require 'net/http' require 'json' module Frank module Cucumber module FrankHelper def touch( uiquery ) views_touched = frankly_map( uiquery, 'touch' ) raise "could not find anything matching [#{uiquery}] to touch" if views_touched.empty? #TODO raise warning if views_touched.count > 1 end def element_exists( query ) matches = frankly_map( query, 'accessibilityLabel' ) # TODO: raise warning if matches.count > 1 !matches.empty? end def check_element_exists( query ) #puts "checking #{query} exists..." element_exists( query ).should be_true end def check_element_does_not_exist( query ) #puts "checking #{query} does not exist..." element_exists( query ).should be_false end def view_with_mark_exists(expected_mark) element_exists( "view marked:'#{expected_mark}'" ) end def check_view_with_mark_exists(expected_mark) check_element_exists( "view marked:'#{expected_mark}'" ) end # a better name would be element_exists_and_is_not_hidden def element_is_not_hidden(query) matches = frankly_map( query, 'isHidden' ) matches.delete(true) !matches.empty? end def app_exec(method_name, *method_args) operation_map = { :method_name => method_name, :arguments => method_args } before = res = post_to_uispec_server( 'app_exec', :operation => operation_map ) logger.debug( "MAP applying #{method_name} with args:( #{method_args.inspect} ) to 'Application Delegate' took #{ - before} seconds" ) res = JSON.parse( res ) if res['outcome'] != 'SUCCESS' raise "app_exec #{method_name} failed because: #{res['reason']}\n#{res['details']}" end res['results'] end def frankly_map( query, method_name, *method_args ) operation_map = { :method_name => method_name, :arguments => method_args } res = post_to_uispec_server( 'map', :query => query, :operation => operation_map ) res = JSON.parse( res ) if res['outcome'] != 'SUCCESS' raise "frankly_map #{query} #{method_name} failed because: #{res['reason']}\n#{res['details']}" end res['results'] end def frankly_dump res = get_to_uispec_server( 'dump' ) puts JSON.pretty_generate(JSON.parse(res)) rescue puts res #dumping a super-deep DOM causes errors end def frankly_oriented_portrait? 'portrait' == frankly_current_orientation end def frankly_oriented_landscape? 'landscape' == frankly_current_orientation end def frankly_current_orientation res = get_to_uispec_server( 'orientation' ) JSON.parse( res )['orientation'] end def frankly_is_accessibility_enabled res = get_to_uispec_server( 'accessibility_check' ) JSON.parse( res )['accessibility_enabled'] == 'true' end def wait_for_frank_to_come_up num_consec_successes = 0 num_consec_failures = 0 Timeout.timeout(20) do while num_consec_successes <= 6 if frankly_ping num_consec_failures = 0 num_consec_successes += 1 print (num_consec_successes == 1 ) ? "\n" : "\r" print "FRANK!".slice(0,num_consec_successes) else num_consec_successes = 0 num_consec_failures += 1 print (num_consec_failures == 1 ) ? "\n" : "\r" print "PING FAILED" + "!"*num_consec_failures end STDOUT.flush sleep 0.2 end puts '' end unless frankly_is_accessibility_enabled raise "ACCESSIBILITY DOES NOT APPEAR TO BE ENABLED ON YOUR SIMULATOR. Hit the home button, go to settings, select Accessibility, and turn the inspector on." end end def frankly_ping get_to_uispec_server('') return true rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED return false rescue EOFError return false end #taken from Ian Dee's Encumber def post_to_uispec_server( verb, command_hash ) url = frank_url_for( verb ) req = url.path req.body = command_hash.to_json make_http_request( url, req ) end def get_to_uispec_server( verb ) url = frank_url_for( verb ) req = url.path make_http_request( url, req ) end def frank_url_for( verb ) url = URI.parse "http://localhost:37265/" url.path = '/'+verb url end def make_http_request( url, req ) http =, url.port) res = http.start do |sess| sess.request req end res.body end def start_recording %x{osascript<