module Ore module Template # # Handles the expansion of paths and substitution of path keywords. # The following keywords are supported: # # * `[name]` - The name of the project. # * `[project_dir]` - The directory base-name derived from the project # name. # * `[namespace_path]` - The full directory path derived from the # project name. # * `[namespace_dir]` - The last directory name derivied from the # project name. # module Interpolations # The accepted interpolation keywords that may be used in paths @@keywords = %w[ name project_dir namespace_path namespace_dir ] protected # # Expands the given path by substituting the interpolation keywords # for the related instance variables. # # @param [String] path # The path to expand. # # @return [String] # The expanded path. # # @example Assuming `@project_dir` contains `my_project`. # interpolate("lib/[project_dir].rb") # # => "lib/my_project.rb" # # @example Assuming `@namespace_path` contains `my/project`. # interpolate("spec/[namespace_path]_spec.rb") # # => "spec/my/project_spec.rb" # def interpolate(path) dirs = path.split(File::SEPARATOR) dirs.each do |dir| dir.gsub!(/(\[[a-z_]+\])/) do |capture| keyword = capture[1..-2] if @@keywords.include?(keyword) instance_variable_get("@#{keyword}") else capture end end end return File.join(dirs.reject { |dir| dir.empty? }) end end end end