module BootstrapBuilder class Builder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder %w( text_field password_field email_field telephone_field phone_field number_field text_area file_field range_field search_field ).each do |field_name| define_method field_name do |method, *args| options = args.detect { |a| a.is_a?(Hash) } || {} html_options = collect_html_options(options) render_field(field_name, method, options, html_options) { super(method, options) } end end %w{ datetime_select date_select time_select time_zone_select }.each do |field_name| define_method field_name do |method, options = {}, html_options = {}| render_field('select', method, options, html_options) do super(method, options, html_options) end end end def select(method, choices, options = {}, html_options = {}) render_field('select', method, options, html_options) { super(method, choices, options, html_options) } end def hidden_field(method, options = {}, html_options = {}) super(method, options) end def check_box(method, options = {}, checked_value = "1", unchecked_value = "0") html_options = collect_html_options(options) if options[:values].present? values = options.delete(:values).collect do |key, val| name = "#{object_name}[#{method}][]" id = "#{object_name}_#{method}_#{val.to_s.gsub(' ', '_').underscore}" { :field => super(method, options.merge({:name => name, :id => id}), val, nil), :label_text => key, :id => id } end @template.render(:partial => "#{BootstrapBuilder.config.template_folder}/check_box", :locals => { :builder => self, :method => method, :values => values, :label_text => label_text(method, options.delete(:label)), :help_block => @template.raw(options.delete(:help_block)), :error_messages => error_messages_for(method) }) else render_field('check_box', method, options, html_options) do super(method, options, checked_value, unchecked_value) end end end def radio_button(method, tag_value, options = {}) case tag_value when Array choices = tag_value.collect do |choice| if !choice.is_a?(Array) choice = [choice, choice] elsif choice.length == 1 choice << choice[0] end { :field => super(method, choice[1], options), :label => choice[0], :id => "#{object_name}_#{method}_#{choice[1].to_s.gsub(' ', '_').underscore}" } end else choices = [{ :field => super(method, tag_value), :label => tag_value, :label_for => "#{object_name}_#{method}_#{tag_value.to_s.gsub(' ', '_').underscore}" }] end @template.render(:partial => "#{BootstrapBuilder.config.template_folder}/radio_button", :locals => { :builder => self, :method => method, :label_text => label_text(method, options.delete(:label)), :choices => choices, :required => options.delete(:required), :before_text => @template.raw(options.delete(:before_text)), :after_text => @template.raw(options.delete(:after_text)), :help_block => @template.raw(options.delete(:help_block)), :error_messages => error_messages_for(method) }) end # f.submit 'Log In', :change_to_text => 'Logging you in ...' def submit(value, options={}, &block) after_text = @template.capture(&block) if block_given? # Add specific bootstrap class options[:class] ||= '' options[:class] += ' btn' unless options[:class] =~ /btn-/ options[:class] += ' btn-primary' end # Set the script to change the text if change_to_text = options.delete(:change_to_text) options[:class] += ' change_to_text' options[:onclick] ||= '' options[:onclick] = "$(this).closest('.submit').hide();$(this).closest('.submit').after($('<div class=submit>#{change_to_text}</div>'))" end @template.render(:partial => "#{BootstrapBuilder.config.template_folder}/submit", :locals => { :builder => self, :field => super(value, options), :after_text => after_text, :change_to_text => change_to_text }) end # generic container for all things form def element(label = ' ', value = '', type = 'text_field', &block) value += @template.capture(&block) if block_given? %{ <div class='control-group'> <label class='control-label'>#{label}</label> <div class='controls'> #{value} </div> </div> }.html_safe end def error_messages if object && !object.errors.empty? message = object.errors[:base].present? ? object.errors[:base]: 'There were some problems submitting this form. Please correct all the highlighted fields and try again' @template.content_tag(:div, message, :class => 'form_error') end end def error_messages_for(method) if (object and object.respond_to?(:errors) and errors = object.errors[method] and !errors.empty?) errors.is_a?(Array) ? errors.first : errors end end def fields_for(record_or_name_or_array, *args, &block) options = args.extract_options! options[:builder] ||= BootstrapBuilder::Builder options[:html] ||= {} options[:html][:class] ||= self.options[:html] && self.options[:html][:class] super(record_or_name_or_array, *(args << options), &block) end protected # Main rendering method def render_field(field_name, method, options={}, html_options={}, &block) case field_name when 'check_box' template = field_name else template = 'default_field' end @template.render(:partial => "#{BootstrapBuilder.config.template_folder}/#{template}", :locals => { :builder => self, :method => method, :field => @template.capture(&block), :label_text => label_text(method, html_options[:label]), :required => html_options[:required], :prepend => html_options[:prepend], :append => html_options[:append], :help_block => html_options[:help_block], :error_messages => error_messages_for(method) }) end def label_text(method, text = nil) text.nil? ? method.to_s.titleize.capitalize : @template.raw(text) end def collect_html_options(options = {}) [ :prepend, :append, :label, :help_block, :required ].inject({}) do |h, attribute| h[attribute] = @template.raw(options.delete(attribute)) if options[attribute] h end end end end