{: versionI"3.4.21 (Selective Steve):EF:shaI"-7c9a0398fe270feb3bd49eef06559032381b3b7d;F: contents"Äo:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@children[ o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode : @value[I"f/* @doc off * Extends the bottom of the element to enclose any floats it contains. * @doc on */:ET: @type: silent;[: @linei:@source_rangeo:Sass::Source::Range :@start_poso:Sass::Source::Position; i: @offseti: @end_poso;; i;i: @fileI"Œ/Users/brittanymartin/.rbenv/versions/2.3.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/utilities/general/_clearfix.scss; T:@importero: Sass::Importers::Filesystem: @rootI"h/Users/brittanymartin/.rbenv/versions/2.3.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets; F:@real_rootI"h/Users/brittanymartin/.rbenv/versions/2.3.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets; T:@same_name_warningso:Set: @hash}F: @options{o:Sass::Tree::ImportNode :@imported_filenameI" hacks; T;[:@template0; i ; o; ;o;; i ;i;o;; i ;i;@;@;@:@imported_file0o; ;[I"./* This basic method is preferred for the usual case, when positioned * content will not show outside the bounds of the container. * * Recommendations include using this in conjunction with a width. * Credit: [quirksmode.org](http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2005/03/clearing_floats.html) */; T; ; ;[; i ; o; ;o;; i ;i;o;; i;ig;@;@;@o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode : @nameI" clearfix; T: @args[: @splat0;[o:Sass::Tree::PropNode;![I" overflow; T;o: Sass::Script::Tree::Literal;o: Sass::Script::Value::String ;I" hidden; T; :identifier:"@deprecated_interp_equivalent0;@; i; o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@: @tabsi:@prop_syntax:new;[; i; o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@:@name_source_rangeo; ;@1;o;; i;i;@;@:@value_source_rangeo; ;o;; i;i;@2;@;@;@o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode;!I"has-layout; T;"[:@keywords{;#0:@kwarg_splat0;[; i; o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@;@; i; o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@:@has_childrenT;@o; ;[I" /* This older method from Position Is Everything called * [Easy Clearing](http://www.positioniseverything.net/easyclearing.html) * has the advantage of allowing positioned elements to hang * outside the bounds of the container at the expense of more tricky CSS. */; T; ; ;[; i; o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;iO;@;@;@o; ;!I"legacy-pie-clearfix; T;"[;#0;[o:Sass::Tree::RuleNode: @rule[I" &:after; T:@parsed_ruleso:"Sass::Selector::CommaSequence: @members[o:Sass::Selector::Sequence;6[o:#Sass::Selector::SimpleSequence ;6[o:Sass::Selector::Parent: @suffix0; i:@filename0o:Sass::Selector::Pseudo :@syntactic_type: class;!I" after; T: @arg0:@selector0; i;;0: @subject0: @sourceso;;}F; o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i ;0;0; i;;0; i; i;;0:@selector_source_rangeo; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@;)i;[ o;$;![I" content; T;o;%;o;& ;I" "\0020"; T; ;';(0;@; i; o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@;)i;*;+;[; i; o; ;o;; i;i ;o;; i;i;@;@;,o; ;@m;o;; i;i;@;@;-o; ;o;; i;i;@n;@;@;@o;$;![I" display; T;o;%;o;& ;I" block; T; ;';(0;@; i; o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@;)i;*;+;[; i; o; ;o;; i;i ;o;; i;i;@;@;,o; ;@~;o;; i;i;@;@;-o; ;o;; i;i;@;@;@;@o;$;![I" height; T;o;%;o;& ;I"0; T; ;';(0;@; i; o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@;)i;*;+;[; i; o; ;o;; i;i ;o;; i;i;@;@;,o; ;@Š;o;; i;i;@;@;-o; ;o;; i;i;@‹;@;@;@o;$;![I" clear; T;o;%;o;& ;I" both; T; ;';(0;@; i; o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@;)i;*;+;[; i; o; ;o;; i;i ;o;; i;i;@;@;,o; ;@›;o;; i;i;@;@;-o; ;o;; i;i;@œ;@;@;@o;$;![I" overflow; T;o;%;o;& ;I" hidden; T; ;';(0;@; i ; o; ;o;; i ;i;o;; i ;i;@;@;)i;*;+;[; i ; o; ;o;; i ;i ;o;; i ;i;@;@;,o; ;@¬;o;; i ;i;@;@;-o; ;o;; i ;i;@­;@;@;@o;$;![I"visibility; T;o;%;o;& ;I" hidden; T; ;';(0;@; i!; o; ;o;; i!;i;o;; i!;i;@;@;)i;*;+;[; i!; o; ;o;; i!;i ;o;; i!;i;@;@;,o; ;@½;o;; i!;i;@;@;-o; ;o;; i!;i;@¾;@;@;@; i; o; ;@_;o;; i;i;@;@;1T;@o;.;!I"has-layout; T;"[;/{;#0;00;[; i#; o; ;o;; i#;i;o;; i#;i;@;@;@; i; o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i!;@;@;1T;@o; ;[I" /* This is an updated version of the PIE clearfix method that reduces the amount of CSS output. * If you need to support Firefox before 3.5 you need to use `legacy-pie-clearfix` instead. * * Adapted from: [A new micro clearfix hack](http://nicolasgallagher.com/micro-clearfix-hack/) */; T; ; ;[; i&; o; ;o;; i&;i;o;; i);id;@;@;@o; ;!I"pie-clearfix; T;"[;#0;[o;2;3[I" &:after; T;4o;5;6[o;7;6[o;8 ;6[o;9;:0; i+;;0o;< ;=;>;!I" after; T;?0;@0; i+;;0;A0;Bo;;}F; o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i ;0;0; i+;;0; i+; i+;;0;Co; ;o;; i+;i;o;; i+;i;@;@;)i;[o;$;![I" content; T;o;%;o;& ;I"""; T; ;';(0;@; i,; o; ;o;; i,;i;o;; i,;i;@;@;)i;*;+;[; i,; o; ;o;; i,;i ;o;; i,;i;@;@;,o; ;@û;o;; i,;i;@;@;-o; ;o;; i,;i;@ü;@;@;@o;$;![I" display; T;o;%;o;& ;I" table; T; ;';(0;@; i-; o; ;o;; i-;i;o;; i-;i;@;@;)i;*;+;[; i-; o; ;o;; i-;i ;o;; i-;i;@;@;,o; ;@ ;o;; i-;i;@;@;-o; ;o;; i-;i;@ ;@;@;@o;$;![I" clear; T;o;%;o;& ;I" both; T; ;';(0;@; i.; o; ;o;; i.;i;o;; i.;i;@;@;)i;*;+;[; i.; o; ;o;; i.;i ;o;; i.;i;@;@;,o; ;@;o;; i.;i;@;@;-o; ;o;; i.;i;@;@;@;@; i+; o; ;@í;o;; i+;i;@;@;1T;@o;.;!I"has-layout; T;"[;/{;#0;00;[; i0; o; ;o;; i0;i;o;; i0;i;@;@;@; i*; o; ;o;; i*;i;o;; i*;i;@;@;1T;@;I"P// @doc off // Extends the bottom of the element to enclose any floats it contains. // @doc on @import "hacks"; // This basic method is preferred for the usual case, when positioned // content will not show outside the bounds of the container. // // Recommendations include using this in conjunction with a width. // Credit: [quirksmode.org](http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2005/03/clearing_floats.html) @mixin clearfix { overflow: hidden; @include has-layout; } // This older method from Position Is Everything called // [Easy Clearing](http://www.positioniseverything.net/easyclearing.html) // has the advantage of allowing positioned elements to hang // outside the bounds of the container at the expense of more tricky CSS. @mixin legacy-pie-clearfix { &:after { content : "\0020"; display : block; height : 0; clear : both; overflow : hidden; visibility : hidden; } @include has-layout; } // This is an updated version of the PIE clearfix method that reduces the amount of CSS output. // If you need to support Firefox before 3.5 you need to use `legacy-pie-clearfix` instead. // // Adapted from: [A new micro clearfix hack](http://nicolasgallagher.com/micro-clearfix-hack/) @mixin pie-clearfix { &:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } @include has-layout; } ; T; i; o; ;o;; i;i;o;; i;i;@;@;1T;@