&:[o_multifile| If set to _true_, the document will be rendered in multiple files, according to the specified =>[#topics|topics]. ] &:[o_extension| The extension to use for the output file(s). ] &:[o_filter_target| The output target for filters. It can be set to @html@ (for RedCloth and MarkDown) or @latex@ (RedCloth-only). ] &:[o_macro_dirs| The directories from which macros will be loaded (both in Glyph's home and the current project directory). ] &:[o_layout_dirs| The directories from which layout macros will be loaded (both in Glyph's home and the current project directory). ] &:[o_layouts.topic| The name of the layout to use to render topic files. ] &:[o_layouts.index| The name of the layout to use to render the document index file. ] &:[o_base| The directory to use as root for all link paths. ] These settings are used to configure output-specific options. section[ @title[output.pdf.*] config_table[ out_cfg[pdf.extension] out_cfg[pdf.filter_target] ref_config[output.pdf.generator| The external program used to generate PDF files. It can be set to @prince@ or @wkhtmltopdf@. ] out_cfg[pdf.macro_dirs] out_cfg[pdf.multifile] ] ] section[ @title[output.html.*] config_table[ out_cfg[html.extension] out_cfg[html.filter_target] out_cfg[html.macro_dirs] out_cfg[html.multifile] ] ] section[ @title[output.html5.*] config_table[ out_cfg[html5.extension] out_cfg[html5.filter_target] out_cfg[html5.macro_dirs] out_cfg[html5.multifile] ] ] section[ @title[output.web.*] config_table[ out_cfg[web.base] out_cfg[web.extension] out_cfg[web.filter_target] out_cfg[web.layout_dirs] out_cfg[web.layouts.index] out_cfg[web.layouts.topic] out_cfg[web.macro_dirs] out_cfg[web.multifile] ] ] section[ @title[output.web5.*] config_table[ out_cfg[web5.base] out_cfg[web5.extension] out_cfg[web5.filter_target] out_cfg[web5.layout_dirs] out_cfg[web5.layouts.index] out_cfg[web5.layouts.topic] out_cfg[web5.macro_dirs] out_cfg[web5.multifile] ] ]