module Effective class Poll < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tokened has_many :poll_notifications, -> { order(:id) }, inverse_of: :poll, dependent: :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :poll_notifications, allow_destroy: true has_many :poll_questions, -> { order(:position) }, inverse_of: :poll, dependent: :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :poll_questions, allow_destroy: true has_many :ballots has_many :ballot_responses # For the poll_results screens has_many :completed_ballots, -> { Effective::Ballot.completed }, class_name: 'Effective::Ballot' has_many :completed_ballot_responses, -> { where(ballot: Effective::Ballot.completed) }, class_name: 'Effective::BallotResponse' has_many_rich_texts # rich_text_all_steps_content # rich_text_start_content # rich_text_vote_content # rich_text_submit_content # rich_text_complete_content if respond_to?(:log_changes) log_changes(except: [:ballots, :ballot_responses, :completed_ballots, :completed_ballot_responses]) end AUDIENCES = ['All Users', 'Individual Users', 'Selected Users'] effective_resource do # Acts as tokened token :string, permitted: false title :string start_at :datetime end_at :datetime hide_results :boolean, default: false skip_logging :boolean, default: false audience :string audience_class_name :string audience_scope :text # An Array of user_ids or named scopes on the User model timestamps end if EffectiveResources.serialize_with_coder? serialize :audience_scope, type: Array, coder: YAML else serialize :audience_scope, Array end scope :deep, -> { includes(poll_questions: :poll_question_options) } scope :deep_results, -> { includes(poll_questions: :poll_question_options) .includes(ballots: [ballot_responses: [:poll, :poll_question, :poll_question_options]]) } scope :sorted, -> { order(:start_at) } scope :upcoming, -> { where('start_at > ?', } scope :available, -> { where('start_at <= ? AND (end_at > ? OR end_at IS NULL)',, } scope :completed, -> { where('end_at < ?', } validates :title, presence: true validates :start_at, presence: true validates :audience, inclusion: { in: AUDIENCES } validates :audience_class_name, presence: true validates :audience_scope, presence: true, unless: -> { audience == 'All Users' } validate(if: -> { start_at.present? && end_at.present? }) do self.errors.add(:end_at, 'must be after the start date') unless end_at > start_at end def to_s title.presence || model_name.human end def available_for?(user) raise('expected an effective_polls_user') unless user.class.try(:effective_polls_user?) available? && users.include?(user) end def audience_class klass = audience_class_name.safe_constantize raise('expected an effective_polls_user klass') unless klass.try(:effective_polls_user?) klass end def users(except_completed: false) klass = audience_class() resource = users = case audience when 'All Users' klass.try(:unarchived) || klass.all when 'Individual Users' (klass.try(:unarchived) || klass.all).where(id: audience_scope) when 'Selected Users' collection = klass.none audience_scope.each do |scope| relation = resource.poll_audience_scope(scope) raise("invalid poll_audience_scope for #{scope}") unless relation.kind_of?(ActiveRecord::Relation) collection = collection.or(relation) end collection else raise('unexpected audience') end if except_completed users = users.where.not(id:'user_id as id')) end users end def available? started? && !ended? end def started? start_at_was.present? && >= start_at_was end def ended? end_at.present? && end_at < end def available_date if start_at && end_at && start_at.to_date == end_at.to_date "#{start_at.strftime('%F at %H:%M')} to #{end_at.strftime('%H:%M')}" elsif start_at && end_at "#{start_at.strftime('%F at %H:%M')} to #{end_at.strftime('%F %H:%M')}" elsif start_at "#{start_at.strftime('%F at %H:%M')}" end end def audience_scope Array(self[:audience_scope]) - [nil, ''] end # Returns all completed_ballot_responses def poll_results(poll_question: nil) return completed_ballot_responses if poll_question.nil? { |br| br.poll_question_id == } end end end