module Hominid
  module Helper
    # Retrieve lots of account information including payments made, plan info,
    # some account stats, installed modules, contact info, and more. No private
    # information like Credit Card numbers is available.
    # Parameters:
    # * options (Hash) = 
    # Returns:
    # An array of account details for this API key including:
    # * username        (String)    = The Account username.
    # * user_id         (String)    = The Account user unique id (for building some links).
    # * is_trial        (Boolean)   = Whether the Account is in Trial mode.
    # * timezone        (String)    = The timezone for the Account.
    # * plan_type       (String)    = Plan Type - "monthly", "payasyougo", or "free".
    # * plan_low        (Integer)   = Only for Monthly plans - the lower tier for list size.
    # * plan_high       (Integer)   = Only for Monthly plans - the upper tier for list size.
    # * plan_start_date (DateTime)  = Only for Monthly plans - the start date for a monthly plan.
    # * emails_left     (Integer)   = Only for Free and Pay-as-you-go plans emails credits left for the account.
    # * pending_monthly (Boolean)   = Whether the account is finishing Pay As You Go credits before switching to a Monthly plan.
    # * first_payment   (DateTime)  = Date of first payment.
    # * last_payment    (DateTime)  = Date of most recent payment.
    # * times_logged_in (Integer)   = Total number of times the account has been logged into via the web.
    # * last_login      (DateTime)  = Date/time of last login via the web.
    # * affiliate_link  (String)    = Monkey Rewards link for our Affiliate program.
    # * contact         (Array)     = Contact details for the account, including: First & Last name, email, company name, address, phone, and url.
    # * addons          (Array)     = Addons installed in the account and the date they were installed.
    # * orders          (Array)     = Order details for the account, include order_id, type, cost, date/time, and any credits applied to the order.
    def account_details
    # Get the current Chimp Chatter messages for an account.
    # Returns:
    # The current Chimp Chatter for an account.
    def chatter
    # Create a new folder to file campaigns in.
    # Parameters:
    # * name (String) = A unique name for a folder.
    # Returns:
    # The folder_id of the newly created folder. (Integer)
    def create_folder(name)
      call("createFolder", name)
    # Import Ecommerce Order Information to be used for Segmentation.
    # Parameters:
    # * order (Hash) = A hash of order information including:
    #   * id          (String)  = The order id.
    #   * email_id    (String)  = Email id of the subscriber. (mc_eid query string) (Required if no email)
    #   * email       (String)  = Email id of the subscriber. (Required if no email_id)
    #   * total       (Double)  = Show only campaigns with this from_name.
    #   * order_date  (String)  = The date of the order. (optional)
    #   * shipping    (String)  = The total paid for shipping fees. (optional)
    #   * tax         (String)  = The total tax paid. (optional)
    #   * store_id    (String)  = A unique id for the store sending the order in
    #   * store_name  (String)  = A readable name for the store, typicaly the hostname. (optional)
    #   * plugin_id   (String)  = The MailChimp-assigned Plugin Id. Using 1214 for the moment.
    #   * campaign_id (String)  = The campaign ID for this order. (mc_cid query string) (optional)
    #   * items       (Array)   = The individual line items for an order, using the following keys:
    #   * line_num       (Integer) = The line number of the item on the order. (optional)
    #   * product_id     (Integer) = Internal product id.
    #   * product_name   (String)  = The name for the product_id associated with the item.
    #   * category_id    (Integer) = Internal id for the (main) category associated with product.
    #   * category_name  (String)  = The category name for the category id.
    #   * qty            (Double)  = The quantity of items ordered.
    #   * cost           (Double)  = The cost of a single item (Ex. Not the extended cost of the line).
    # Returns:
    # True if successful, error code if not.
    def ecomm_add_order(order)
      call("ecommAddOrder", order)
    # Have HTML content auto-converted to a text-only format. You can send: plain HTML, an array of Template content,
    # an existing Campaign Id, or an existing Template Id. Note that this will not save anything to or update any of
    # your lists, campaigns, or templates.
    # Parameters:
    # * type    (String) = Must be one of: "html", "template", "url", "cid", or "tid".
    # * content (String) = The content to use. For "html" expects a single string value, "template" expects an array like you send to campaignCreate, "url" expects a valid & public URL to pull from, "cid" expects a valid Campaign Id, and "tid" expects a valid Template Id on your account.
    # Returns:
    # The content passed in converted to text. (String)
    def generate_text(type, content)
      call("generateText", type, content)
    # Send your HTML content to have the CSS inlined and optionally remove the original styles.
    # Parameters:
    # * html       (String)  = Your HTML content.
    # * strip_css  (Boolean) = Whether you want the CSS <style> tags stripped from the returned document. Defaults to false.
    # Returns:
    # Your HTML content with all CSS inlined, just like if we sent it. (String)
    def inline_css(html, strip_css = false)
      call("inlineCss", html, strip_css)
    alias :convert_css_to_inline :inline_css
    # "Ping" the MailChimp API - a simple method you can call that will return a constant value as long as everything
    # is good. Note than unlike most all of our methods, we don't throw an Exception if we are having issues. You will
    # simply receive a different string back that will explain our view on what is going on.
    # Returns:
    # "Everything's Chimpy!"
    def ping()