## valvat Validates european vat numbers. Standalone or as a ActiveModel validator. ### Features * Simple syntax verification * Lookup via the VIES web service * Works standalone without any gem dependencies * (Optional) ActiveModel/Rails3 integration * I18n locales for country specific error messages valvat is tested and works with ruby 1.8.7/1.9.2 and ActiveModel 3.0. ### Installation gem install valvat ### Basic Usage To verify the syntax of a vat number: Valvat.new("DE345789003").valid? => true or false To check if the given vat number exists via the VIES web service: Valvat.new("DE345789003").exists? => true or false or nil Keep in mind that the VIES web service might be offline at some time for some countries. If this happens `Valvat::Lookup.validate` returns `nil`. Visit [http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/viesspec.do](http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/viesspec.do) for more accurate information at what time the service for a specific country will be down. It is also possible to bypass initializing a Valvat instance and check the syntax of a var number string directly with: Valvat::Syntax.validate("DE345789003") => true or false Or to lookup a vat number string directly via VIES web service: Valvat::Lookup.validate("DE345789003") => true or false or nil ### ActiveModel/Rails3 Usage When the valvat gem is required and ActiveModel is already loaded, everything will work fine out of the box. If your load order differs just add require 'valvat/active_model' after ActiveModel has been loaded. To validate the attribute `vat_number` add this to your model: class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base validates :vat_number, :valvat => true end To additionally perform a lookup via VIES: validates :vat_number, :valvat => {:lookup => true} By default this will validate to true if the VIES web service is down. To fail in this case simply add the `:fail_if_down` option: validates :vat_number, :valvat => {:lookup => :fail_if_down} By default blank vat numbers validate to false. To change this add the `:allow_blank` option: validates :vat_number, :valvat => {:allow_blank => true} To allow vat numbers from outside of europe, add something like this to your model (country_code should return a upcase iso country code): class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base validates :vat_number, :valvat => true, :if => :eu? def eu? Valvat::Utils::EU_COUNTRIES.include?(country_code) end end ### Utilities To split a vat number into the country code and the remaining chars: Valvat::Utils.split("ATU345789003") => ["AT", "U345789003"] or Valvat.new("ATU345789003").to_a => ["AT", "U345789003"] Both methods always return an array. If it can not detect the country or the given country is located outside of europe it returns `[nil, nil]`. Please note that this does not strictly return the iso country code: for greek vat numbers this returns the iso language code 'EL' instead of the iso country code 'GR'. To extract the iso country code of a given vat number: Valvat.new("EL7345789003").iso_country_code => "GR" To extract the vat country code (first two chars in every european vat number): Valvat.new("EL7345789003").vat_country_code => "EL" To normalize a vat number: Valvat::Utils.normalize("atu345789003") => "ATU345789003" This basically just removes trailing spaces and ensures all chars are uppercase. ### Links * [VIES web service](http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies) * [European vat number formats (german)](http://bzst.de/DE/Steuern_International/USt_Identifikationsnummer/Merkblaetter/Aufbau_USt_IdNr.html) * [European vat number formats on Wikipedia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Union_Value_Added_Tax) * [isvat VIES REST wrapper](http://isvat.appspot.com/) ### BlaBla Copyright (c) 2011 Yolk Sebastian Munz & Julia Soergel GbR Beyond that, the implementation is licensed under the MIT License.