require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/cli" module HtmlMockup class Release attr_reader :config, :project attr_reader :finalizers, :injections, :stack, :cleanups class << self def default_stack [] end def default_finalizers [[self.get_callable(:dir, HtmlMockup::Release::Finalizers), {}]] end # Makes callable into a object that responds to call. # # @param [#call, Symbol, Class] callable If callable already responds to #call will just return callable, a Symbol will be searched for in the scope parameter, a class will be instantiated (and checked if it will respond to #call) # @param [Module] scope The scope in which to search callable in if it's a Symbol def get_callable(callable, scope) return callable if callable.respond_to?(:call) if callable.kind_of?(Symbol) callable = camel_case(callable.to_s).to_sym if scope.constants.include?(callable) c = scope.const_get(callable) callable = c if c.is_a?(Class) end end if callable.kind_of?(Class) callable = end if callable.respond_to?(:call) callable else raise ArgumentError, "Could not resolve #{callable.inspect}. Callable must be an object that responds to #call or a symbol that resolve to such an object or a class with a #call instance method." end end # Nothing genius adjusted from: # def camel_case(string) return string if string !~ /_/ && string =~ /[A-Z]+.*/ string.split('_').map{|e| e.capitalize}.join end end # @option config [Symbol] :scm The SCM to use (default = :git) # @option config [String, Pathname] :target_path The path/directory to put the release into # @option config [String, Pathname]:build_path Temporary path used to build the release # @option config [Boolean] :cleanup_build Wether or not to remove the build_path after we're done (default = true) def initialize(project, config = {}) defaults = { :scm => :git, :source_path => + "html", :target_path => + "releases", :build_path => + "build", :cleanup_build => true } @config = {}.update(defaults).update(config) @project = project @stack = [] @finalizers = [] end # Accessor for target_path # The target_path is the path where the finalizers will put the release # # @return Pathname the target_path def target_path[:target_path]) end # Accessor for build_path # The build_path is a temporary directory where the release will be built # # @return Pathname the build_path def build_path[:build_path]) end # Accessor for source_path # The source path is the root of the mockup # # @return Pathanem the source_path def source_path[:source_path]) end # Get the current SCM object def scm(force = false) return @_scm if @_scm && !force case self.config[:scm] when :git @_scm = => self.source_path) else raise "Unknown SCM #{options[:scm].inspect}" end end # Inject variables into files with an optional filter # # @examples # release.inject({"VERSION" => release.version, "DATE" =>}, :into => %w{_doc/toc.html}) # release.inject({"CHANGELOG" => {:file => "", :filter => BlueCloth}}, :into => %w{_doc/changelog.html}) def inject(variables, options) @stack <<, options) end # Use a certain pre-processor # # @examples # release.use :sprockets, sprockets_config def use(processor, options = {}) @stack << [self.class.get_callable(processor, HtmlMockup::Release::Processors), options] end # Write out the whole release into a directory, zip file or anything you can imagine # #finalize can be called multiple times, it just will run all of them. # # The default finalizer is :dir # # @param [Symbol, Proc] Finalizer to use # # @examples # release.finalize :zip def finalize(finalizer, options = {}) @finalizers << [self.class.get_callable(finalizer, HtmlMockup::Release::Finalizers), options] end # Files to clean up in the build directory just before finalization happens # # @param [String] Pattern to glob within build directory # # @examples # release.cleanup "**/.DS_Store" def cleanup(pattern) @stack << end # Generates a banner if a block is given, or returns the currently set banner. # It automatically takes care of adding comment marks around the banner. # # The default banner looks like this: # # ======================= # = Version : v1.0.0 = # = Date : 2012-06-20 = # ======================= # # # @option options [:css,:js,:html,false] :comment Wether or not to comment the output and in what style. (default=js) def banner(options = {}, &block) options = { :comment => :js }.update(options) if block_given? @_banner = yield.to_s elsif !@_banner banner = [] banner << "Version : #{self.scm.version}" banner << "Date : #{"%Y-%m-%d")}" size = banner.inject(0){|mem,b| b.size > mem ? b.size : mem }!{|b| "= #{b.ljust(size)} =" } div = "=" * banner.first.size banner.unshift(div) banner << div @_banner = banner.join("\n") end if options[:comment] self.comment(@_banner, :style => options[:comment]) else @_banner end end # Extract the mockup, this will happen anyway, and will always happen first # This method gives you a way to pass options to the extractor. # # @param Hash options Options hash passed to extractor # # @deprecated Don't use the extractor anymore, use release.use(:mockup, options) processor def extract(options = {}) self.warn(self, "Don't use the extractor anymore, use release.use(:mockup, options) and release.use(:url_relativizer, options) processors") @extractor_options = options end # Actually perform the release def run! # Validate paths validate_paths! # Extract mockup copy_source_path_to_build_path! validate_stack! # Run stack run_stack! # Run finalizers run_finalizers! # Cleanup cleanup! if self.config[:cleanup_build] end # Write out a log message def log(part, msg, verbose = false, &block) if !verbose || verbose && self.project.options[:verbose] "\033[37m#{part.class.to_s}\033[0m" + " : " + msg.to_s, nil, true end if block_given? begin = + 1 yield ensure = - 1 end end end def debug(part, msg, &block) self.log(part, msg, true, &block) end # Write out a warning message def warn(part, msg) "\033[37m#{part.class.to_s}\033[0m" + " : " + "\033[31m#{msg.to_s}\033[0m", nil, true end # @param [Array] globs an array of file path globs that will be globbed against the build_path # @param [Array] excludes an array of regexps that will be excluded from the result def get_files(globs, excludes = []) files ={|g| Dir.glob(self.build_path + g) }.flatten if excludes.any? files.reject{|c| excludes.detect{|e| e.match(c) } } else files end end protected # ============== # = The runway = # ============== # Checks if build path exists (and cleans it up) # Checks if target path exists (if not, creates it) def validate_paths! if self.build_path.exist? log self, "Cleaning up previous build \"#{self.build_path}\"" rm_rf(self.build_path) end if !self.target_path.exist? log self, "Creating target path \"#{self.target_path}\"" mkdir self.target_path end end # Checks if deprecated extractor options have been set # Checks if the mockup will be runned def validate_stack! mockup_options = {} relativizer_options = {} run_relativizer = true if @extractor_options mockup_options = {:env => @extractor_options[:env]} relativizer_options = {:url_attributes => @extractor_options[:url_attributes]} run_relativizer = @extractor_options[:url_relativize] end unless @stack.find{|(processor, options)| processor.class == HtmlMockup::Release::Processors::Mockup } @stack.unshift([, relativizer_options]) @stack.unshift([, mockup_options]) end end def copy_source_path_to_build_path! mkdir(self.build_path) cp_r(self.source_path.children, self.build_path) end def run_stack! @stack = self.class.default_stack.dup if @stack.empty? # call all objects in @stack @stack.each do |task| if (task.kind_of?(Array)) task[0].call(self, task[1]) else end end end def run_finalizers! @finalizers = self.class.default_finalizers.dup if @finalizers.empty? # call all objects in @finalizes @finalizers.each do |finalizer| finalizer[0].call(self, finalizer[1]) end end def cleanup! log(self, "Cleaning up build path #{self.build_path}") rm_rf(self.build_path) end # @param [String] string The string to comment # # @option options [:html, :css, :js] :style The comment style to use (default=:js, which is the same as :css) # @option options [Boolean] :per_line Comment per line or make one block? (default=true) def comment(string, options = {}) options = { :style => :css, :per_line => true }.update(options) commenters = { :html =>{|s| "" }, :css =>{|s| "/*! #{s} */" }, :js =>{|s| "/*! #{s} */" } } commenter = commenters[options[:style]] || commenters[:js] if options[:per_line] string = string.split(/\r?\n/){|s| }.join("\n") else end end end end require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/extractor" require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/release/scm" require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/release/injector" require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/release/cleaner" require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/release/finalizers" require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/release/processors"