module Permissive module ActsAsPermissive def self.included(base) base.class_eval do # This is the core of the Permissive module. It allows you to define a # permissive model structure complete with :scope. This will dynamically # generate scoped, polymorphic relationships across one or more models. def self.acts_as_permissive(options = {}) options.assert_valid_keys(:scope) has_many :permissions, :class_name => 'Permissive::Permission', :as => :permitted_object do def can!(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} options.assert_valid_keys(:on, :reset) if options[:on] permission = proxy_owner.permissions.find_or_initialize_by_scoped_object_id_and_scoped_object_type(options[:on].id, options[:on].class.to_s) else permission = Permissive::Permission.find_or_initialize_by_permitted_object_id_and_permitted_object_type(, proxy_owner.class.to_s) end if options[:reset] permission.mask = 0 permission.grant_mask = 0 end args.flatten.each do |name| bit = bit_for(name) unless permission.mask & bit != 0 permission.mask = permission.mask | bit end end! end def can?(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} bits ={|name| bit_for(name) } # scope = nil # if options[:on] # scope = scoped(:conditions => ['scoped_object_id = ? AND scoped_object_type = ?', options[:on].id, options[:on].class.to_s]) # else # scope = scoped(:conditions => ['scoped_object_id IS NULL AND scoped_object_type IS NULL']) # end # Skip the trip to the database if the proxy has been loaded up already... # TODO: Fix this per-scope ... somehow ... probably beyond the scope of this project. # if @loaded # bits.all?{|bit|{|permission| permission.mask & bit != 0} } # else on(options[:on]).count(:conditions => [ { 'permissive_permissions.mask & ?' }.join(' AND '), *bits]) > 0 # end end def revoke(*args) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} if args.length == 1 && args.first == :all on(options[:on]).destroy_all else bits ={|name| bit_for(name) } on(options[:on]).each do |permission| bits.each do |bit| if permission.mask & bit permission.mask = permission.mask ^ bit end end! end end end end if options[:scope] scope_name = "permissive_#{options[:scope].to_s}" unless reflection = reflect_on_association(scope_name) # TODO: There's just no way this should be working. It's WAY too # fragile. We need support for something more intelligent here, # like an options hash that includes :scope_type. namespace = self.to_s.split('::') if namespace.length > 1 namespace.pop class_name = namespace.join('::') else class_name = '' end class_name << "::#{options[:scope].to_s.classify}" has_many scope_name, :through => :permissions, :source => :scoped_object, :source_type => class_name end end class_eval do # Pass calls to the instance down to its permissions collection # e.g. current_user.can(:view_comments) will bubble to # current_user.permissions.can(:view_comments) def can!(*args) permissions.can!(*args) end # Pass calls to the instance down to its permissions collection # e.g. current_user.can(:view_comments) will bubble to # current_user.permissions.can(:view_comments) def can?(*args) permissions.can?(*args) end def revoke(*args) permissions.revoke(*args) end def method_missing(method, *args) if method.to_s =~ /^can_([^\?]+)\?$/ permissions = $1 options = {} if permissions =~ /_on$/ permissions.chomp!('_on') options[:on] = args.shift end permissions = permissions.split('_and_') if permissions.all? {|permission| Permissive::Permissions.hash.has_key?(permission.downcase.to_sym) } class_eval <<-end_eval def #{method}#{"(scope)" if options[:on]} can?(#{[permissions, args].flatten.join(', ').inspect}#{", :on => scope" if options[:on]}) end end_eval return can?(*[permissions, options].flatten) end end super end end end end end end end if defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, Permissive::ActsAsPermissive end