## v1.0.0 * Extract container actions out to new LWRP `lxc` * Update `container` to use `lxc` resource for container actions * Update `container` to allow nested subresources for `interface` and `fstab_mount` * Fix `interface` LWRP to allow IPv6 based values * Remove static_ip config set as it was introducing bogus route * Provide assumed environment when not available (like when running via runit) * Make chef enabled containers properly idempotent * Clean up the `container` provider implementation to be more resource based * Add `ephemeral` LWRP * Add custom ephemeral script to allow host directory overlay or virtual block device * Patches execute resource to provide streaming output * Updates Lxc library to be more reusable * Add proc based network detection for more robust address discovery * Shell out directly to ssh for container commands instead of using knife ssh ## v0.1.0 * Abstracted out packages for cross-platform support later. * Added the 'containers' recipe to create containers for the members of the node['lxc']['containers'] hash * Add support for use of the apt::cacher-client settings if a proxy is in use. * chef_enabled defaults to false on lxc_containers * Better idempotency checks when building new containers * Refactoring of lxc_service * Container based commands run via knife::ssh providing proper logging feedback * New networking related attributes added to lxc_container for easy basic network setups ## v0.0.3 * Remove resource for deprecated template ## v0.0.2 * Cleanup current config and container LWRPs * Add new LWRPs (fstab and interface) * Add better configuration build to prevent false updates * Thanks to Sean Porter (https://github.com/portertech) for help debugging LWRP updates ## v0.0.1 * Initial release