# encoding: ascii-8bit # Copyright 2014 Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. # All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software; you can modify and/or redistribute it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 with # attribution addendums as found in the LICENSE.txt require 'cosmos/ext/config_parser' if RUBY_ENGINE == 'ruby' and !ENV['COSMOS_NO_EXT'] require 'tempfile' require 'erb' module Cosmos # Reads COSMOS style configuration data which consists of keywords followed # by 0 or more comma delimited parameters. Parameters with spaces must be # enclosed in quotes. Quotes should also be used to indicate a parameter is a # string. Keywords are case-insensitive and will be returned in uppercase. class ConfigParser # @return [String] The current keyword being parsed attr_accessor :keyword # @return [Array] The parameters found after the keyword attr_accessor :parameters # @return [String] The name of the configuration file being parsed. This # will be an empty string if the parse_string class method is used. attr_accessor :filename # @return [String] The current line being parsed. This is the raw string # which is useful when printing errors. attr_accessor :line # @return [Integer] The current line number being parsed. # This will still be populated when using parse_string because lines # still must be delimited by newline characters. attr_accessor :line_number # @return [String] The default URL to use in errors. The URL can still be # overridden by directly passing it to the error method. attr_accessor :url # @see message_callback= @@message_callback = nil # @param message_callback [#call(String)] Callback method called with a # String when various parsing events occur. def self.message_callback=(message_callback) @@message_callback = message_callback end # @see progress_callback= @@progress_callback = nil # @param progress_callback [#call(Float)] Callback method called with a # Float (0.0 to 100.0) based on the amount of the io param that has # currently been processed. def self.progress_callback=(progress_callback) @@progress_callback = progress_callback end # Holds the current splash screen @@splash = nil # @param splash [Splash::SplashDialogBox] Set the splash dialog box which # will be updated with messages and progress. def self.splash=(splash) if splash @@splash = splash @@progress_callback = splash.progress_callback @@message_callback = splash.message_callback else @@splash = nil @@progress_callback = nil @@message_callback = nil end end # Returns the current splash screen if present def self.splash @@splash end # Regular expression used to break up an individual line into a keyword and # comma delimited parameters. Handles parameters in single or double quotes. PARSING_REGEX = %r{ (?:"(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*") | (?:'(?:[^\\']|\\.)*') | \S+ }x #" # Error which gets raised by ConfigParser in #verify_num_parameters. This # is also the error that classes using ConfigParser should raise when they # encounter a configuration error. class Error < StandardError attr_reader :keyword, :parameters, :filename, :line, :line_number # @return [String] The usage string representing how this keyword should # be formatted. attr_reader :usage # @return [String] URL which points to usage documentation on the COSMOS # Wiki. attr_reader :url # Create an Error with the specified Config data # # @param config_parser [ConfigParser] Instance of ConfigParser so Error # has access to the ConfigParser attributes # @param message [String] The error message which gets passed to the # StandardError constructor # @param usage [String] The usage string representing how this keyword should # be formatted. # @param url [String] URL which should point to usage information. By # default this gets constructed to point to the generic configuration # Guide on the COSMOS Wiki. def initialize(config_parser, message = "Configuration Error", usage = "", url = "") if Error == message super(message.message) elsif Exception == message super("#{message.class}:#{message.message}") else super(message) end @keyword = config_parser.keyword @parameters = config_parser.parameters @filename = config_parser.filename @line = config_parser.line @line_number = config_parser.line_number @usage = usage @url = url end end # @param url [String] The url to link to in error messages def initialize(url = "http://cosmosrb.com/docs/home") @url = url end # Creates an Error # # @param message [String] The string to set the Exception message to # @param usage [String] The usage message # @param url [String] Where to get help about this error # @return [Error] The constructed error def error(message, usage = "", url = @url) return Error.new(self, message, usage, url) end # Called by the ERB template to render a partial def render(template_name, options = {}) raise Error.new(self, "Partial name '#{template_name}' must begin with an underscore.") if template_name[0] != '_' b = binding if options[:locals] if RUBY_VERSION.split('.')[0..1].join.to_i >= 21 options[:locals].each {|key, value| b.local_variable_set(key, value) } else options[:locals].each do |key, value| if value.is_a? String b.eval("#{key} = '#{value}'") else b.eval("#{key} = #{value}") end end end end # Assume the file is there. If not we raise a pretty obvious error ERB.new(File.read(File.join(File.dirname(@filename), template_name))).result(b) end # Processes a file and yields |config| to the given block # # @param filename [String] The full name and path of the configuration file # @param yield_non_keyword_lines [Boolean] Whether to yield all lines including blank # lines or comment lines. # @param remove_quotes [Boolean] Whether to remove beginning and ending single # or double quote characters from parameters. # @param block [Block] The block to yield to # @yieldparam keyword [String] The keyword in the current parsed line # @yieldparam parameters [Array] The parameters in the current parsed line def parse_file(filename, yield_non_keyword_lines = false, remove_quotes = true, &block) raise "Configuration file #{filename} does not exist." unless filename && File.exist?(filename) @filename = filename # Create a temp file where we write the ERB parsed output file = create_parsed_output_file(filename) size = file.stat.size.to_f # Callbacks for beginning of parsing @@message_callback.call("Parsing #{size} bytes of #{filename}") if @@message_callback @@progress_callback.call(0.0) if @@progress_callback begin # Loop through each line of the data parse_loop(file, yield_non_keyword_lines, remove_quotes, size, PARSING_REGEX, &block) rescue Exception => e # Catch EVERYTHING so we can re-raise with additional info raise e, "#{e}\n\nParsed output in #{file.path}", e.backtrace ensure file.close unless file.closed? end end # Verifies the parameters in the config parameter have the specified # number of parameter and raises an Error if not. # # @param [Integer] min_num_params The minimum number of parameters # @param [Integer] max_num_params The maximum number of parameters. Pass # nil to indicate there is no maximum number of parameters. def verify_num_parameters(min_num_params, max_num_params, usage = "") # This syntax works with 0 because each doesn't return any values # for a backwards range (1..min_num_params).each do |index| # If the parameter is nil (0 based) then we have a problem if @parameters[index - 1].nil? raise Error.new(self, "Not enough parameters for #{@keyword}.", usage, @url) end end # If they pass nil for max_params we don't check for a maximum number if max_num_params && !@parameters[max_num_params].nil? raise Error.new(self, "Too many parameters for #{@keyword}.", usage, @url) end end # Converts a String containing '', 'NIL' or 'NULL' to nil Ruby primitive. # All other arguments are simply returned. # # @param value [Object] # @return [nil|Object] def self.handle_nil(value) if String === value case value.upcase when '', 'NIL', 'NULL' return nil end end return value end # Converts a String containing 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' to true or false Ruby # primitive. All other values are simply returned. # # @param value [Object] # @return [true|false|Object] def self.handle_true_false(value) if String === value case value.upcase when 'TRUE' return true when 'FALSE' return false end end return value end # Converts a String containing '', 'NIL', 'NULL', 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' to nil, # true or false Ruby primitives. All other values are simply returned. # # @param value [Object] # @return [true|false|nil|Object] def self.handle_true_false_nil(value) if String === value case value.upcase when 'TRUE' return true when 'FALSE' return false when '', 'NIL', 'NULL' return nil end end return value end # Converts a string representing a defined constant into its value. The # defined constants are the minimum and maximum values for all the # allowable data types. [MIN/MAX]_[U]INT[8/16/32] and # [MIN/MAX]_FLOAT[32/64]. Thus MIN_UINT8, MAX_INT32, and MIN_FLOAT64 are # all allowable values. Any other strings raise ArgumentError but all other # types are simply returned. # # @param value [Object] Can be anything # @return [Numeric] The converted value. Either a Fixnum or Float. def self.handle_defined_constants(value, data_type = nil, bit_size = nil) if value.class == String case value.upcase when 'MIN', 'MAX' return self.calculate_range_value(value.upcase, data_type, bit_size) when 'MIN_INT8' return -128 when 'MAX_INT8' return 127 when 'MIN_INT16' return -32768 when 'MAX_INT16' return 32767 when 'MIN_INT32' return -2147483648 when 'MAX_INT32' return 2147483647 when 'MIN_INT64' return -9223372036854775808 when 'MAX_INT64' return 9223372036854775807 when 'MIN_UINT8', 'MIN_UINT16', 'MIN_UINT32', 'MIN_UINT64' return 0 when 'MAX_UINT8' return 255 when 'MAX_UINT16' return 65535 when 'MAX_UINT32' return 4294967295 when 'MAX_UINT64' return 18446744073709551615 when 'MIN_FLOAT64' return -Float::MAX when 'MAX_FLOAT64' return Float::MAX when 'MIN_FLOAT32' return -3.402823e38 when 'MAX_FLOAT32' return 3.402823e38 when 'POS_INFINITY' return Float::INFINITY when 'NEG_INFINITY' return -Float::INFINITY else raise ArgumentError, "Could not convert constant: #{value}" end end return value end protected # Writes the ERB parsed results def create_parsed_output_file(filename) begin output = ERB.new(File.read(filename)).result(binding) rescue => e # The first line of the backtrace indicates the line where the ERB # parse failed. Grab the line number for the error message. match = /:(.*):/.match(e.backtrace[0]) line_number = match.captures[0] if match raise e, "ERB error at #{filename}:#{line_number}\n#{e}", e.backtrace end # Make a copy of the filename since we're calling slice! which modifies # it directly. Downcase to avoid filesytem case issues. copy = filename.downcase.dup if copy.include?(Cosmos::USERPATH.downcase) copy.slice!(Cosmos::USERPATH.downcase) # Remove the USERPATH elsif copy.include?(':') # Check for Windows drive letter copy = copy.split(':')[1] end parsed_filename = File.join(Cosmos::USERPATH, 'outputs', 'tmp', copy) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(parsed_filename)) # Create the path file = File.open(parsed_filename, 'w+') file.puts output file.rewind # Rewind so the file is ready to read file end def self.calculate_range_value(type, data_type, bit_size) value = 0 # Default for UINT minimum case data_type when :INT if type == 'MIN' value = -2**(bit_size - 1) else # 'MAX' value = 2**(bit_size - 1) - 1 end when :UINT # Default is 0 for 'MIN' if type == 'MAX' value = 2**bit_size - 1 end when :FLOAT case bit_size when 32 value = 3.402823e38 value *= -1 if type == 'MIN' when 64 value = Float::MAX value *= -1 if type == 'MIN' else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid bit size #{bit_size} for FLOAT type." end else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid data type #{data_type} when calculating range." end value end if RUBY_ENGINE != 'ruby' or ENV['COSMOS_NO_EXT'] # Iterates over each line of the io object and yields the keyword and parameters def parse_loop(io, yield_non_keyword_lines, remove_quotes, size, rx) line_continuation = false @line_number = 0 @keyword = nil @parameters = [] @line = nil while true @line_number += 1 if @@progress_callback && ((@line_number % 10) == 0) @@progress_callback.call(io.pos / size) if size > 0.0 end begin line = io.readline rescue Exception break end line.strip! data = line.scan(rx) first_item = data[0].to_s if line_continuation @line << line # Carry over keyword and parameters else @line = line if (first_item.length == 0) || (first_item[0] == '#') @keyword = nil else @keyword = first_item.upcase end @parameters = [] end # Ignore comments and blank lines if @keyword.nil? if (yield_non_keyword_lines) && (!line_continuation) yield(@keyword, @parameters) end next end if line_continuation if remove_quotes @parameters << first_item.remove_quotes else @parameters << first_item end line_continuation = false end length = data.length if (length > 1) (1..(length - 1)).each do |index| string = data[index] # Don't process trailing comments such as: # KEYWORD PARAM #This is a comment # But still process Ruby string interpolations such as: # KEYWORD PARAM #{var} if (string.length > 0) && (string[0] == '#') if !((string.length > 1) && (string[1] == '{')) break end end # If the string is simply '&' and its the last string then its a line continuation so break the loop if (string.length == 1) && (string[0] == '&') && (index == (length - 1)) line_continuation = true next end line_continuation = false if remove_quotes @parameters << string.remove_quotes else @parameters << string end end end # If we detected a line continuation while going through all the # strings on the line then we strip off the continuation character and # return to the top of the loop to continue processing the line. if line_continuation # Strip the continuation character if @line.length >= 1 @line = @line[0..-2] else @line = "" end next end yield(@keyword, @parameters) end @@progress_callback.call(1.0) if @@progress_callback return nil end end end end