module Lapse module Transport # Default HTTP API transport adapter module HTTP require 'net/http' require 'net/https' require 'uri' require 'multi_json' require 'hashie' private def http return @http if @http uri = URI.parse(self.base_url) @http =, uri.port) @http.use_ssl = self.ssl? @http end def request(method, path, params = nil) uri = URI.parse("#{self.base_url}#{path}") # if the request requires parameters in the query string, merge them in if params and !can_post_data?(method) query_values = uri.query ? URI.decode_www_form(uri.query).inject({}) {|h,(k,v)| h[k]=v; h} : {} uri.query = to_url_params((query_values || {}).merge(params)) end # Build request request = build_request(method, uri) # Add headers request['Authorization'] = "Bearer #{self.access_token}" if authenticated? request['X-Seesaw-Client-Token'] = @client_token if @client_token request['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' # Add params as JSON if they exist request.body = MultiJson.dump(params) if can_post_data?(method) and params # Request response = http.request(request) # Check for errors handle_error(request, response) # Return the raw response object response end def build_request(method, uri) case method when :get when :post when :put when :delete when :patch end end def to_url_params(hash) params = [] hash.each_pair do |key, value| params << param_for(key, value).flatten end params.sort.join('&') end def param_for(key, value, parent = nil) if value.is_a?(Hash) params = [] value.each_pair do |value_key, value_value| value_parent = parent ? parent + "[#{key}]" : key.to_s params << param_for(value_key, value_value, value_parent) end params else ["#{parent ? parent + "[#{key}]" : key.to_s}=#{CGI::escape(value.to_s)}"] end end def handle_error(request, response) # Find error or return return unless error = Lapse::ERROR_MAP[response.code.to_i] # Try to add a useful message message = nil begin message = MultiJson.load(response.body)['error_description'] || request.path rescue MultiJson::DecodeError => e end # Raise error raise end def json_request(*args) # Perform request, pass result format*args), result_format) end def boolean_from_response(*args) response = request(*args) (200..299).include? response.code.to_i end def can_post_data?(method) [:post, :put, :patch].include?(method) end [:get, :post, :put, :delete, :patch].each do |method| define_method method do |*args| json_request(method, *args) end end # Response class responsible for deserializing API calls # @attr [Object] body The parsed response # @attr [Hash] headers HTTP headers returned as part of the response class Response attr_accessor :body, :headers # Initializes a new result # # @param http_response [Net::HTTPResponse] the raw response to parse def initialize(http_response, result_format = :mashie) @result_format = result_format @headers = parse_headers(http_response.to_hash) @body = parse_body(http_response.body) end private # Parses raw headers in to a reasonable hash def parse_headers(raw_headers) # raw headers from net_http have an array for each result. Flatten them out. raw_headers.inject({}) do |remainder, (k, v)| remainder[k] = [v].flatten.first remainder end end # Parses the raw body in to a Hashie::Mash object, an array of Hashie::Mashes, or, if all else fails, returns a hash. def parse_body(body) # Parse JSON object = MultiJson.load(body) case @result_format when :mashie # Hash return if object.is_a? Hash # Array begin return { |h| } if object.is_a? Array rescue # sometimes, for things like string arrays, we'll end up with an error. Fall through. end end object end end end end end