# The main controller, doing all persistence related activities. It extends ApplicationController to derive # any application-specific business logic, like before/after filters, auth & auth and stuff. # # To setup routes to this controller use Neofiles.routes_proc, @see lib/neofiles.rb # # As the main principle behind whole Neofiles thing is AJAX file manipulations, actions of this controller # mainly form backend for AJAX calls. # class Neofiles::AdminController < ApplicationController # TODO: remove this! it should be controlled on application side skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token # Build AJAX edit/upload form for a single file in compact way: small file thumbnail + misc buttons, like "delete", # "change options" etc. # # It is expected that someday there will be "full" view (hence the prefix "compact" here), with metadata shown # and all kinds of tools exposed. # # If param[:id] is present, the form displayed is for editing a file, while empty or non existent ID displays # an upload form. # # The parameter fake_request allows to build form when needed, when there is no actual request available # (@see #file_save). # # Main parameters: # # request[:input_name] - input with this name will be present in HTML and populated with ID of persisted file # request[:widget_id] - DOM identifier for this file widget instance # request[:clean_remove] - after deleting this file, no substituting upload form should be shown (default '0') # request[:append_create] - after persisting new file, action should return form for the file + an upload form # (default '0') # request[:disabled] - only show file, not allow anything to be edited (default '0') # request[:multiple] - allow uploading of multiple files at once (default '0') # request[:with_desc] - show short file description (default '0') # # Parameters clear_remove & append_create are used to organize Albums — technically a collection of single files. # def file_compact(fake_request = nil) request = fake_request || self.request begin @file = Neofiles::File.find request[:id] if request[:id].present? rescue Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound @file = nil end @error = I18n.t('neofiles.file_not_found') if request[:id].present? and @file.blank? @input_name = request[:input_name].to_s @widget_id = request[:widget_id].presence @clean_remove = request[:clean_remove].present? && request[:clean_remove] != '0' @append_create = request[:append_create].present? && request[:append_create] != '0' @disabled = request[:disabled].present? && request[:disabled] != '0' @multiple = request[:multiple].present? && request[:multiple] != '0' @with_desc = request[:with_desc].present? && request[:with_desc] != '0' @error ||= '' if fake_request return render_to_string action: :file_compact, layout: false else render layout: false end end # Persist new file(s) to database and return view forms for all of them (@see #file_compact) as one big HTML. # # Raises exception if something went wrong. # # This method uses append_create parameter originally passed to #file_compact (stored by JavaScript and sent again # via AJAX call). # def file_save data = request[:neofiles] raise ArgumentError.new I18n.t('neofiles.data_not_passed') unless data.is_a? Hash files = data[:file] files = [files] unless files.is_a? Array old_file = data[:id].present? ? Neofiles::File.find(data[:id]) : nil file_objects = [] errors = [] last_exception = nil files.each_with_index do |uploaded_file, i| errors.push("#{I18n.t('neofiles.file_not_passed')} (#{i + 1})") and next unless uploaded_file.respond_to? :read file_class = Neofiles::File.class_by_file_object(uploaded_file) file = file_class.new do |f| f.description = data[:description].presence || old_file.try(:description) f.file = uploaded_file end begin Rails.application.config.neofiles.before_save.try!(:call, file) file.save! rescue Exception => ex last_exception = ex notify_airbrake(ex) if defined? notify_airbrake next end file_objects << file end result = [] file_objects.each_with_index do |file, i| result << file_compact(data.merge(id: file.id, widget_id: "#{data[:widget_id]}_ap_#{i}", append_create: i == file_objects.count - 1 && !old_file && data[:append_create] == '1' ? '1' : '0')) end if result.empty? raise ArgumentError.new(last_exception || (errors.empty? ? I18n.t('neofiles.file_not_passed') : errors.join("\n"))) end render text: result.join, layout: false end # As we don't actually delete anything, this method only marks file as deleted. # # This method uses clean_remove parameter originally passed to #file_compact (stored by JavaScript and sent again # via AJAX call). # def file_remove file, data = find_file_and_data file.is_deleted = true file.save! return render text: '' if data[:clean_remove].present? && data[:clean_remove] != '0' redirect_to neofiles_file_compact_path(data.merge(id: nil)) end # As Neofiles treats files as immutables, this method updates only auxiliary fields: description, no_wm etc. # # Returns nothing. # def file_update file, data = find_file_and_data file.update data.slice(:description, :no_wm) render text: '', layout: false end # Neofiles knows how to play with Redactor.js and this method persists files uploaded via this WYSIWYG editor. # # Redactor.js may know which owner object is edited so we can store owner_type/id for later use. # # Returns JSON list of persisted files. # def redactor_upload owner_type, owner_id, file = prepare_owner_type(request[:owner_type]), request[:owner_id], request[:file] raise ArgumentError.new I18n.t('neofiles.data_not_passed') if owner_type.blank? || owner_id.blank? raise ArgumentError.new I18n.t('neofiles.file_not_passed') unless file.present? && file.respond_to?(:read) file_class = Neofiles::File.class_by_file_object(file) file = file_class.new do |f| f.owner_type = owner_type f.owner_id = owner_id f.description = request[:description].presence f.no_wm = true if f.respond_to?(:no_wm) f.file = file end Rails.application.config.neofiles.before_save.try!(:call, file) file.save! # returns JSON {filelink: '/neofiles/serve-file/#{file.id}'} render json: {filelink: neofiles_file_path(file), filename: file.filename} end # Returns JSON of files assigned to specific owner to show them in Redactor.js tab "previously uploaded files". # def redactor_list type, owner_type, owner_id = request[:type], prepare_owner_type(request[:owner_type]), request[:owner_id] type ||= 'file' begin file_class = "Neofiles::#{type.classify}".constantize rescue raise ArgumentError.new I18n.t('neofiles.unknown_file_type', type: type) end result = [] files = file_class.where(owner_type: owner_type, owner_id: owner_id) files.each do |f| if f.is_a?(Neofiles::Image) result << { thumb: neofiles_image_path(f, format: '100x100'), image: neofiles_file_path(f), title: f.description.to_s, #folder: '', } else result << { filelink: neofiles_file_path(f), title: f.description.to_s, #folder: '', } end end # returns JSON [{filelink: '/neofiles/serve-file/#{file.id}', title: '...', thumb: '/neo.../100x100'}, {...}, ...] render json: result rescue render json: [] end private # Fetch common data from request. def find_file_and_data data = request[:neofiles] raise ArgumentError.new I18n.t('neofiles.data_not_passed') if data.blank? || !(data.is_a? Hash) raise ArgumentError.new I18n.t('neofiles.id_not_passed') unless data[:id].present? [Neofiles::File.find(data[:id]), data] end # TODO: owner_type must be stored properly as in Mongoid polymorphic relation def prepare_owner_type(type) type.to_s.gsub(':', '/') end end