namespace :spotlight do desc "Create an initial admin user and default exhibit" task :initialize => :environment do puts "Creating an initial admin user." print "Email: " email = $stdin.gets.chomp password = prompt_password u = User.create!(email: email, password: password) Spotlight::Role.create(user: u, exhibit: nil, role: 'admin') puts "User created." end desc "Add application-wide admin privileges to an existing user" task :admin => :environment do print "Email: " email = $stdin.gets.chomp u = User.find_by email: email Spotlight::Role.create(user: u, exhibit: nil, role: 'admin') end desc "Create a new exhibit" task :exhibit => :environment do print "Exhibit title: " title = $stdin.gets.chomp exhibit = Spotlight::Exhibit.create!(title: title) puts "Who can admin this exhibit?" print "Email: " email = $stdin.gets.chomp u = User.find_by(email: email) unless u puts "User not found." password = prompt_password u = User.create!(email: email, password: password) end Spotlight::Role.create(user: u, exhibit: exhibit, role: 'admin') puts "Exhibit created." end desc "Import an exhibit" task import: :environment do contents = if ENV['FILE']['FILE']) else end data = JSON.parse(contents) exhibit = Spotlight::Exhibit.find_or_create_by slug: data["slug"] do |e| e.title = data["title"] end exhibit.import data puts end def prompt_password begin system "stty -echo" print "Password: " password = $stdin.gets.chomp puts "\n" ensure system "stty echo" end password end namespace :check do desc "Check the Solr connection and controller configuration" task :solr, [:model_name] => ['blacklight:check:solr', :environment] do |_, args| errors = 0 verbose = ENV.fetch('VERBOSE', false).present? puts "[#{Blacklight.solr.uri}]" print " - atomic updates:" begin id = 'test123' field = "test_#{Spotlight::Engine.config.solr_fields.string_suffix}" Blacklight.solr.add blacklight_config.solr_document_model.unique_key.to_sym => id, field => 'some-string' Blacklight.solr.update data: [{blacklight_config.solr_document_model.unique_key => id, field => { set: 'a-new-string' }}].to_json, headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' } Blacklight.solr.delete_by_id id print " OK\n" rescue Exception => e errors += 1 puts e.to_s end exit 1 if errors > 0 end end end