# This is the primary location for defining spree preferences # # The expectation is that this is created once and stored in # the spree environment # # setters: # a.color = :blue # a[:color] = :blue # a.set :color = :blue # a.preferred_color = :blue # # getters: # a.color # a[:color] # a.get :color # a.preferred_color # module Spree class AppConfiguration < Preferences::Configuration # Alphabetized to more easily lookup particular preferences preference :address_requires_state, :boolean, :default => true # should state/state_name be required preference :admin_interface_logo, :string, :default => 'admin/bg/spree_50.png' preference :admin_pgroup_per_page, :integer, :default => 10 preference :admin_pgroup_preview_size, :integer, :default => 10 preference :admin_products_per_page, :integer, :default => 10 preference :allow_backorder_shipping, :boolean, :default => false # should only be true if you don't need to track inventory preference :allow_backorders, :boolean, :default => true preference :allow_checkout_on_gateway_error, :boolean, :default => false preference :allow_guest_checkout, :boolean, :default => true preference :allow_locale_switching, :boolean, :default => true preference :allow_ssl_in_development_and_test, :boolean, :default => false preference :allow_ssl_in_production, :boolean, :default => true preference :allow_ssl_in_staging, :boolean, :default => true preference :alternative_billing_phone, :boolean, :default => false # Request extra phone for bill addr preference :alternative_shipping_phone, :boolean, :default => false # Request extra phone for ship addr preference :always_put_site_name_in_title, :boolean, :default => true preference :auto_capture, :boolean, :default => false # automatically capture the creditcard (as opposed to just authorize and capture later) preference :cache_static_content, :boolean, :default => true preference :check_for_spree_alerts, :boolean, :default => true preference :checkout_zone, :string, :default => nil # replace with the name of a zone if you would like to limit the countries preference :company, :boolean, :default => false # Request company field for billing and shipping addr preference :create_inventory_units, :boolean, :default => true # should only be false when track_inventory_levels is false, also disables RMA's preference :default_country_id, :integer, :default => 214 preference :default_locale, :string, :default => Rails.application.config.i18n.default_locale || :en preference :default_meta_description, :string, :default => 'Spree demo site' preference :default_meta_keywords, :string, :default => 'spree, demo' preference :default_seo_title, :string, :default => '' preference :dismissed_spree_alerts, :string, :default => '' preference :last_check_for_spree_alerts, :string, :default => nil preference :layout, :string, :default => '/spree/layouts/spree_application' preference :logo, :string, :default => 'admin/bg/spree_50.png' preference :max_level_in_taxons_menu, :integer, :default => 1 # maximum nesting level in taxons menu preference :orders_per_page, :integer, :default => 15 preference :prices_inc_tax, :boolean, :default => false preference :products_per_page, :integer, :default => 12 preference :select_taxons_from_tree, :boolean, :default => false # provide opportunity to select taxons from tree instead of search with autocomplete preference :shipment_inc_vat, :boolean, :default => false preference :shipping_instructions, :boolean, :default => false # Request instructions/info for shipping preference :show_descendents, :boolean, :default => true preference :show_only_complete_orders_by_default, :boolean, :default => true preference :show_zero_stock_products, :boolean, :default => true preference :site_name, :string, :default => 'Spree Demo Site' preference :site_url, :string, :default => 'demo.spreecommerce.com' preference :tax_using_ship_address, :boolean, :default => true preference :track_inventory_levels, :boolean, :default => true # will not track on_hand values for variants /products # Preferences related to image settings preference :attachment_default_url, :string, :default => '/spree/products/:id/:style/:basename.:extension' preference :attachment_path, :string, :default => ':rails_root/public/spree/products/:id/:style/:basename.:extension' preference :attachment_styles, :string, :default => "{\"mini\":\"48x48>\",\"small\":\"100x100>\",\"product\":\"240x240>\",\"large\":\"600x600>\"}" preference :attachment_default_style, :string, :default => 'product' preference :s3_access_key, :string preference :s3_bucket, :string preference :s3_secret, :string preference :s3_headers, :string, :default => "{\"Cache-Control\":\"max-age=31557600\"}" preference :use_s3, :boolean, :default => false # Use S3 for images rather than the file system # searcher_class allows spree extension writers to provide their own Search class def searcher_class @searcher_class ||= Spree::Core::Search::Base end def searcher_class=(sclass) @searcher_class = sclass end end end