<%# # HasOne Show Partial This partial renders a has_one relationship, to be displayed on a resource's show page. All fields of has_one relationship would be rendered ## Local variables: - `field`: An instance of [Administrate::Field::HasOne][1]. A wrapper around the has_one relationship pulled from the database. [1]: http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/administrate/Administrate/Field/HasOne %> <% if field.data %>
<%= link_to( field.display_associated_resource, [namespace, field.data], ) %> <% field.nested_form.attributes.each do |attribute| -%>
<%= t( "helpers.label.#{resource_name}.#{attribute.name}", default: attribute.name.titleize, ) %>
<%= attribute.data %>
<% end -%>
<% end %>