# frozen_string_literal: true module Decidim module Admin # Helper that provides methods related to Decidim::Admin::Filterable concern. module FilterableHelper # Renders the filters selector with tags in the admin panel. def admin_filter_selector(i18n_ctx = nil) render partial: "decidim/admin/shared/filters", locals: { i18n_ctx: i18n_ctx } end # Builds a tree of links from Decidim::Admin::Filterable::filters_with_values def submenu_options_tree(i18n_ctx = nil) i18n_scope = filterable_i18n_scope_from_ctx(i18n_ctx) filters_with_values.each_with_object({}) do |(filter, values), hash| link = filter_link_label(filter, i18n_scope) hash[link] = case values when Array build_submenu_options_tree_from_array(filter, values, i18n_scope) when Hash build_submenu_options_tree_from_hash(filter, values, i18n_scope) end end end # Builds a tree of links from an array. The tree will have only one level. def build_submenu_options_tree_from_array(filter, values, i18n_scope) links = [] links += extra_dropdown_submenu_options_items(filter, i18n_scope) links += values.map { |value| filter_link_value(filter, value, i18n_scope) } links.index_with { nil } end # To be overriden. Useful for adding links that do not match with the filter. # Must return an Array. def extra_dropdown_submenu_options_items(_filter, _i18n_scope) [] end # Builds a tree of links from an Hash. The tree can have many levels. def build_submenu_options_tree_from_hash(filter, values, i18n_scope) values.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), hash| link = filter_link_value(filter, key, i18n_scope) hash[link] = if value.nil? nil elsif value.is_a?(Hash) build_submenu_options_tree_from_hash(filter, value, i18n_scope) end end end # Produces the html for the dropdown submenu from the options tree. # Returns a ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer. def dropdown_submenu(options) content_tag(:ul, class: "vertical menu") do options.map do |key, value| if value.nil? content_tag(:li, key) elsif value.is_a?(Hash) content_tag(:li, class: "is-dropdown-submenu-parent") do key + dropdown_submenu(value) end end end.join.html_safe end end def filter_link_label(filter, i18n_scope) link_to(i18n_filter_label(filter, i18n_scope), href: "#") end def filter_link_value(filter, value, i18n_scope) link_to(i18n_filter_value(filter, value, i18n_scope), query_params_with(filter => value)) end def i18n_filter_label(filter, i18n_scope) t("#{i18n_scope}.#{filter}.label") end def i18n_filter_value(filter, value, i18n_scope) if I18n.exists?("#{i18n_scope}.#{filter}.values.#{value}") t(value, scope: "#{i18n_scope}.#{filter}.values") else find_dynamic_translation(filter, value) end end def applied_filters_hidden_field_tags html = [] html += ransack_params.slice(*filters, *extra_filters).map do |filter, value| hidden_field_tag("q[#{filter}]", value) end html += query_params.slice(*extra_allowed_params).map do |filter, value| hidden_field_tag(filter, value) end html.join.html_safe end def applied_filters_tags(i18n_ctx) ransack_params.slice(*filters).map do |filter, value| applied_filter_tag(filter, value, filterable_i18n_scope_from_ctx(i18n_ctx)) end.join.html_safe end def applied_filter_tag(filter, value, i18n_scope) content_tag(:span, class: "label secondary") do concat "#{i18n_filter_label(filter, i18n_scope)}: " concat i18n_filter_value(filter, value, i18n_scope) concat remove_filter_icon_link(filter) end end def remove_filter_icon_link(filter) icon_link_to( "circle-x", url_for(query_params_without(filter)), t("decidim.admin.actions.cancel"), class: "action-icon--remove" ) end def filterable_i18n_scope_from_ctx(i18n_ctx) i18n_scope = "decidim.admin.filters" i18n_scope += ".#{i18n_ctx}" if i18n_ctx i18n_scope end end end end