require 'fileutils' require 'yaml' module Jack module Config class Download < Transmit include Util attr_reader :current_path, :current_name def initialize(options={}) super @current_path = "#{@saved_configs}/current-#{timestamp}.cfg.yml" @current_name = extract_name(@current_path) @updater = @env_name) @updater.sync unless options[:noop] end def run download end def download add_gitignore get_current_cfg copy_to_local_cfg clean UI.say "Config downloaded to #{@local_config_path}".colorize(:green) end def add_gitignore path = "#{@root}/.gitignore" if File.exist?(path) ignores = has_ignore = ignores.include?("jack/cfg") end do_cmd("echo 'jack/cfg/*.yml' >> #{path}") unless has_ignore end def get_current_cfg UI.say "Downloading config file..." eb_config_save end # for specs def eb_config_save do_cmd("eb config save --cfg #{current_name} #{@env_name}", @options) end def copy_to_local_cfg UI.say "Writing to local config file: #{@local_config_path}" dirname = File.dirname("#{@root}/#{@local_config_path}") FileUtils.mkdir_p(dirname) unless File.exist?(dirname) do_copy_to_local_cfg end # for specs def do_copy_to_local_cfg return if @options[:noop] local_path = "#{@root}/#{@local_config_path}" FileUtils.cp(@current_path, local_path) end # remove both the local download file and remote eb config def clean(silent=false) return if @options[:dirty] UI.say "Cleaning up eb remote config and local files" unless silent eb.delete_configuration_template( application_name: @updater.app_name, template_name: current_name ) unless @options[:noop] FileUtils.rm_f(@current_path) end end end end