElements = -> unshifter() while unshifter = unshifters.pop() ###* Returns whether a modal is currently open. This also returns `true` if the modal is in an opening or closing animation. @function up.modal.isOpen @stable ### isOpen = -> $('.up-modal').length > 0 ###* Opens the given link's destination in a modal overlay: var $link = $('...'); up.modal.follow($link); Any option attributes for [`a[up-modal]`](/a.up-modal) will be honored. Emits events [`up:modal:open`](/up:modal:open) and [`up:modal:opened`](/up:modal:opened). @function up.modal.follow @param {Element|jQuery|String} linkOrSelector The link to follow. @param {String} [options.target] The selector to extract from the response and open in a modal dialog. @param {Number} [options.width] The width of the dialog in pixels. By [default](/up.modal.config) the dialog will grow to fit its contents. @param {Number} [options.height] The width of the dialog in pixels. By [default](/up.modal.config) the dialog will grow to fit its contents. @param {Boolean} [options.sticky=false] If set to `true`, the modal remains open even it changes the page in the background. @param {String} [options.confirm] A message that will be displayed in a cancelable confirmation dialog before the modal is being opened. @param {Object} [options.history=true] Whether to add a browser history entry for the modal's source URL. @param {String} [options.animation] The animation to use when opening the modal. @param {Number} [options.duration] The duration of the animation. See [`up.animate`](/up.animate). @param {Number} [options.delay] The delay before the animation starts. See [`up.animate`](/up.animate). @param {String} [options.easing] The timing function that controls the animation's acceleration. [`up.animate`](/up.animate). @return {Promise} A promise that will be resolved when the modal has been loaded and the opening animation has completed. @stable ### follow = (linkOrSelector, options) -> options = u.options(options) options.$link = $(linkOrSelector) open(options) ###* Opens a modal for the given URL. Example: up.modal.visit('/foo', { target: '.list' }); This will request `/foo`, extract the `.list` selector from the response and open the selected container in a modal dialog. Emits events [`up:modal:open`](/up:modal:open) and [`up:modal:opened`](/up:modal:opened). @function up.modal.visit @param {String} url The URL to load. @param {String} options.target The CSS selector to extract from the response. The extracted content will be placed into the dialog window. @param {Object} options See options for [`up.modal.follow`](/up.modal.follow). @return {Promise} A promise that will be resolved when the modal has been loaded and the opening animation has completed. @stable ### visit = (url, options) -> options = u.options(options) options.url = url open(options) ###* [Extracts](/up.extract) the given CSS selector from the given HTML string and opens the results in a modal. Example: var html = 'before
after'; up.modal.extract('/foo', '.content', html); The would open a modal with the following contents:
Emits events [`up:modal:open`](/up:modal:open) and [`up:modal:opened`](/up:modal:opened). @function up.modal.extract @param {String} url The URL to load. @param {Object} options See options for [`up.modal.follow`](/up.modal.follow). @return {Promise} A promise that will be resolved when the modal has been opened and the opening animation has completed. @stable ### extract = (selector, html, options) -> options = u.options(options) options.html = html options.history = u.option(options.history, false) options.target = selector open(options) ###* @function open @internal ### open = (options) -> options = u.options(options) $link = u.option(u.pluckKey(options, '$link'), u.nullJQuery()) url = u.option(u.pluckKey(options, 'url'), $link.attr('up-href'), $link.attr('href')) html = u.option(u.pluckKey(options, 'html')) target = u.option(u.pluckKey(options, 'target'), $link.attr('up-modal'), 'body') options.flavor = u.option(options.flavor, $link.attr('up-flavor')) options.width = u.option(options.width, $link.attr('up-width'), flavorDefault('width', options.flavor)) options.maxWidth = u.option(options.maxWidth, $link.attr('up-max-width'), flavorDefault('maxWidth', options.flavor)) options.height = u.option(options.height, $link.attr('up-height'), flavorDefault('height')) options.animation = u.option(options.animation, $link.attr('up-animation'), flavorDefault('openAnimation', options.flavor)) options.backdropAnimation = u.option(options.backdropAnimation, $link.attr('up-backdrop-animation'), flavorDefault('backdropOpenAnimation', options.flavor)) options.sticky = u.option(options.sticky, u.castedAttr($link, 'up-sticky'), flavorDefault('sticky', options.flavor)) options.confirm = u.option(options.confirm, $link.attr('up-confirm')) animateOptions = up.motion.animateOptions(options, $link, duration: flavorDefault('openDuration', options.flavor), easing: flavorDefault('openEasing', options.flavor)) # Although we usually fall back to full page loads if a browser doesn't support pushState, # in the case of modals we assume that the developer would rather see a dialog # without an URL update. options.history = u.option(options.history, u.castedAttr($link, 'up-history'), flavorDefault('history', options.flavor)) options.history = false unless up.browser.canPushState() up.browser.confirm(options).then -> if up.bus.nobodyPrevents('up:modal:open', url: url, message: 'Opening modal') options.beforeSwap = -> createFrame(target, options) extractOptions = u.merge(options, animation: false) if html promise = up.extract(target, html, extractOptions) else promise = up.replace(target, url, extractOptions) promise = promise.then -> shiftElements() promise = promise.then -> animate(options.animation, options.backdropAnimation, animateOptions) promise = promise.then -> up.emit('up:modal:opened', message: 'Modal opened') promise else # Although someone prevented opening the modal, keep a uniform API for # callers by returning a Deferred that will never be resolved. u.unresolvablePromise() ###* This event is [emitted](/up.emit) when a modal dialog is starting to open. @event up:modal:open @param event.preventDefault() Event listeners may call this method to prevent the modal from opening. @stable ### ###* This event is [emitted](/up.emit) when a modal dialog has finished opening. @event up:modal:opened @stable ### ###* Closes a currently opened modal overlay. Does nothing if no modal is currently open. Emits events [`up:modal:close`](/up:modal:close) and [`up:modal:closed`](/up:modal:closed). @function up.modal.close @param {Object} options See options for [`up.animate`](/up.animate) @return {Promise} A promise that will be resolved once the modal's close animation has finished. @stable ### close = (options) -> options = u.options(options) $modal = $('.up-modal') if $modal.length if up.bus.nobodyPrevents('up:modal:close', $element: $modal, message: 'Closing modal') viewportCloseAnimation = u.option(options.animation, flavorDefault('closeAnimation')) backdropCloseAnimation = u.option(options.backdropAnimation, flavorDefault('backdropCloseAnimation')) animateOptions = up.motion.animateOptions(options, duration: flavorDefault('closeDuration'), easing: flavorDefault('closeEasing')) promise = u.resolvedPromise() promise = promise.then -> animate(viewportCloseAnimation, backdropCloseAnimation, animateOptions) promise = promise.then -> destroyOptions = u.options( u.except(options, 'animation', 'duration', 'easing', 'delay'), url: $modal.attr('up-covered-url') title: $modal.attr('up-covered-title') ) # currentUrl must be deleted *before* calling up.destroy, # since up.navigation listens to up:fragment:destroyed and then # re-assigns .up-current classes. currentUrl = undefined return up.destroy($modal, destroyOptions) promise = promise.then -> unshiftElements() currentFlavor = undefined up.emit('up:modal:closed', message: 'Modal closed') promise else # Although someone prevented the destruction, keep a uniform API # for callers by returning a promise that will never be resolved. u.unresolvablePromise() else u.resolvedPromise() markAsAnimating = (state = true) -> $('.up-modal').toggleClass('up-modal-animating', state) animate = (viewportAnimation, backdropAnimation, animateOptions) -> # If we're not animating the dialog, don't animate the backdrop either if up.motion.isNone(viewportAnimation) u.resolvedPromise() else markAsAnimating() promise = $.when( up.animate($('.up-modal-viewport'), viewportAnimation, animateOptions), up.animate($('.up-modal-backdrop'), backdropAnimation, animateOptions) ) promise = promise.then -> markAsAnimating(false) promise ###* This event is [emitted](/up.emit) when a modal dialog is starting to [close](/up.modal.close). @event up:modal:close @param event.preventDefault() Event listeners may call this method to prevent the modal from closing. @stable ### ###* This event is [emitted](/up.emit) when a modal dialog is done [closing](/up.modal.close). @event up:modal:closed @stable ### autoclose = -> unless $('.up-modal').is('[up-sticky]') discardHistory() close() ###* Returns whether the given element or selector is contained within the current modal. @function up.modal.contains @param {String} elementOrSelector @stable ### contains = (elementOrSelector) -> $element = $(elementOrSelector) $element.closest('.up-modal').length > 0 ###* Register a new modal variant with its own default configuration, CSS or HTML template. \#\#\#\# Example Let's implement a drawer that slides in from the right: up.modal.flavor('drawer', { openAnimation: 'move-from-right', closeAnimation: 'move-to-right', maxWidth: 400 } Modals with that flavor will have a container `
`. We can target the `up-flavor` attribute override the default dialog styles: .up-modal[up-flavor='drawer'] { // Align drawer on the right .up-modal-viewport { text-align: right; } // Remove margin so the drawer starts at the screen edge .up-modal-dialog { margin: 0; } // Stretch drawer background to full window height .up-modal-content { min-height: 100vh; } } @function up.modal.flavor @param {String} name The name of the new flavor. @param {Object} [overrideConfig] An object whose properties override the defaults in [`/up.modal.config`](/up.modal.config). @experimental ### flavor = (name, overrideConfig = {}) -> u.extend(flavorOverrides(name), overrideConfig) ###* Returns a config object for the given flavor. Properties in that config should be preferred to the defaults in [`/up.modal.config`](/up.modal.config). @function flavorOverrides @internal ### flavorOverrides = (flavor) -> config.flavors[flavor] ||= {} ###* Returns the config option for the current flavor. @function flavorDefault @internal ### flavorDefault = (key, flavorName = currentFlavor) -> value = flavorOverrides(flavorName)[key] if flavorName value = config[key] if u.isMissing(value) value ###* Clicking this link will load the destination via AJAX and open the given selector in a modal dialog. Example: Switch blog Clicking would request the path `/blog` and select `.blog-list` from the HTML response. Unpoly will dim the page with an overlay and place the matching `.blog-list` tag will be placed in a modal dialog. @selector [up-modal] @param {String} [up-confirm] A message that will be displayed in a cancelable confirmation dialog before the modal is opened. @param {String} [up-sticky] If set to `"true"`, the modal remains open even if the page changes in the background. @param {String} [up-animation] The animation to use when opening the viewport containing the dialog. @param {String} [up-backdrop-animation] The animation to use when opening the backdrop that dims the page below the dialog. @param {String} [up-height] The width of the dialog in pixels. By [default](/up.modal.config) the dialog will grow to fit its contents. @param {String} [up-width] The width of the dialog in pixels. By [default](/up.modal.config) the dialog will grow to fit its contents. @param {String} [up-history="true"] Whether to add a browser history entry for the modal's source URL. @stable ### up.link.onAction '[up-modal]', ($link) -> follow($link) # Close the modal when someone clicks outside the dialog # (but not on a modal opener). up.on('click', 'body', (event, $body) -> $target = $(event.target) unless $target.closest('.up-modal-dialog').length || $target.closest('[up-modal]').length close() ) up.on('up:fragment:inserted', (event, $fragment) -> if contains($fragment) if newSource = $fragment.attr('up-source') currentUrl = newSource else if !up.popup.contains($fragment) && contains(event.origin) autoclose() ) # Close the pop-up overlay when the user presses ESC. up.bus.onEscape(-> close()) ###* When this element is clicked, closes a currently open dialog. Does nothing if no modal is currently open. To make a link that closes the current modal, but follows to a fallback destination if no modal is open: Okay @selector [up-close] @stable ### up.on('click', '[up-close]', (event, $element) -> if $element.closest('.up-modal').length close() # Only prevent the default when we actually closed a modal. # This way we can have buttons that close a modal when within a modal, # but link to a destination if not. event.preventDefault() ) # The framework is reset between tests up.on 'up:framework:reset', reset knife: eval(Knife?.point) visit: visit follow: follow extract: extract open: -> up.error('up.modal.open no longer exists. Please use either up.modal.follow or up.modal.visit.') close: close url: -> currentUrl coveredUrl: coveredUrl config: config defaults: -> u.error('up.modal.defaults(...) no longer exists. Set values on he up.modal.config property instead.') contains: contains source: -> up.error('up.modal.source no longer exists. Please use up.popup.url instead.') isOpen: isOpen flavor: flavor )(jQuery)