  should: %s == "This whois service is provided by CentralNic Ltd and only contains information pertaining to Internet domain names we have registered for our customers. By using this service you are agreeing (1) not to use any information presented here for any purpose other than determining ownership of domain names (2) not to store or reproduce this data in any way. CentralNic Ltd - www.centralnic.com"

  should: %s == "google.la"

  should: %s == "CNIC-DO471480"

  should: %s raise_error(Whois::PropertyNotSupported)

  should: %s raise_error(Whois::PropertyNotSupported)

  should: %s == ["OK"]

  should: %s == false

  should: %s == true

  should: %s CLASS(time)
  should: %s == Time.parse("2002-07-18 01:00:00 UTC")

  should: %s CLASS(time)
  should: %s == Time.parse("2009-09-15 16:48:47 UTC")

  should: %s CLASS(time)
  should: %s == Time.parse("2010-07-18 23:59:59 UTC")

  should: %s CLASS(registrar)
  should: %s.id           == "7279-LN"
  should: %s.name         == nil
  should: %s.organization == "LA Registry Pte Ltd"
  should: %s.url          == "http://www.la/"

  should: %s CLASS(array)
  should: %s SIZE(1)
  should: %s[0] CLASS(contact)
  should: %s[0].type          == Whois::Record::Contact::TYPE_REGISTRANT
  should: %s[0].id            == "ndn-96955"
  should: %s[0].name          == "Google Inc"
  should: %s[0].organization  == "Google Inc"
  should: %s[0].address       == "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway"
  should: %s[0].city          == "Mountain View"
  should: %s[0].zip           == "94043"
  should: %s[0].state         == "Ca"
  should: %s[0].country       == nil
  should: %s[0].country_code  == "US"
  should: %s[0].phone         == "+1.6502530000"
  should: %s[0].fax           == "+1.65067188571"
  should: %s[0].email         == "dns-admin@google.com"

  should: %s CLASS(array)
  should: %s SIZE(1)
  should: %s[0] CLASS(contact)
  should: %s[0].type          == Whois::Record::Contact::TYPE_ADMIN
  should: %s[0].id            == "ndn-96955"
  should: %s[0].name          == "Google Inc"
  should: %s[0].organization  == "Google Inc"
  should: %s[0].address       == "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway"
  should: %s[0].city          == "Mountain View"
  should: %s[0].zip           == "94043"
  should: %s[0].state         == "Ca"
  should: %s[0].country       == nil
  should: %s[0].country_code  == "US"
  should: %s[0].phone         == "+1.6502530000"
  should: %s[0].fax           == "+1.65067188571"
  should: %s[0].email         == "dns-admin@google.com"

  should: %s CLASS(array)
  should: %s SIZE(1)
  should: %s[0] CLASS(contact)
  should: %s[0].type          == Whois::Record::Contact::TYPE_TECHNICAL
  should: %s[0].id            == "ndn-96955"
  should: %s[0].name          == "Google Inc"
  should: %s[0].organization  == "Google Inc"
  should: %s[0].address       == "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway"
  should: %s[0].city          == "Mountain View"
  should: %s[0].zip           == "94043"
  should: %s[0].state         == "Ca"
  should: %s[0].country       == nil
  should: %s[0].country_code  == "US"
  should: %s[0].phone         == "+1.6502530000"
  should: %s[0].fax           == "+1.65067188571"
  should: %s[0].email         == "dns-admin@google.com"

  should: %s CLASS(array)
  should: %s SIZE(4)
  should: %s[0] CLASS(nameserver)
  should: %s[0].name == "ns1.google.com"
  should: %s[1] CLASS(nameserver)
  should: %s[1].name == "ns2.google.com"
  should: %s[2] CLASS(nameserver)
  should: %s[2].name == "ns3.google.com"
  should: %s[3] CLASS(nameserver)
  should: %s[3].name == "ns4.google.com"