require 'faraday' require 'actv/configurable' require 'actv/request/multipart_with_file' require 'actv/response/parse_json' require 'actv/response/raise_client_error' require 'actv/response/raise_server_error' # require 'twitter/response/rate_limit' require 'actv/version' module ACTV module Default class << self def options Hash[{|key| [key, send(key)]}] end # @note This is configurable in case you want to use HTTP instead of HTTPS or use a Active-compatible endpoint. # @see # @see # @see def endpoint @endpoint ||= '' end def media_endpoint @media_endpoint ||= '' end def search_endpoint @search_endpoint ||= '' end def connection_options @connection_options ||= { :headers => { :accept => 'application/json', :user_agent => "Active Ruby Gem #{ACTV::VERSION}" }, :open_timeout => 5, :raw => true, :ssl => {:verify => false}, :timeout => 10, } end # @note Faraday's middleware stack implementation is comparable to that of Rack middleware. The order of middleware is important: the first middleware on the list wraps all others, while the last middleware is the innermost one. # @see # @see def middleware @middleware ||= & do |builder| builder.use ACTV::Request::MultipartWithFile # Convert file uploads to Faraday::UploadIO objects builder.use Faraday::Request::Multipart # Checks for files in the payload builder.use Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded # Convert request params as "www-form-urlencoded" builder.use ACTV::Response::RaiseClientError # Handle 4xx server responses builder.use ACTV::Response::ParseJson # Parse JSON response bodies using MultiJson builder.use ACTV::Response::RaiseServerError # Handle 5xx server responses # builder.use ACTV::Response::RateLimit # Update RateLimit object builder.adapter Faraday.default_adapter # Set Faraday's HTTP adapter end ) end def consumer_key ENV['ACTV_CONSUMER_KEY'] end def consumer_secret ENV['ACTV_CONSUMER_SECRET'] end def oauth_token ENV['ACTV_OAUTH_TOKEN'] end def oauth_token_secret ENV['ACTV_OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET'] end def api_key nil end end end end