#! /usr/bin/env ruby # # check-rds # # DESCRIPTION: # Check RDS instance statuses by RDS and CloudWatch API. # # OUTPUT: # plain-text # # PLATFORMS: # Linux # # DEPENDENCIES: # gem: aws-sdk # gem: sensu-plugin # # USAGE: # Critical if DB instance "sensu-admin-db" is not on ap-northeast-1a # check-rds -i sensu-admin-db --availability-zone-critical ap-northeast-1a # # Warning if CPUUtilization is over 80%, critical if over 90% # check-rds -i sensu-admin-db --cpu-warning-over 80 --cpu-critical-over 90 # # Critical if CPUUtilization is over 90%, maximum of last one hour # check-rds -i sensu-admin-db --cpu-critical-over 90 --statistics maximum --period 3600 # # Warning if DatabaseConnections are over 100, critical over 120 # check-rds -i sensu-admin-db --connections-critical-over 120 --connections-warning-over 100 --statistics maximum --period 3600 # # Warning if IOPS are over 100, critical over 200 # check-rds -i sensu-admin-db --iops-critical-over 200 --iops-warning-over 100 --period 300 # # Warning if memory usage is over 80%, maximum of last 2 hour # specifying "minimum" is intended actually since memory usage is calculated from CloudWatch "FreeableMemory" metric. # check-rds -i sensu-admin-db --memory-warning-over 80 --statistics minimum --period 7200 # # Disk usage, same as memory # check-rds -i sensu-admin-db --disk-warning-over 80 --period 7200 # # You can check multiple metrics simultaneously. Highest severity will be reported # check-rds -i sensu-admin-db --cpu-warning-over 80 --cpu-critical-over 90 --memory-warning-over 60 --memory-critical-over 80 # # You can ignore accept nil values returned for a time periods from Cloudwatch as being an OK. Amazon falls behind in their # metrics from time to time and this prevents false positives # check-rds -i sensu-admin-db --cpu-critical-over 90 -n # # NOTES: # # LICENSE: # Copyright 2014 github.com/y13i # Released under the same terms as Sensu (the MIT license); see LICENSE # for details. # require 'sensu-plugin/check/cli' require 'aws-sdk' require 'time' class CheckRDS < Sensu::Plugin::Check::CLI option :aws_access_key, short: '-a AWS_ACCESS_KEY', long: '--aws-access-key AWS_ACCESS_KEY', description: "AWS Access Key. Either set ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY'] or provide it as an option", default: ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY'] option :aws_secret_access_key, short: '-k AWS_SECRET_KEY', long: '--aws-secret-access-key AWS_SECRET_KEY', description: "AWS Secret Access Key. Either set ENV['AWS_SECRET_KEY'] or provide it as an option", default: ENV['AWS_SECRET_KEY'] option :role_arn, long: '--role-arn ROLE_ARN', description: 'AWS role arn of the role of the third party account to switch to', default: false option :aws_region, short: '-r AWS_REGION', long: '--aws-region REGION', description: 'AWS Region (defaults to us-east-1).', default: 'us-east-1' option :db_instance_id, short: '-i N', long: '--db-instance-id NAME', description: 'DB instance identifier' option :db_cluster_id, short: '-l N', long: '--db-cluster-id NAME', description: 'DB cluster identifier' option :end_time, short: '-t T', long: '--end-time TIME', default: Time.now, proc: proc { |a| Time.parse a }, description: 'CloudWatch metric statistics end time' option :period, short: '-p N', long: '--period SECONDS', default: 180, proc: proc(&:to_i), description: 'CloudWatch metric statistics period' option :statistics, short: '-S N', long: '--statistics NAME', default: :average, proc: proc { |a| a.downcase.intern }, description: 'CloudWatch statistics method' option :accept_nil, short: '-n', long: '--accept_nil', description: 'Continue if CloudWatch provides no metrics for the time period', default: false %w[warning critical].each do |severity| option :"availability_zone_#{severity}", long: "--availability-zone-#{severity} AZ", description: "Trigger a #{severity} if availability zone is different than given argument" %w[cpu memory disk connections iops].each do |item| option :"#{item}_#{severity}_over", long: "--#{item}-#{severity}-over N", proc: proc(&:to_f), description: "Trigger a #{severity} if #{item} usage is over a percentage" end end def aws_config { access_key_id: config[:aws_access_key], secret_access_key: config[:aws_secret_access_key], region: config[:aws_region] } end def role_credentials @role_credentials = Aws::AssumeRoleCredentials.new( client: Aws::STS::Client.new(aws_config), role_arn: config[:role_arn], role_session_name: "role@#{Time.now.to_i}" ) end def rds @rds ||= config[:role_arn] ? Aws::RDS::Client.new(credentials: role_credentials, region: aws_config[:region]) : Aws::RDS::Client.new(aws_config) end def cloud_watch @cloud_watch ||= config[:role_arn] ? Aws::CloudWatch::Client.new(credentials: role_credentials, region: aws_config[:region]) : Aws::CloudWatch::Client.new(aws_config) end def find_db_instance(id) db = rds.describe_db_instances.db_instances.detect { |db_instance| db_instance.db_instance_identifier == id } unknown 'DB instance not found.' if db.nil? db end def find_db_cluster_writer(id) wr = rds.describe_db_clusters(db_cluster_identifier: id).db_clusters[0].db_cluster_members.detect(&:is_cluster_writer).db_instance_identifier unknown 'DB cluster not found.' if cl.nil? wr end def cloud_watch_metric(metric_name, unit) cloud_watch.get_metric_statistics( namespace: 'AWS/RDS', metric_name: metric_name, dimensions: [ { name: 'DBInstanceIdentifier', value: @db_instance.db_instance_identifier } ], start_time: config[:end_time] - config[:period], end_time: config[:end_time], statistics: [config[:statistics].to_s.capitalize], period: config[:period], unit: unit ) end def latest_value(metric) values = metric.datapoints.sort_by { |datapoint| datapoint[:timestamp] } # handle time periods that are too small to return usable values. # this is a cozy addition that wouldn't port upstream. if values.empty? config[:accept_nil] ? ok('Cloudwatch returned no results for time period. Accept nil passed so OK') : unknown('Requested time period did not return values from Cloudwatch. Try increasing your time period.') else values.last[config[:statistics]] end end def memory_total_bytes(instance_class) memory_total_gigabytes = { 'db.cr1.8xlarge' => 244.0, 'db.m1.small' => 1.7, 'db.m1.medium' => 3.75, 'db.m1.large' => 7.5, 'db.m1.xlarge' => 15.0, 'db.m2.xlarge' => 17.1, 'db.m2.2xlarge' => 34.2, 'db.m2.4xlarge' => 68.4, 'db.m3.medium' => 3.75, 'db.m3.large' => 7.5, 'db.m3.xlarge' => 15.0, 'db.m3.2xlarge' => 30.0, 'db.m4.large' => 8.0, 'db.m4.xlarge' => 16.0, 'db.m4.2xlarge' => 32.0, 'db.m4.4xlarge' => 64.0, 'db.m4.10xlarge' => 160.0, 'db.m4.16xlarge' => 256.0, 'db.m5.large' => 8.0, 'db.m5.xlarge' => 16.0, 'db.m5.2xlarge' => 32.0, 'db.m5.4xlarge' => 64.0, 'db.m5.12xlarge' => 192.0, 'db.m5.24xlarge' => 384.0, 'db.r3.large' => 15.0, 'db.r3.xlarge' => 30.5, 'db.r3.2xlarge' => 61.0, 'db.r3.4xlarge' => 122.0, 'db.r3.8xlarge' => 244.0, 'db.r4.large' => 15.25, 'db.r4.xlarge' => 30.5, 'db.r4.2xlarge' => 61.0, 'db.r4.4xlarge' => 122.0, 'db.r4.8xlarge' => 244.0, 'db.r4.16xlarge' => 488.0, 'db.r5.large' => 16.0, 'db.r5.xlarge' => 32.0, 'db.r5.2xlarge' => 64.0, 'db.r5.4xlarge' => 128.0, 'db.r5.12xlarge' => 384.0, 'db.r5.24xlarge' => 768.0, 'db.t1.micro' => 0.615, 'db.t2.micro' => 1.0, 'db.t2.small' => 2.0, 'db.t2.medium' => 4.0, 'db.t2.large' => 8.0, 'db.t2.xlarge' => 16.0, 'db.t2.2xlarge' => 32.0, 'db.t3.micro' => 1.0, 'db.t3.small' => 2.0, 'db.t3.medium' => 4.0, 'db.t3.large' => 8.0, 'db.t3.xlarge' => 16.0, 'db.t3.2xlarge' => 32.0, 'db.x1.16xlarge' => 976.0, 'db.x1.32xlarge' => 1952.0, 'db.x1e.xlarge' => 122.0, 'db.x1e.2xlarge' => 244.0, 'db.x1e.4xlarge' => 488.0, 'db.x1e.8xlarge' => 976.0, 'db.x1e.16xlarge' => 1952.0, 'db.x1e.32xlarge' => 3904.0 } memory_total_gigabytes.fetch(instance_class) * 1024**3 end def check_az(severity, expected_az) return if @db_instance.availability_zone == expected_az @severities[severity] = true "; AZ is #{@db_instance.availability_zone} (expected #{expected_az})" end def check_cpu(severity, expected_lower_than) cpu_metric ||= cloud_watch_metric 'CPUUtilization', 'Percent' cpu_metric_value ||= latest_value cpu_metric return if cpu_metric_value < expected_lower_than @severities[severity] = true "; CPUUtilization is #{sprintf '%.2f', cpu_metric_value}% (expected lower than #{expected_lower_than}%)" end def check_memory(severity, expected_lower_than) memory_metric ||= cloud_watch_metric 'FreeableMemory', 'Bytes' memory_metric_value ||= latest_value memory_metric memory_total_bytes ||= memory_total_bytes @db_instance.db_instance_class memory_usage_bytes ||= memory_total_bytes - memory_metric_value memory_usage_percentage ||= memory_usage_bytes / memory_total_bytes * 100 return if memory_usage_percentage < expected_lower_than @severities[severity] = true "; Memory usage is #{sprintf '%.2f', memory_usage_percentage}% (expected lower than #{expected_lower_than}%)" end def check_disk(severity, expected_lower_than) disk_metric ||= cloud_watch_metric 'FreeStorageSpace', 'Bytes' disk_metric_value ||= latest_value disk_metric disk_total_bytes ||= @db_instance.allocated_storage * 1024**3 disk_usage_bytes ||= disk_total_bytes - disk_metric_value disk_usage_percentage ||= disk_usage_bytes / disk_total_bytes * 100 return if disk_usage_percentage < expected_lower_than @severities[severity] = true "; Disk usage is #{sprintf '%.2f', disk_usage_percentage}% (expected lower than #{expected_lower_than}%)" end def check_connections(severity, expected_lower_than) connections_metric ||= cloud_watch_metric 'DatabaseConnections', 'Count' connections_metric_value ||= latest_value connections_metric return if connections_metric_value < expected_lower_than @severities[severity] = true "; DatabaseConnections are #{sprintf '%d', connections_metric_value} (expected lower than #{expected_lower_than})" end def check_iops(severity, expected_lower_than) read_iops_metric ||= cloud_watch_metric 'ReadIOPS', 'Count/Second' read_iops_metric_value ||= latest_value read_iops_metric write_iops_metric ||= cloud_watch_metric 'WriteIOPS', 'Count/Second' write_iops_metric_value ||= latest_value write_iops_metric iops_metric_value ||= read_iops_metric_value + write_iops_metric_value return if iops_metric_value < expected_lower_than @severities[severity] = true "; IOPS are #{sprintf '%d', iops_metric_value} (expected lower than #{expected_lower_than})" end def run instances = [] if config[:db_cluster_id] db_cluster_writer_id = find_db_cluster_writer(db_cluster_id) instances << find_db_instance(db_cluster_writer_id) end if config[:db_instance_id].nil? || config[:db_instance_id].empty? rds.describe_db_instances[:db_instances].map { |db| instances << db } else instances << find_db_instance(config[:db_instance_id]) end messages = '' severities = { critical: false, warning: false } instances.each do |instance| @db_instance = instance result = collect(instance) if result[1][:critical] messages += result[0] severities[:critical] = true elsif result[1][:warning] severities[:warning] = true messages += result[0] end end if severities[:critical] critical messages elsif severities[:warning] warning messages else ok messages end end def collect(instance) message = "\n#{instance[:db_instance_identifier]}: " @severities = { critical: false, warning: false } @severities.each_key do |severity| message += check_az severity, config[:"availability_zone_#{severity}"], instance if config[:"availability_zone_#{severity}"] %w[cpu memory disk connections iops].each do |item| result = send "check_#{item}", severity, config[:"#{item}_#{severity}_over"] if config[:"#{item}_#{severity}_over"] message += result unless result.nil? end end if %w[cpu memory disk connections iops].any? { |item| %w[warning critical].any? { |severity| config[:"#{item}_#{severity}_over"] } } message += "(#{config[:statistics].to_s.capitalize} within #{config[:period]}s " message += "between #{config[:end_time] - config[:period]} to #{config[:end_time]})" end [message, @severities] end end