# This software code is made available "AS IS" without warranties of any # kind. You may copy, display, modify and redistribute the software # code either by itself or as incorporated into your code; provided that # you do not remove any proprietary notices. Your use of this software # code is at your own risk and you waive any claim against Amazon # Digital Services, Inc. or its affiliates with respect to your use of # this software code. (c) 2006 Amazon Digital Services, Inc. or its # affiliates. # # This software code is made available "AS IS" without warranties of any # kind. You may copy, display, modify and redistribute the software # code either by itself or as incorporated into your code; provided that # you do not remove any proprietary notices. Your use of this software # code is at your own risk and you waive any claim against the author # with respect to your use of this software code. # (c) 2007 s3sync.net # require 'S3' require 'HTTPStreaming' # The purpose of this file is to overlay the S3 library from AWS # to add some functionality # (without changing the file itself or requiring a specific version) # It still isn't perfectly robust, i.e. if radical changes are made # to the underlying lib this stuff will need updating. module S3 class AWSAuthConnection def make_http(bucket='', host='', proxy_host=nil, proxy_port=nil, proxy_user=nil, proxy_pass=nil) # build the domain based on the calling format server = '' if host != '' server = host elsif bucket.empty? # for a bucketless request (i.e. list all buckets) # revert to regular domain case since this operation # does not make sense for vanity domains server = @server elsif @calling_format == CallingFormat::SUBDOMAIN server = "#{bucket}.#{@server}" elsif @calling_format == CallingFormat::VANITY server = bucket else server = @server end # automatically does the right thing when no proxy http = Net::HTTP::Proxy(proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_user, proxy_pass).new(server, @port) #http = Net::HTTP.new(server, @port) http.use_ssl = @is_secure http.verify_mode=@verify_mode http.ca_file=@ca_file http.ca_path=@ca_path http.start return http end # add support for streaming the response body to an IO stream alias __make_request__ make_request def make_request(method, bucket='', key='', path_args={}, headers={}, data='', metadata={}, streamOut=nil) # build the path based on the calling format path = "#{@virtual_path}" if (not bucket.empty?) and (@calling_format == CallingFormat::REGULAR) path << "/#{bucket}" end # add the slash after the bucket regardless # the key will be appended if it is non-empty path << "/#{key}" # build the path_argument string # add the ? in all cases since # signature and credentials follow path args path << '?' path << S3.path_args_hash_to_string(path_args) req = method_to_request_class(method).new("#{path}") set_headers(req, headers) set_headers(req, metadata, METADATA_PREFIX) set_headers(req, {'Connection' => 'keep-alive', 'Keep-Alive' => '300'}) set_aws_auth_header(req, @aws_access_key_id, @aws_secret_access_key, @virtual_path, bucket, key, path_args) http = $S3syncHttp if req.request_body_permitted? return http.request(req, data, streamOut) else return http.request(req, nil, streamOut) end end # a "get" operation that sends the body to an IO stream def get_stream(bucket, key, headers={}, streamOut=nil) return GetResponse.new(make_request('GET', bucket, CGI::escape(key), {}, headers, '', {}, streamOut)) end # a "get" operation that sends the body to an IO stream def get_query_stream(bucket, key, path_args={}, headers={}, streamOut=nil) return GetResponse.new(make_request('GET', bucket, CGI::escape(key), path_args, headers, '', {}, streamOut)) end def head(bucket, key=nil, headers={}) return GetResponse.new(make_request('HEAD', bucket, CGI::escape(key), {}, headers, '', {})) end undef create_bucket def create_bucket(bucket, object) object = S3Object.new(object) if not object.instance_of? S3Object return Response.new( make_request('PUT', bucket, '', {}, {}, object.data, object.metadata) ) end # no, because internally the library does not support the header,wait,body paradigm, so this is useless #alias __put__ put #def put(bucket, key, object, headers={}) # headers['Expect'] = "100-continue" # __put__(bucket, key, object, headers) #end # allow ssl validation attr_accessor :verify_mode attr_accessor :ca_path attr_accessor :ca_file end module CallingFormat def CallingFormat.string_to_format(s) case s when 'REGULAR' return CallingFormat::REGULAR when 'SUBDOMAIN' return CallingFormat::SUBDOMAIN when 'VANITY' return CallingFormat::VANITY else raise "Unsupported calling format #{s}" end end end end