% content_for :main do %>
ID: | <%= @user.id %> |
User Permission Level: | <%= @user.ranking %> |
<%= link_to "Groups", "/admin/groups" %>: |
<%= @user.groups.map {|g| link_to g.name, "/admin/user/#{@user.id}/group/#{g.id}", :method=>"delete" }.join(", ").html_safe %>
<%= "click to remove".html_safe if @user.groups.size>0 %>
<% one_group = false %>
<%= link_to_function "Add to other groups", "$('#add_to_groups').slideDown(); $('#add_to_groups_link').hide();", :id=>"add_to_groups_link", :class=>"action" if one_group %> |
Login Email: | <%= best_in_place @user, :email, :path=>"/admin/user/#{@user.id}" %> click to edit |
Display Name: | <%= best_in_place @user, :display_name, :path=>"/admin/user/#{@user.id}" %> click to edit |
Password: | <%= best_in_place @user, :password, :path=>"/admin/user/#{@user.id}/password" %> |
Sign in count: | <%= @user.sign_in_count %> |
Registered: | <%= time_ago_in_words(@user.created_at) %> ago at <%= @user.created_at %> |
Last sign in: | <%= time_ago_in_words(@user.last_sign_in_at) rescue 'never' %> ago at <%= @user.last_sign_in_at rescue 'never' %> |
Current sign in: | <%= time_ago_in_words(@user.current_sign_in_at) rescue 'never' %> ago at <%= @user.current_sign_in_at rescue 'never'%> |
Current sign in IP: | <%= @user.current_sign_in_ip %> |
Last sign in: | <%= time_ago_in_words(@user.last_sign_in_at) rescue 'never' %> |
Last sign in IP: | <%= @user.last_sign_in_ip rescue 'none' %> |
Subscribed Newsletter: | <%= @user.subscribe_newsletter==1 ? 'Yes' : 'No' %> <%= link_to "Unsubscribe", "/admin/user/#{@user.id}?newsletter=0", :class=>"action_pl" if @user.subscribe_newsletter==1 %> <%= link_to "Subscribe", "/admin/user/#{@user.id}?newsletter=1", :class=>"action_pl" if @user.subscribe_newsletter==0 %> |
Locked: | <%= time_ago_in_words(@user.locked_at) %> ago <%= link_to "Unlock Now", "/admin/user/#{@user.id}?unlock=1" %> |
Banned: | <% if @user.not_banned? %> No <% else %> <%= time_ago_in_words(@user.banned_at) %> <% end %> <%= link_to @user.not_banned? ? "Ban" : "Unban", "/admin/user/#{@user.id}?#{@user.not_banned? ? 'ban':'unban'}=1", :class=>"action_pl" %> |
Spam Points: | <%= @user.spam_points %> <%= link_to "Zero", "/admin/user/#{@user.id}?spam_points=0", :class=>"action_pl" %> |
When a user conducts activity that looks like it might be related to spamming this score is increased. When it exceeds <%= (Preference.getCached(_sid, 'spam_points_to_ban_user') || "10") %> the user will be automatically banned. | |
Forum Status: | <%= @user.forum_status %> <%= link_to "Increase", "/admin/user/#{@user.id}?forum_status=up", :class=>"action_pl" %> <%= link_to "Decrease", "/admin/user/#{@user.id}?forum_status=down", :class=>"action_pl" %> Higher number indicates higher risk |
Moderator: | <%= @user.moderator? ? "Yes" : "No" %> <%= link_to @user.moderator? ? "Revoke" : "Grant", "/admin/user/#{@user.id}?moderator=#{@user.moderator? ? '0' : '1'}", :class=>"action_pl" %> |
Editor/Admin: | <%= @user.admin? ? "Yes" : "No" %> <%= link_to @user.admin? ? "Revoke" : "Grant", "/admin/user/#{@user.id}?admin=#{@user.admin? ? '0' : '1'}", :class=>"action_pl" %> |
Designer: | <%= @user.designer? ? "Yes" : "No" %> <%= link_to @user.designer? ? "Revoke" : "Grant", "/admin/user/#{@user.id}?designer=#{@user.designer? ? '0' : '1'}", :class=>"action_pl" %> |
Forum Access Level: | <%= @user.forum_level %> <%= link_to "Increase", "/admin/user/#{@user.id}?forum_level=up", :class=>"action_pl" %> <%= link_to "Decrease", "/admin/user/#{@user.id}?forum_level=down", :class=>"action_pl" %> |
Advertisments: | <%= @user.ads.count %> <%= icon_to "Show Ads", "/admin/ads?user_id=#{@user.id}", false,:style=>"display: inline-block; margin-left: 10px; padding: 20px;" %> |
<%= link_to "Login As This User", "/admin/user/#{@user.id}/become", {:method=>"POST", :class=>"action"} %> |
<%= ua.name.titleize %>: | <%# = text_field_tag "parameter[#{ua.id}]", uav ? uav.value : '' %><%= best_in_place uav, :value, :path=>"/admin/user/#{@user.id}/attribute/#{ua.id}" %> |
<%= note.category %> | <%= note.description ? field_reveal(note.description.html_safe, 160) : ' '%> | <%= time_ago_in_words(note.created_at) %> ago | <%= note.created_by.email rescue 'System' %> |