require 'spec_helper' require 'logger' describe SilverSpurs::Asyncifier do before :each do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.logger ='/dev/null') end describe :timeout do it 'defaults to 60 minutes' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.timeout.should eq 60 * 60 end end describe :logger do before :each do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.logger = nil end it 'defaults to STDERR' do logger_dbl = double('logger') logger_dbl.stub(:level=) Logger.should_receive(:new).with(STDERR).and_return logger_dbl SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.logger end end describe :spawn_process do before :each do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:create_directory_tree) Process.stub(:spawn) File.stub(:open) Process.stub(:detach) end it 'creates the directory tree' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.should_receive(:create_directory_tree) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.spawn_process('foo', 'echo foo') end it 'spawns the process' do Process.should_receive(:spawn) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.spawn_process('foo', 'echo foo') end it 'writes the pid to the lock file' do File.should_receive(:open) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.should_receive(:pid_file_path) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.spawn_process('foo', 'echo foo') end it 'detaches the process' do Process.should_receive(:detach) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.spawn_process('foo', 'echo foo') end end describe :has_lock? do context 'when there is no pid file' do before :each do File.stub(:exists?).and_return false end it 'returns false' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.has_lock?('foo').should be_false end it 'checks for the pid file' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.should_receive(:pid_file_path) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.has_lock?('foo') end end context 'when there is a pid file' do before :each do File.stub(:exists?).and_return true File.stub(:read).and_return '1234' end it 'checks to see if the process is running' do IO.should_receive(:popen).with('ps -o command -p 1234').and_return"1\n2") SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.has_lock? '1234' end context 'when the process is running' do before :each do IO.stub(:popen).and_return"COMMAND\nknife whatever") end it 'returns true' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.has_lock?('1234').should be_true end end context 'when the process is not running' do before :each do IO.stub(:popen).and_return"COMMAND") end it 'returns false' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.has_lock?('1234').should be_false end end end end describe :success? do before :each do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:success_file_path).and_return 'success_file' end it 'checks for a success file' do File.should_receive(:exists?).with('success_file').and_return false SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.success?('foo') end context 'when the success file does not exist' do before :each do File.stub(:exists?).and_return false end it 'returns false' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.success?('foo').should be_false end end context 'when the success file exists' do before :each do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:pid_file_path).and_return 'pid_file' File.stub(:exists?).with('success_file').and_return true end it 'checks to see if the pid file exists' do File.should_receive(:exists?).twice.and_return(true, false) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.success? 'foo' end context 'when the pid file exists' do before :each do File.stub(:exists?).and_return(true, true) end it 'checks the modified time of the success and pid file' do File.should_receive(:mtime).twice.and_return( SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.success? 'foo' end context 'when the success file is younger than the pid file' do before :each do File.stub(:mtime).and_return(, end it 'should return true' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.success?('foo').should be_true end end context 'when the pid file is younger than the success file' do before :each do File.stub(:mtime).and_return(, end it 'should return false' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.success?('foo').should be_false end end end end end describe :get_log do before :each do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:log_file_path).and_return 'log_file' end it 'checks to see if the log file exists' do File.should_receive(:exists?).and_return false SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.get_log 'foo' end context 'when the log file exists' do before :each do File.stub(:exists?).and_return true end it 'reads the log' do File.stub(:read).and_return 'logs are cool' SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.get_log('foo').should eq 'logs are cool' end end context 'when the log file does not exist' do before :each do File.stub(:exists?).and_return false end it 'returns nil' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.get_log('foo').should be_nil end end end describe :reap_orphaned_lock do before :each do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:pid_file_path).and_return 'pid_file' end it 'checks to see if the process is active' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.should_receive(:has_lock?).and_return true SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.reap_orphaned_lock 'foo' end context 'when the process is still active' do before :each do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:has_lock?).and_return true end it 'should not try to delete the lock' do File.should_not_receive(:delete) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.reap_orphaned_lock 'foo' end end context 'when the process is not active' do before :each do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:has_lock?).and_return false SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:pid_file_path).and_return 'pid_file' end it 'should delete the lock file' do File.should_receive(:delete).with('pid_file') SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.reap_orphaned_lock 'foo' end end end describe :reap_process do before :each do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:sleep) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:reap_orphaned_lock) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:pid_file_path).and_return 'pid_file' end it 'checks to see if the process is active' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.should_receive(:has_lock?).and_return false SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.reap_process 'foo' end it 'reaps the lock file' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:has_lock?).and_return false SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.should_receive(:reap_orphaned_lock) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.reap_process 'foo' end context 'when the process is active' do before :each do File.stub(:read).and_return '1234' Process.stub(:kill) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:has_lock?).and_return true end it 'kills the process' do Process.should_receive(:kill) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:has_lock?).and_return(true, false) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.reap_process 'foo' end it 'checks to see if the process really died' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.should_receive(:has_lock?).twice.and_return(true, false) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.reap_process 'foo' end context 'when the process dies when asked nicely' do before :each do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:has_lock?).and_return(true, false) end it 'just walks away' do Process.should_receive(:kill).once SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.reap_process 'foo' end end context "when the process doesn't die after being asked nicely" do before :each do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:has_lock?).and_return(true, true) end it 'kills the process with fire' do Process.should_receive(:kill).twice SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.reap_process 'foo' end end end context 'if the process is inactive' do before :each do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:has_lock?).and_return false end it 'skips to reaping the lock file' do File.should_not_receive(:read) Process.should_not_receive(:kill) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.should_receive(:reap_orphaned_lock) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.reap_process 'foo' end end end describe :reap_old_process do before :each do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:pid_file_path).and_return 'pid_file' end it 'checks if the process is active' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.should_receive(:has_lock?).and_return false SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.reap_old_process 'foo' end context 'when the process is active' do before :each do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:has_lock?).and_return true end context 'when the process is beyond the timeout window' do before :each do Time.stub(:now).and_return SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:timeout).and_return 100 File.stub(:mtime).and_return - 101 end it 'reaps the process' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.should_receive(:reap_process) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.reap_old_process 'foo' end end context 'when the process is within the timeout window' do before :each do Time.stub(:now).and_return SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:timeout).and_return 100 File.stub(:mtime).and_return - 99 end it 'does not reap the process' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.should_not_receive(:reap_process) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.reap_old_process 'foo' end end end context 'when the process is not active' do before :each do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:has_lock?).and_return false end it 'does not attempt to reap the process' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.should_not_receive :reap_process SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.reap_old_process 'foo' end end end describe :exists? do context 'when the process is active' do before :each do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:has_lock?).and_return true end it 'returns true' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.exists?('foo').should be_true end end context 'when the process is not active' do before :each do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:has_lock?).and_return false SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.stub(:log_file_path).and_return 'log_file' end context 'if the log file exists' do before :each do File.stub(:exists?).and_return true end it 'returns true' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.exists?('foo').should be_true end end context 'if the log file does not exist' do before :each do File.stub(:exists?).and_return false end it 'returns false' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.exists?('foo').should be_false end end end end describe :log_file_path do it 'builds a path in the base directory' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.should_receive(:base_path).and_return 'base_path' File.should_receive(:join) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.send(:log_file_path, 'foo') end it 'returns a file name' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.send(:log_file_path, 'foo').should be_a_kind_of(String) end end describe :success_file_path do it 'builds a path in the base directory' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.should_receive(:base_path).and_return 'base_path' File.should_receive(:join) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.send(:success_file_path, 'foo') end it 'returns a file name' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.send(:success_file_path, 'foo').should be_a_kind_of(String) end end describe :pid_file_path do it 'builds a path in the base directory' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.should_receive(:base_path).and_return 'base_path' File.should_receive(:join) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.send(:pid_file_path, 'foo') end it 'returns a file name' do SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.send(:pid_file_path, 'foo').should be_a_kind_of(String) end end describe :create_directory_tree do it 'checks to see if the base path already exists' do Dir.should_receive(:exists?).at_least(:once).and_return true SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.send(:create_directory_tree) end context 'if the base path already exists' do before :each do Dir.stub(:exists?).and_return true end it 'does not create the base directory' do Dir.should_not_receive(:mkdir) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.send(:create_directory_tree) end end context 'if the base path does not exist' do before :each do Dir.stub(:exists?).and_return(false, true) end it 'creates the base directory' do Dir.should_receive(:mkdir) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.send(:create_directory_tree) end end context 'if a directory exists' do before :each do Dir.stub(:exists?).and_return true end it 'does not create the directory' do Dir.should_not_receive(:mkdir) SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.send(:create_directory_tree) end end context 'if a directory does not exist' do before :each do Dir.stub(:exists?).and_return(true, false) end it 'creates the directory' do Dir.should_receive(:mkdir).exactly(3).times SilverSpurs::Asyncifier.instance.send(:create_directory_tree) end end end end