# Audited ChangeLog

## Unreleased

Breaking changes

- None


- None


- None


- None

## 4.4.1 (2017-03-29)


- Fix ActiveRecord gem dependency to permit 5.1

## 4.4.0 (2017-03-29)

Breaking changes

- None


- Support for `audited_changes` to be a `json` or `jsonb` column in PostgreSQL
- Allow `Audited::Audit` to be subclassed by configuring `Audited.audit_class`
- Support for Ruby on Rails 5.1
- Support for Ruby 2.4


- Remove rails-observer dependency
- Undeprecated `Audited.audit_class` reader


- SQL error in Rails Conditional GET (304 caching)
- Fix missing non_audited_columns= configuration setter
- Fix migration generators to specify AR migration version

## 4.3.0 (2016-09-17)

Breaking changes

- None


- Support singular arguments for options: `on` and `only`


- Fix auditing instance attributes if "only" option specified
- Allow private / protected callback declarations
- Do not eagerly connect to database

## 4.2.2 (2016-08-01)

- Correct auditing_enabled for STI models
- Properly set table name for mongomapper

## 4.2.1 (2016-07-29)

- Fix bug when only: is a single field.
- update gemspec to use mongomapper 0.13
- sweeper need not run observer for mongomapper
- Make temporary disabling of auditing threadsafe
- Centralize `Audited.store` as thread safe variable store

## 4.2.0 (2015-03-31)

Not yet documented.

## 4.0.0 (2014-09-04)

Not yet documented.

## 4.0.0.rc1 (2014-07-30)

Not yet documented.

## 3.0.0 (2012-09-25)

Not yet documented.

## 3.0.0.rc2 (2012-07-09)

Not yet documented.

## 3.0.0.rc1 (2012-04-25)

Not yet documented.

## 2012-04-10

- Add Audit scopes for creates, updates and destroys [chriswfx]

## 2011-10-25

- Made ignored_attributes configurable [senny]

## 2011-09-09

- Rails 3.x support
- Support for associated audits
- Support for remote IP address storage
- Plenty of bug fixes and refactoring
- [kennethkalmer, ineu, PatrickMa, jrozner, dwarburton, bsiggelkow, dgm]

## 2009-01-27

- Store old and new values for updates, and store all attributes on destroy.
- Refactored revisioning methods to work as expected

## 2008-10-10

- changed to make it work in development mode

## 2008-09-24

- Add ability to record parent record of the record being audited [Kenneth Kalmer]

## 2008-04-19

- refactored to make compatible with dirty tracking in edge rails
  and to stop storing both old and new values in a single audit

## 2008-04-18

- Fix NoMethodError when trying to access the :previous revision
  on a model that doesn't have previous revisions [Alex Soto]

## 2008-03-21

- added #changed_attributes to get access to the changes before a
  save [Chris Parker]

## 2007-12-16

- Added #revision_at for retrieving a revision from a specific
  time [Jacob Atzen]

## 2007-12-16

- Fix error when getting revision from audit with no changes
  [Geoffrey Wiseman]

## 2007-12-16

- Remove dependency on acts_as_list

## 2007-06-17

- Added support getting previous revisions

## 2006-11-17

- Replaced use of singleton User.current_user with cache sweeper
  implementation for auditing the user that made the change

## 2006-11-17

- added migration generator

## 2006-08-14

- incorporated changes from Michael Schuerig to write_attribute
  that saves the new value after every change and not just the
  first, and performs proper type-casting before doing comparisons

## 2006-08-14

- The "changes" are now saved as a serialized hash

## 2006-07-21

- initial version