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No dependencies, just needed a Personal Access Token. > If you need a Oauth authentication maybe you need [calendly-api-ruby-client](https://github.com/koshilife/calendly-api-ruby-client) ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'calendlyr' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install calendlyr ## Usage To access the API, you'll need to create a `Calendlyr::Client` and pass in your token. You can generate your Personal Access Token at [https://calendly.com/integrations/api_webhooks](https://calendly.com/integrations/api_webhooks) ```ruby client = Calendlyr::Client.new(token: ENV["CALENDLY_TOKEN"]) ``` The client then gives you access to each of the resources. ## Resources The gem maps as closely as we can to the Calendly API so you can easily convert API examples to gem code. Responses are created as objects like `Calendlyr::Event`. Having types like `Calendlyr::User` is handy for understanding what type of object you're working with. They're built using OpenStruct so you can easily access data in a Ruby-ish way. ##### Pagination `collection` endpoints return pages of results. The result object will have a `data` key to access the results, as well as pagination like `next_page` for retrieving the next pages. You may also specify the ```ruby results = client.me.events(count: 5) #=> Calendlyr::Collection results.count #=> 5 results.data #=> [#, #] results.next_page_token #=> "KfKBetd7bS0wsFINjYky9mp8ZJXv76aL" # Retrieve the next page client.me.events(count: 5, next_page_token: results.next_page_token) #=> Calendlyr::Collection ``` ### Users ```ruby client.me client.users.me client.retrieve(user_uuid: "uuid") client.organization #=> # client.me.event_types #=> Calendlyr::Collection @data=[#, #] client.me.events #=> Calendlyr::Collection @data=[#, #] client.me.memberships #=> Calendlyr::Collection @data=[#, #] ``` #### Me (Cached) Probably you need to make many calls through `client.me`, so we decided to not make calls for every `client.me` reference by caching it the first time. However, if you need to reload the content of `me` you can `force_relaod` to force a new call. ```ruby client.me # makes a call and caches the response client.me # no call, value cached client.me(force_reload: true) # makes a new call and update cache value ``` ### Event Types ````ruby client.event_types.list user_uri: "user_uri", organization_uri: "organization_uri" client.event_types.retrieve event_type_uuid: "id" ```` ### Events ````ruby client.events.list user_uri: "user_uri", organization_uri: "organization_uri" client.events.retrieve event_uuid: "event_uuid" ```` ### Event Invitees ````ruby client.event_invitees.list event_uuid: "event_uuid" client.event_invitees.retrieve event_uuid: "event_uuid", invitee_uuid: "invitee_uuid" ```` ### Scheduling Links ````ruby client.scheduling_links.create owner_uri: "owner_uri", max_event_count: 1, owner_type: "EventType" ```` ### Organizations ````ruby # Create invitation client.organizations.invite(organization_uuid: "organization_uuid", email: "test@test.com") client.organization.invite(email: "test@test.com") # List invitations client.organizations.list_invitations(organization_uuid: "organization_uuid") client.organization.list_invitations # Get invitation client.organizations.retrieve_invitation(organization_uuid: "organization_uuid", invitation_uuid: "invitation_uuid") client.organization.invitation(invitation_uuid: "invitation_uuid") # Revoke invitation client.organizations.revoke_invitation(organization_uuid: "organization_uuid", invitation_uuid: "organization_uuid") client.organization.revoke_invitation(invitation_uuid: "organization_uuid") invitation = client.organization.invitation(invitation_uuid: "invitation_uuid") invitation.revoke # List memberships client.organizations.list_memberships client.organization.memberships # Get membership client.organizations.retrieve_membership(membership_uuid: "membership_uuid") # Remove membership client.organizations.remove_user(membership_uuid: "membership_uuid") client.organization.events ```` ### Webhooks ```ruby client.webhooks.list(organization_uri: "organization_uri", scope: "scope") client.webhooks.create(resource_uri: "resource_uri", events: ["invitee.canceled", "invitee.created"], organization_uri: "organization_uri", scope: "scope") client.webhooks.retrieve(webhook_uuid: "webhook_uuid") client.webhooks.delete(webhook_uuid: "webhook_uuid") ``` ### Data Compliance ```ruby client.data_compliance.delete_invitee_data ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/araluce/calendlyr/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request When adding resources, add to the list of resources in lib/calendlyr. Additionally, write a spec and add it to the list in the README. ## Thanks Many thanks [@markets](https://github.com/markets) for all comments, details and tips for this rubygem project and for made me grow professionally in my day by day :raised_hands: Thanks [@excid3](https://github.com/excid3) and his [Vultr.rb](https://github.com/excid3/vultr.rb) rubygem project.