## 1.5.2 2022-10-19 ### Fixed - Coercion failures keep the original error instead of just having a string (@flash-gordon) [Compare v1.5.1...v1.5.2](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-struct/compare/v1.5.1...v1.5.2) ## 1.5.1 2022-10-17 ### Fixed - Fixed issues with auto-loading `Extensions` module (issue #183 fixed via #184) (@solnic) [Compare v1.5.0...v1.5.1](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-struct/compare/v1.5.0...v1.5.1) ## 1.5.0 2022-10-15 ### Changed - Use zeitwerk for auto-loading (@flash-gordon) [Compare v1.4.0...v1.5.0](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-struct/compare/v1.4.0...v1.5.0) ## 1.4.0 2021-01-21 ### Added - Support for wrapping constructors and fallbacks, see release notes for dry-types 1.5.0 (@flash-gordon) - Improvements of the attribute DSL, now it's possible to use optional structs as a base class (@flash-gordon) ```ruby class User < Dry::Struct attribute :name, Types::String attribute :address, Dry::Struct.optional do attribute :city, Types::String end end User.new(name: "John", address: nil) # => # ``` [Compare v1.3.0...v1.4.0](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-struct/compare/v1.3.0...v1.4.0) ## 1.3.0 2020-02-10 ### Added - Nested structures will reuse type and key transformations from the enclosing struct (@flash-gordon) ```ruby class User < Dry::Struct transform_keys(&:to_sym) attribute :name, Types::String attribute :address do # this struct will inherit transform_keys(&:to_sym) attribute :city, Types::String end # nested struct will _not_ transform keys because a parent # struct is given attribute :contacts, Dry::Struct do attribute :email, Types::String end end ``` - `Dry::Struct::Constructor` finally acts like a fully-featured type (@flash-gordon) - `Dry::Struct.abstract` declares a struct class as abstract. An abstract class is used as a default superclass for nested structs (@flash-gordon) - `Dry::Struct.to_ast` and struct compiler (@flash-gordon) - Struct composition with `Dry::Struct.attributes_from`. It's more flexible than inheritance (@waiting-for-dev + @flash-gordon) ```ruby class Address < Dry::Struct attribute :city, Types::String attribute :zipcode, Types::String end class Buyer < Dry::Struct attribute :name, Types::String attributes_from Address end class Seller < Dry::Struct attribute :name, Types::String attribute :email, Types::String attributes_from Address end ``` ### Changed - [internal] metadata is now stored inside schema (@flash-gordon) [Compare v1.2.0...v1.3.0](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-struct/compare/v1.2.0...v1.3.0) ## 1.2.0 2019-12-20 ### Changed - `Dry::Struct::Value` is deprecated. `Dry::Struct` instances were never meant to be mutable, we have no support for this. The only difference between `Dry::Struct` and `Dry::Struct::Value` is that the latter is deeply frozen. Freezing objects slows the code down and gives you very little benefit in return. If you have a use case for `Value`, it won't be hard to roll your own solution using [ice_nine](https://github.com/dkubb/ice_nine) (flash-gordon) - In the thread of the previous change, structs now use immutable equalizer. This means `Struct#hash` memoizes its value after the first invocation. Depending on the case, this may speed up your code significantly (flash-gordon) [Compare v1.1.1...v1.2.0](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-struct/compare/v1.1.1...v1.2.0) ## 1.1.1 2019-10-13 ### Changed - Pattern matching syntax is simplified with `deconstruct_keys` (k-tsj) ```ruby User = Dry.Struct(name: 'string', email: 'string') user = User.new(name: 'John Doe', email: 'john@acme.org') case user in User(name: 'John Doe', email:) puts email else puts 'Not John' end ``` See more examples in the [specs](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-struct/blob/8112772eb08d22ff2cd3e6997514d79a9b124968/spec/dry/struct/pattern_matching_spec.rb). [Compare v1.1.0...v1.1.1](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-struct/compare/v1.1.0...v1.1.1) ## 1.1.0 2019-10-07 ### Added - Experimental support for pattern matching :tada: (flash-gordon) [Compare v1.0.0...v1.1.0](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-struct/compare/v1.0.0...v1.1.0) ## 1.0.0 2019-04-23 ### Added - `Struct.call` now accepts an optional block that will be called on failed coercion. This behavior is consistent with dry-types 1.0. Note that `.new` doesn't take a block (flash-gordon) ```ruby User = Dry::Struct(name: 'string') User.(1) { :oh_no } # => :oh_no ``` ### Changed - `valid?` and `===` behave differently, `===` works the same way `Class#===` does and `valid?` checks if the value _can be_ coerced to the struct (flash-gordon) [Compare v0.7.0...v1.0.0](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-struct/compare/v0.7.0...v1.0.0) ## 0.7.0 2019-03-22 ### Changed - [BREAKING] `Struct.input` was renamed `Struct.schema`, hence `Struct.schema` returns an instance of `Dry::Types::Hash::Schema` rather than a `Hash`. Schemas are also implementing `Enumerable` but they iterate over key types. New API: ```ruby User.schema.each do |key| puts "Key name: #{ key.name }" puts "Key type: #{ key.type }" end ``` To get a type by its name use `.key`: ```ruby User.schema.key(:id) # => # ``` - [BREAKING] `transform_types` now passes one argument to the block, an instance of the `Key` type. Combined with the new API from dry-types it simplifies declaring omittable keys: ```ruby class StructWithOptionalKeys < Dry::Struct transform_types { |key| key.required(false) } # or simply transform_types(&:omittable) end ``` - `Dry::Stuct#new` is now more efficient for partial updates (flash-gordon) - Ruby 2.3 is EOL and not officially supported. It may work but we don't test it. [Compare v0.6.0...v0.7.0](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-struct/compare/v0.6.0...v0.7.0) ## 0.6.0 2018-10-24 ### Added - `Struct.attribute?` is an easy way to define omittable attributes (flash-gordon): ```ruby class User < Dry::Struct attribute :name, Types::Strict::String attribute? :email, Types::Strict::String end # User.new(name: 'John') # => # ``` ### Fixed - `Struct#to_h` recursively converts hash values to hashes, this was done to be consistent with current behavior for arrays (oeoeaio + ZimbiX) ### Changed - [BREAKING] `Struct.attribute?` in the old sense is deprecated, use `has_attribute?` as a replacement [Compare v0.5.1...v0.6.0](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-struct/compare/v0.5.1...v0.6.0) ## 0.5.1 2018-08-11 ### Added - Pretty print extension (ojab) ```ruby Dry::Struct.load_extensions(:pretty_print) PP.pp(user) #> ``` ### Fixed - Constant resolution is now restricted to the current module when structs are automatically defined using the block syntax. This shouldn't break any existing code (piktur) [Compare v0.5.0...v0.5.1](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-struct/compare/v0.5.0...v0.5.1) ## 0.5.0 2018-05-03 ### Added - `Dry::Struct.transform_types` accepts a block which is yielded on every type to add. Since types are `dry-types`' objects that come with a robust DSL it's rather simple to restore the behavior of `constructor_type`. See https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-struct/pull/64 for details (flash-gordon) Example: evaluate defaults on `nil` values ```ruby class User < Dry::Struct transform_types do |type| type.constructor { |value| value.nil? ? Undefined : value } end end ``` - `Data::Struct.transform_keys` accepts a block/proc that transforms keys of input hashes. The most obvious usage is simbolization but arbitrary transformations are allowed (flash-gordon) - `Dry.Struct` builds a struct by a hash of attribute names and types (citizen428) ```ruby User = Dry::Struct(name: 'strict.string') do attribute :email, 'strict.string' end ``` - Support for `Struct.meta`, note that `.meta` returns a _new class_ (flash-gordon) ```ruby class User < Dry::Struct attribute :name, Dry::Types['strict.string'] end UserWithMeta = User.meta(foo: :bar) User.new(name: 'Jade').class == UserWithMeta.new(name: 'Jade').class # => false ``` - `Struct.attribute` yields a block with definition for nested structs. It defines a nested constant for the new struct and supports arrays (AMHOL + flash-gordon) ```ruby class User < Dry::Struct attribute :name, Types::Strict::String attribute :address do attribute :country, Types::Strict::String attribute :city, Types::Strict::String end attribute :accounts, Types::Strict::Array do attribute :currency, Types::Strict::String attribute :balance, Types::Strict::Decimal end end # ^This automatically defines User::Address and User::Account ``` ### Fixed - Adding a new attribute invalidates `attribute_names` (flash-gordon) - Struct classes track subclasses and define attributes in them, now it doesn't matter whether you define attributes first and _then_ subclass or vice versa. Note this can lead to memory leaks in Rails environment when struct classes are reloaded (flash-gordon) [Compare v0.4.0...v0.5.0](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-struct/compare/v0.4.0...v0.5.0) ## 0.4.0 2017-11-04 ### Fixed - `Struct#new` doesn't call `.to_hash` recursively (flash-gordon) ### Changed - Attribute readers don't override existing instance methods (solnic) - `Struct#new` uses raw attributes instead of method calls, this makes the behavior consistent with the change above (flash-gordon) - `constructor_type` now actively rejects `:weak` and `:symbolized` values (GustavoCaso) [Compare v0.3.1...v0.4.0](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-struct/compare/v0.3.1...v0.4.0) ## 0.3.1 2017-06-30 ### Added - `Struct.constructor` that makes dry-struct more aligned with dry-types; now you can have a struct with a custom constructor that will be called _before_ calling the `new` method (v-kolesnikov) - `Struct.attribute?` and `Struct.attribute_names` for introspecting struct attributes (flash-gordon) - `Struct#__new__` is a safe-to-use-in-gems alias for `Struct#new` (flash-gordon) [Compare v0.3.0...v0.3.1](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-struct/compare/v0.3.0...v0.3.1) ## 0.3.0 2017-05-05 ### Added - `Dry::Struct#new` method to return new instance with applied changeset (Kukunin) ### Fixed - `.[]` and `.call` does not coerce subclass to superclass anymore (Kukunin) - Raise ArgumentError when attribute type is a string and no value provided is for `new` (GustavoCaso) ### Changed - `.new` without arguments doesn't use nil as an input for non-default types anymore (flash-gordon) [Compare v0.2.1...v0.3.0](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-struct/compare/v0.2.1...v0.3.0) ## 0.2.1 2017-02-27 ### Fixed - Fixed `Dry::Struct::Value` which appeared to be broken in the last release (flash-gordon) [Compare v0.2.0...v0.2.1](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-struct/compare/v0.2.0...v0.2.1) ## 0.2.0 2016-02-26 ### Changed - Struct attributes can be overridden in a subclass (flash-gordon) [Compare v0.1.1...v0.2.0](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-struct/compare/v0.1.1...v0.2.0) ## 0.1.1 2016-11-13 ### Fixed - Make `Dry::Struct` act as a constrained type. This fixes the behavior of sum types containing structs (flash-gordon) [Compare v0.1.0...v0.1.1](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-struct/compare/v0.1.0...v0.1.1) ## 0.1.0 2016-09-21 ### Added - `:strict_with_defaults` constructor type (backus) ### Changed - [BREAKING] `:strict` was renamed to `:permissive` as it ignores missing keys (backus) - [BREAKING] `:strict` now raises on unexpected keys (backus) - Structs no longer auto-register themselves in the types container as they implement `Type` interface and we don't have to wrap them in `Type::Definition` (flash-gordon) [Compare v0.0.1...v0.1.0](https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-struct/compare/v0.0.1...v0.1.0) ## 0.0.1 2016-07-17 Initial release of code imported from dry-types