nooooo where u goin? :(
i can only play the beta at my favourite internet cafe :( my computer is too shit to handle it!
i want my mommy! : (
well, if we could do it for you ourselves we would. i'm afraid the only way to talk to billing is to call them. sorry :( ^jm
i miss my grandparents already and they have only been gone a couple of hours *cries* :(
i feel kinda guilty being on twitter the day jesus was getting nailed :(
you guys are coming to #notredame the weekend i'll be gone for the state convention :( ...sadness :(
someones becoming dry... :(
polysonic youth? i lol'd. oh, and i ended up having a lion's mane on my head last night despite my straightening attempts :(
no one is helping me get new followers. :(
hope i win tweeted everytime but never win :(
i havent even been home for 3 full hrs and he callin me to cum back! :( i was missin my house...
aww, is that about other people in the hospital with you? :(
i wish you could get them on sunday :( it would save like 350 dollars lol!
oh my god, msh ngantuuk parah, tp udh dibangunin gini.. :( :(
sorry she's sick :(
&& i'm so fxcking nice to him.. but hes so mean.. why can't he just love me like he used too? :(
bummed i'm missing it :-( we headed up north 4 a bit
oh no :( i always have the complete opposite problem, lmao. hope you find something that works!
:( hope you get some good sleep...sounds like someone needs a massage
will u ever reply 2 me :(
i can't be a part of the soft, fruity lovato family :(
get ready bryly... im sorry :( you wont see this till its to late...
oopsy, how thd heck did that post so many times ??? :-(
morning tweeps! it's saturday. yah, bentar lg skolah deh :( hua, bersedihlah kita para murid!
damn, i keep missing when he's live :(
aww no :( i've done that before!
ahhhh me too! :( i miss you.
25c and my window is open. no wind!<<it's still really cold out here :(
why are you not tweeting again? :( i miss you! i think you should tweet. preferably me. i'm have the worst day ever!
ö u.u me ofendiste :( hahaha
i think everytime i tweet about someone unfollows me. that makes me sad :(
yeah ! i know that sucks :(
i cant wait to send you the long ass thing i wrote that i cant send right now. :( i
see u :(
i knew you didn't like me. :( ....*walks away*
was my first follower then he got hacked,&now he doesnt even see my tweets :( fuck you hackers !
needs to come on stage kids really? from the likes of it theyve been played out! :(
am i supposed to find it endearing that lois tries to steal other people's rooms? it's kinda bitchy. < abrasive. :(
ha ha ha awwww :( u not going out with the boo?
i realize that frerard stopped when frank got married then gerard got married, but now they're dads... frerard is dead... :(
can't help how you feel. best you can do is try to understand why and work with it :(
bored ! someone talk to meeh ! :(
ran a 4.53 guys... :(
:( things aren't going too well hoping for the best ; expecting the worst one more day and i'm gone .
aww :( why did they make you leave venice???
how are you anways ? i havn't spoken to u in ages ! miss you :( x yeah was good thanks. i didn't go out though, cousin..
i wish this said "jim norton" :(
where is she :( happy cdayy 2 myy m0ther-fkkn twiin.. happy 2nd cdayy 2 me too!!!!! lml.<---floridaa
darn my bad mood is back. :( parents lecturing me on selling art. think i sell it to cheap. bah, i'm not exactly rolling in sales here. :/
no problem! twitter cockblocked me for almost two hours last night :(
poor little guy. :(
oh i know!! we didn't go we are in atlanta. we were planning to go but something came up! :(
lol....its hard being prego :-(
have fun! color an egg for me please! i don't have any kiddos to color eggs with :-(
ugh. i threw up blood last night :(
yeahh! its awfull :( x
still working. you? no show tonight! :(
... means i wasn't the winner :( *cries*
someone lit the subway train on fire from 86th to 81st...thanks to that person, because now i'm having to walk to the 1 train, ugh :(
id love to win becaz i have big dreams and at this point in my life i feel like im never goin to reach them :( and (cont)
thats it?????? sigh.... i wont be here long..... :-(
g nearly forced me to go, i had my keys in my hand, but couldn't leave. he & i & o have colds & i'm afraid roo's getting it too. :(
of course you wait till i leave! thought i was one of the goons #smh :( lol
i really want a happy meal right now :(
jeeze, i spent all this time wanting to find this song. now i'm massively depressed because of it. :(
my favorite physician is here. i don't have his patient, tho. :(
so not a good day, got thrown in a bush and broke out in hives. fuck. :(
can't sleep i'm scared i will have nightmares :(
heyyy none of that! :(
ur to busy tweeting others and left me :(
hahaa rejected my marraige request :(
in line for ghost rider :( ugh noooo. im scared!
"your presence still lingers here and it won't leave me alone." please please, just go away. i don't want you here. :( go away. leave me be.
no no no no no babe!! im sorry i dont have any credit at all!!!! i tried texting you, but it didnt send. :( hru hun??
hanging out with my bestie, miss britlyn pearce! :) i don't see her much, she goes to university in a different city :(
im sorry :( why did you two break up?
do you not follow fans? :(
twitter seems unusually quiet for a friday night.... where is everyone? :(
yfrog is not cool. please post on twitpic :(
uggs in this hot weather #dead «-- my feet were cold today :(
you're welcome little lady ;) he never replied to my message. i died a little inside :(
tom, this is *your* twitpic: please post your pictures there. yfrog sucks :(
i've been twitter slacking :(
thas good to hear an cause you dnt be messin wit me no mo :(
poor agile hitler. nobody understands you :(
dang. and it sucked? this hurts me :(
can i have your father? i asked my dad if he loved me enough to buy me 2 pairs of cleats that expensive and he said no :(
hello sleep, not i think it is going to be a night of online wanna bee ssssshhhooopppppppping :(
that was a bad idea. no more runs for me. :( stupid bad heart lame.
i thought brushes was gonna be a universal binary? i bought the iphone version thinking it'd be updated for the ipad. suck. :(
wtf im nvr happy anymore :(
imma miss you too! i won't see you till like next friday! :( and trust me, imma live it up down there!
i cant eaither! :(
im canceling tonights "2 hours 2 kill"on because my internet is acting up &cutting out randomly, im so sorry to have to cancel :(
yeah haha im so depressed when i see a good one and i cant join it :(
im in love with these shoes but they r $34.99 :( noooo
i know i forgot all about my freakin hair appt.. but when are you guys comming back :(
i'll watch it tonight if i can, but right now i can't guarantee it, busy time of year for me. i have to work tomorrow :(
yay! wonder where jazzy pants is :(
damn. that's bugged.. :(
aduhhh mas.kmrn mimpiin tu org,laaammmaaa benerr.huhu.kyk nyata bgt :( ya ampuun (cont)
aw, crap. facing charges for her awesome video. :-(
i felt all awkward today. i was alone likee a loner :(
clash of the titans was awesome! chikfila was good as well. now i'm broke... :( oh well.. #goodtimes
#dragondiaries no princess yet :-( i did find several walruses. i ated them, but they weren't very good. cat says we should find fishes.
the thumbs down could be used for anything too! if i had the skills i would but alas i don't :(
oh my gosh mel! i'm sooo sorry! :( i think i'm going to cry right now!
spiders and their webs fascinate me! and this was the first one with golden silk i've seen. louis is not back :(
i'll try :-( not gonna be the same w/o babe... givin me bare jokes lol
and we have no decent chinese food here. :( #sodeprived
sigh! : (
omg!! i did that last month but with diet coke!! oopy-daisy :(
awwww, why'd everyone leave me? :(
my stupid mac deleted it when i downloaded a new system and it wont let me re-download it!! i need a new computer!! :(
i would but like our newsfeed is waaay to busy and its hard for us to keep up, i'm sorry! :(
i miss baliiii. i miss the beach, shopping, delicious foods, and all. :(
to #allmyactualfriendfollowerz eye kutt mii kurlz into aye fade | whyyyyy?! :(
you're still working? :-( boo. and double-boo for no show tonight.
:( long, crazy day. gotta be up at 5am.
im ultra hype im tired of sayin im yung :( lml jus cuz his bday b4 mine !
lmfao i just llook up random things about the band ud be suprised how much of a lack of info there is about ian or mike :(
he said its him or the bear :( noooo
everyone i know is at happy hour right now and i'm still at work :( sad hour for t #bummed #notgoodfriday
on my way home. pretty bad day. i hate hurting people :(
i really dont wannt give up on my hopes :( but i live in a same time in the middle on indiana so it almost impossibl (cont)
ouch :( i don't think you like me anymore... or that we've been graduated for a week and you've already forgotten about me :(
i know :( poor stefan :( im more of a damon girl but dont want anything bad to happen :(
i`m not that fat :(
:( i haven't gone to bed without a smile in so long. this feels weird.
they didddd :(
so, what kind of job are you looking for? i hate looking for a job. i have been seaching for a year :(
and concert!! sadly this is the fairwell tour for copeland... :(
not baking my own this year, no. :( >>but can you fax me one? how about email? maybe ipad has an app.
working... then dr who, sorry :( and heroes, sorry. maybe another time.
tom, this is *your* twitpic: please post your pictures there. yfrog sucks :(
i wish i could rap :(
so guess who has to work this weekend? :( gotta party extra tonight & sunday night
i wish you were here! especially since you stood me up last night :(