## Version 4.0.2 2013-01-21 * Git Release Notes by Mark Sim (marksim) * Style improvements by Bartłomiej Danek (bartekd) * Improved Readme by Peter Boling (pboling) ## Version 4.0.1 2011-12-11 * Fixed issues with README ## Version 4.0.0 2011-12-11 * Using the new way of sending a mail by passing the mail command a hash of options and setting instance variables. (jrust) * Using Notifier.email_name().deliver instead (jrust) * Using prepend_view_path for the template root (jrust) * Remove the content_type setting since just sends a multipart email.(jrust) * commented out the new release_notes variable, because even with version 2.9 of capistrano there was no cap method called release notes. (jrust) * file cleanup (pboling) * Improved Readme (pboling) ## Version 3.2.5 2010-04-29 * Remove Active Support dependency ## Version 3.2.4 2010-01-13 * Fixed subject line format (mail client filters are based on format of subject line) ## Version 3.2.3 2010-01-13 * config[:user] is now optional. ## Version 3.2.2 2010-01-13 * Improved Readme ## Version 3.2.1 2010-01-13 * Added deprecation warning for configure_capistrano_mailer * commented :site_url, doesn't appear to be a native capistrano variable, if sent in will still be rendered. ## Version 3.2.0 textgoeshere fork * config/cap_mailer_settings.rb is not longer a hard coded configuration location requirement. * refactoring core cap mailer class ## Version 3.1.10 2010-01-07 * included _section.text.erb view in gem manifest * text version of email should render the text partials, not html ## Version 3.1.9 2010-01-07 * Fixed URL for capistrano_mailer repo on github in HTML email message ## Version 3.1.8 2010-01-07 * Improved Readme ## Version 3.1.6 2009-11-10 * Fixed installation instructions to reference gemcutter instead of github ## Version 3.1.3 2009-09-29 * Added Git as known compatable SCM to readme * Credited Dustin Deyoung as Author of HTML Email templates * Removed MIT-LICENSE file from gemspec (because github refuses to build with it there) * Still trying to get github to build the gem ## Version 3.1.2 2009-09-25 * Fixed footer copyright * Trying to get github to build the gem ## Version 3.1.1 2009-09-24 * Added back compatability with svn which broke when fixing for perforce (thanks to Matthew Beale / mixonic) * Improved Readme for plugin installation. Tested as a plugin. Verified continued compatibility with Deprec. ## Version 3.1.0 2009-09-17 * Added compatability with perforce (thanks to Andy Kock / ak47) ## Version 3.0.3 2009-09-03 * Improved readme and upgrade instructions ## Version 3.0.2 2009-08-27 * Fixed some typos in readme referencing outdated API ## Version 3.0.1 2009-08-21 * removed a stray puts used in debugging ## Version 3.0.0 2009-08-19 * turned into a gem * New API for configuration * improved email templates (hardened against crappy data) * added simple testing framwork and Rakefile * still compatible with deprec ## Version 2.1.0 2008-11-15 * improved readme, and other stuff I don't remember ## Version 2.0.1 2008-07-30 * Works when deploying to a server without capistrano installed * Updated README and WIKI (improved documentation) ## Version 2.0 2008-07-25 * Works with Rails 2.1 * Works with Capistrano 2.4.3 * Added access to many of Capistrano's internal variables (~25) so the emails can be more informative * Added inferred_command, repo_end and some other derived variables that give more insight into a deployment * Parameters are now sent in a hash * Emails updated with new information * HTML email improved layout, and added styling (thanks to Dustin Deyoung @ Sagebit) ## Version 1.0.1 2008-03-26 * Works with Rails 2.0.2 * Works with Capistrano 2.1.0 - 2.2.0 * Compatability with Deprec verified ## Version 1.0 2008-02-11 * Works with Rails 2.0.2 * Works with Capistrano 2.1.0