/* ** parse.y - mruby parser ** ** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h */ %{ #undef PARSER_DEBUG #define YYDEBUG 1 #define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1 /* * Force yacc to use our memory management. This is a little evil because * the macros assume that "parser_state *p" is in scope */ #define YYMALLOC(n) mrb_malloc(p->mrb, (n)) #define YYFREE(o) mrb_free(p->mrb, (o)) #define YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA 0 #include #include #include #include #include "mruby.h" #include "mruby/compile.h" #include "mruby/proc.h" #include "node.h" #define YYLEX_PARAM p typedef mrb_ast_node node; typedef struct mrb_parser_state parser_state; typedef struct mrb_parser_heredoc_info parser_heredoc_info; static int yylex(void *lval, parser_state *p); static void yyerror(parser_state *p, const char *s); static void yywarn(parser_state *p, const char *s); static void yywarning(parser_state *p, const char *s); static void backref_error(parser_state *p, node *n); #ifndef isascii #define isascii(c) (((c) & ~0x7f) == 0) #endif #define identchar(c) (isalnum(c) || (c) == '_' || !isascii(c)) typedef unsigned int stack_type; #define BITSTACK_PUSH(stack, n) ((stack) = ((stack)<<1)|((n)&1)) #define BITSTACK_POP(stack) ((stack) = (stack) >> 1) #define BITSTACK_LEXPOP(stack) ((stack) = ((stack) >> 1) | ((stack) & 1)) #define BITSTACK_SET_P(stack) ((stack)&1) #define COND_PUSH(n) BITSTACK_PUSH(p->cond_stack, (n)) #define COND_POP() BITSTACK_POP(p->cond_stack) #define COND_LEXPOP() BITSTACK_LEXPOP(p->cond_stack) #define COND_P() BITSTACK_SET_P(p->cond_stack) #define CMDARG_PUSH(n) BITSTACK_PUSH(p->cmdarg_stack, (n)) #define CMDARG_POP() BITSTACK_POP(p->cmdarg_stack) #define CMDARG_LEXPOP() BITSTACK_LEXPOP(p->cmdarg_stack) #define CMDARG_P() BITSTACK_SET_P(p->cmdarg_stack) #define sym(x) ((mrb_sym)(intptr_t)(x)) #define nsym(x) ((node*)(intptr_t)(x)) static inline mrb_sym intern_gen(parser_state *p, const char *s) { return mrb_intern(p->mrb, s); } #define intern(s) intern_gen(p,(s)) static inline mrb_sym intern_gen2(parser_state *p, const char *s, size_t len) { return mrb_intern2(p->mrb, s, len); } #define intern2(s,len) intern_gen2(p,(s),(len)) static inline mrb_sym intern_gen_c(parser_state *p, const char c) { return mrb_intern2(p->mrb, &c, 1); } #define intern_c(c) intern_gen_c(p,(c)) static void cons_free_gen(parser_state *p, node *cons) { cons->cdr = p->cells; p->cells = cons; } #define cons_free(c) cons_free_gen(p, (c)) static void* parser_palloc(parser_state *p, size_t size) { void *m = mrb_pool_alloc(p->pool, size); if (!m) { longjmp(p->jmp, 1); } return m; } static node* cons_gen(parser_state *p, node *car, node *cdr) { node *c; if (p->cells) { c = p->cells; p->cells = p->cells->cdr; } else { c = (node *)parser_palloc(p, sizeof(mrb_ast_node)); } c->car = car; c->cdr = cdr; c->lineno = p->lineno; return c; } #define cons(a,b) cons_gen(p,(a),(b)) static node* list1_gen(parser_state *p, node *a) { return cons(a, 0); } #define list1(a) list1_gen(p, (a)) static node* list2_gen(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b) { return cons(a, cons(b,0)); } #define list2(a,b) list2_gen(p, (a),(b)) static node* list3_gen(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b, node *c) { return cons(a, cons(b, cons(c,0))); } #define list3(a,b,c) list3_gen(p, (a),(b),(c)) static node* list4_gen(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b, node *c, node *d) { return cons(a, cons(b, cons(c, cons(d, 0)))); } #define list4(a,b,c,d) list4_gen(p, (a),(b),(c),(d)) static node* list5_gen(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b, node *c, node *d, node *e) { return cons(a, cons(b, cons(c, cons(d, cons(e, 0))))); } #define list5(a,b,c,d,e) list5_gen(p, (a),(b),(c),(d),(e)) static node* list6_gen(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b, node *c, node *d, node *e, node *f) { return cons(a, cons(b, cons(c, cons(d, cons(e, cons(f, 0)))))); } #define list6(a,b,c,d,e,f) list6_gen(p, (a),(b),(c),(d),(e),(f)) static node* append_gen(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b) { node *c = a; if (!a) return b; while (c->cdr) { c = c->cdr; } if (b) { c->cdr = b; } return a; } #define append(a,b) append_gen(p,(a),(b)) #define push(a,b) append_gen(p,(a),list1(b)) static char* parser_strndup(parser_state *p, const char *s, size_t len) { char *b = (char *)parser_palloc(p, len+1); memcpy(b, s, len); b[len] = '\0'; return b; } #define strndup(s,len) parser_strndup(p, s, len) static char* parser_strdup(parser_state *p, const char *s) { return parser_strndup(p, s, strlen(s)); } #undef strdup #define strdup(s) parser_strdup(p, s) // xxx ----------------------------- static node* local_switch(parser_state *p) { node *prev = p->locals; p->locals = cons(0, 0); return prev; } static void local_resume(parser_state *p, node *prev) { p->locals = prev; } static void local_nest(parser_state *p) { p->locals = cons(0, p->locals); } static void local_unnest(parser_state *p) { p->locals = p->locals->cdr; } static int local_var_p(parser_state *p, mrb_sym sym) { node *l = p->locals; while (l) { node *n = l->car; while (n) { if (sym(n->car) == sym) return 1; n = n->cdr; } l = l->cdr; } return 0; } static void local_add_f(parser_state *p, mrb_sym sym) { p->locals->car = push(p->locals->car, nsym(sym)); } static void local_add(parser_state *p, mrb_sym sym) { if (!local_var_p(p, sym)) { local_add_f(p, sym); } } // (:scope (vars..) (prog...)) static node* new_scope(parser_state *p, node *body) { return cons((node*)NODE_SCOPE, cons(p->locals->car, body)); } // (:begin prog...) static node* new_begin(parser_state *p, node *body) { if (body) return list2((node*)NODE_BEGIN, body); return cons((node*)NODE_BEGIN, 0); } #define newline_node(n) (n) // (:rescue body rescue else) static node* new_rescue(parser_state *p, node *body, node *resq, node *els) { return list4((node*)NODE_RESCUE, body, resq, els); } // (:ensure body ensure) static node* new_ensure(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b) { return cons((node*)NODE_ENSURE, cons(a, cons(0, b))); } // (:nil) static node* new_nil(parser_state *p) { return list1((node*)NODE_NIL); } // (:true) static node* new_true(parser_state *p) { return list1((node*)NODE_TRUE); } // (:false) static node* new_false(parser_state *p) { return list1((node*)NODE_FALSE); } // (:alias new old) static node* new_alias(parser_state *p, mrb_sym a, mrb_sym b) { return cons((node*)NODE_ALIAS, cons(nsym(a), nsym(b))); } // (:if cond then else) static node* new_if(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b, node *c) { return list4((node*)NODE_IF, a, b, c); } // (:unless cond then else) static node* new_unless(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b, node *c) { return list4((node*)NODE_IF, a, c, b); } // (:while cond body) static node* new_while(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b) { return cons((node*)NODE_WHILE, cons(a, b)); } // (:until cond body) static node* new_until(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b) { return cons((node*)NODE_UNTIL, cons(a, b)); } // (:for var obj body) static node* new_for(parser_state *p, node *v, node *o, node *b) { return list4((node*)NODE_FOR, v, o, b); } // (:case a ((when ...) body) ((when...) body)) static node* new_case(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b) { node *n = list2((node*)NODE_CASE, a); node *n2 = n; while (n2->cdr) { n2 = n2->cdr; } n2->cdr = b; return n; } // (:postexe a) static node* new_postexe(parser_state *p, node *a) { return cons((node*)NODE_POSTEXE, a); } // (:self) static node* new_self(parser_state *p) { return list1((node*)NODE_SELF); } // (:call a b c) static node* new_call(parser_state *p, node *a, mrb_sym b, node *c) { return list4((node*)NODE_CALL, a, nsym(b), c); } // (:fcall self mid args) static node* new_fcall(parser_state *p, mrb_sym b, node *c) { return list4((node*)NODE_FCALL, new_self(p), nsym(b), c); } // (:super . c) static node* new_super(parser_state *p, node *c) { return cons((node*)NODE_SUPER, c); } // (:zsuper) static node* new_zsuper(parser_state *p) { return list1((node*)NODE_ZSUPER); } // (:yield . c) static node* new_yield(parser_state *p, node *c) { if (c) { if (c->cdr) { yyerror(p, "both block arg and actual block given"); } return cons((node*)NODE_YIELD, c->car); } return cons((node*)NODE_YIELD, 0); } // (:return . c) static node* new_return(parser_state *p, node *c) { return cons((node*)NODE_RETURN, c); } // (:break . c) static node* new_break(parser_state *p, node *c) { return cons((node*)NODE_BREAK, c); } // (:next . c) static node* new_next(parser_state *p, node *c) { return cons((node*)NODE_NEXT, c); } // (:redo) static node* new_redo(parser_state *p) { return list1((node*)NODE_REDO); } // (:retry) static node* new_retry(parser_state *p) { return list1((node*)NODE_RETRY); } // (:dot2 a b) static node* new_dot2(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b) { return cons((node*)NODE_DOT2, cons(a, b)); } // (:dot3 a b) static node* new_dot3(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b) { return cons((node*)NODE_DOT3, cons(a, b)); } // (:colon2 b c) static node* new_colon2(parser_state *p, node *b, mrb_sym c) { return cons((node*)NODE_COLON2, cons(b, nsym(c))); } // (:colon3 . c) static node* new_colon3(parser_state *p, mrb_sym c) { return cons((node*)NODE_COLON3, nsym(c)); } // (:and a b) static node* new_and(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b) { return cons((node*)NODE_AND, cons(a, b)); } // (:or a b) static node* new_or(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b) { return cons((node*)NODE_OR, cons(a, b)); } // (:array a...) static node* new_array(parser_state *p, node *a) { return cons((node*)NODE_ARRAY, a); } // (:splat . a) static node* new_splat(parser_state *p, node *a) { return cons((node*)NODE_SPLAT, a); } // (:hash (k . v) (k . v)...) static node* new_hash(parser_state *p, node *a) { return cons((node*)NODE_HASH, a); } // (:sym . a) static node* new_sym(parser_state *p, mrb_sym sym) { return cons((node*)NODE_SYM, nsym(sym)); } static mrb_sym new_strsym(parser_state *p, node* str) { const char *s = (const char*)str->cdr->car; size_t len = (size_t)str->cdr->cdr; return mrb_intern2(p->mrb, s, len); } // (:lvar . a) static node* new_lvar(parser_state *p, mrb_sym sym) { return cons((node*)NODE_LVAR, nsym(sym)); } // (:gvar . a) static node* new_gvar(parser_state *p, mrb_sym sym) { return cons((node*)NODE_GVAR, nsym(sym)); } // (:ivar . a) static node* new_ivar(parser_state *p, mrb_sym sym) { return cons((node*)NODE_IVAR, nsym(sym)); } // (:cvar . a) static node* new_cvar(parser_state *p, mrb_sym sym) { return cons((node*)NODE_CVAR, nsym(sym)); } // (:const . a) static node* new_const(parser_state *p, mrb_sym sym) { return cons((node*)NODE_CONST, nsym(sym)); } // (:undef a...) static node* new_undef(parser_state *p, mrb_sym sym) { return list2((node*)NODE_UNDEF, nsym(sym)); } // (:class class super body) static node* new_class(parser_state *p, node *c, node *s, node *b) { return list4((node*)NODE_CLASS, c, s, cons(p->locals->car, b)); } // (:sclass obj body) static node* new_sclass(parser_state *p, node *o, node *b) { return list3((node*)NODE_SCLASS, o, cons(p->locals->car, b)); } // (:module module body) static node* new_module(parser_state *p, node *m, node *b) { return list3((node*)NODE_MODULE, m, cons(p->locals->car, b)); } // (:def m lv (arg . body)) static node* new_def(parser_state *p, mrb_sym m, node *a, node *b) { return list5((node*)NODE_DEF, nsym(m), p->locals->car, a, b); } // (:sdef obj m lv (arg . body)) static node* new_sdef(parser_state *p, node *o, mrb_sym m, node *a, node *b) { return list6((node*)NODE_SDEF, o, nsym(m), p->locals->car, a, b); } // (:arg . sym) static node* new_arg(parser_state *p, mrb_sym sym) { return cons((node*)NODE_ARG, nsym(sym)); } // (m o r m2 b) // m: (a b c) // o: ((a . e1) (b . e2)) // r: a // m2: (a b c) // b: a static node* new_args(parser_state *p, node *m, node *opt, mrb_sym rest, node *m2, mrb_sym blk) { node *n; n = cons(m2, nsym(blk)); n = cons(nsym(rest), n); n = cons(opt, n); return cons(m, n); } // (:block_arg . a) static node* new_block_arg(parser_state *p, node *a) { return cons((node*)NODE_BLOCK_ARG, a); } // (:block arg body) static node* new_block(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b) { return list4((node*)NODE_BLOCK, p->locals->car, a, b); } // (:lambda arg body) static node* new_lambda(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b) { return list4((node*)NODE_LAMBDA, p->locals->car, a, b); } // (:asgn lhs rhs) static node* new_asgn(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b) { return cons((node*)NODE_ASGN, cons(a, b)); } // (:masgn mlhs=(pre rest post) mrhs) static node* new_masgn(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b) { return cons((node*)NODE_MASGN, cons(a, b)); } // (:asgn lhs rhs) static node* new_op_asgn(parser_state *p, node *a, mrb_sym op, node *b) { return list4((node*)NODE_OP_ASGN, a, nsym(op), b); } // (:int . i) static node* new_int(parser_state *p, const char *s, int base) { return list3((node*)NODE_INT, (node*)strdup(s), (node*)(intptr_t)base); } // (:float . i) static node* new_float(parser_state *p, const char *s) { return cons((node*)NODE_FLOAT, (node*)strdup(s)); } // (:str . (s . len)) static node* new_str(parser_state *p, const char *s, int len) { return cons((node*)NODE_STR, cons((node*)strndup(s, len), (node*)(intptr_t)len)); } // (:dstr . a) static node* new_dstr(parser_state *p, node *a) { return cons((node*)NODE_DSTR, a); } // (:str . (s . len)) static node* new_xstr(parser_state *p, const char *s, int len) { return cons((node*)NODE_XSTR, cons((node*)strndup(s, len), (node*)(intptr_t)len)); } // (:xstr . a) static node* new_dxstr(parser_state *p, node *a) { return cons((node*)NODE_DXSTR, a); } // (:dsym . a) static node* new_dsym(parser_state *p, node *a) { return cons((node*)NODE_DSYM, new_dstr(p, a)); } // (:str . (a . a)) static node* new_regx(parser_state *p, const char *p1, const char* p2) { return cons((node*)NODE_REGX, cons((node*)p1, (node*)p2)); } // (:dregx . a) static node* new_dregx(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b) { return cons((node*)NODE_DREGX, cons(a, b)); } // (:backref . n) static node* new_back_ref(parser_state *p, int n) { return cons((node*)NODE_BACK_REF, (node*)(intptr_t)n); } // (:nthref . n) static node* new_nth_ref(parser_state *p, int n) { return cons((node*)NODE_NTH_REF, (node*)(intptr_t)n); } // (:heredoc . a) static node* new_heredoc(parser_state *p) { parser_heredoc_info *inf = (parser_heredoc_info *)parser_palloc(p, sizeof(parser_heredoc_info)); return cons((node*)NODE_HEREDOC, (node*)inf); } static void new_bv(parser_state *p, mrb_sym id) { } static node* new_literal_delim(parser_state *p) { return cons((node*)NODE_LITERAL_DELIM, 0); } // (:words . a) static node* new_words(parser_state *p, node *a) { return cons((node*)NODE_WORDS, a); } // (:symbols . a) static node* new_symbols(parser_state *p, node *a) { return cons((node*)NODE_SYMBOLS, a); } // xxx ----------------------------- // (:call a op) static node* call_uni_op(parser_state *p, node *recv, char *m) { return new_call(p, recv, intern(m), 0); } // (:call a op b) static node* call_bin_op(parser_state *p, node *recv, char *m, node *arg1) { return new_call(p, recv, intern(m), list1(list1(arg1))); } static void args_with_block(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b) { if (b) { if (a->cdr) { yyerror(p, "both block arg and actual block given"); } a->cdr = b; } } static void call_with_block(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b) { node *n; if (a->car == (node*)NODE_SUPER || a->car == (node*)NODE_ZSUPER) { if (!a->cdr) a->cdr = cons(0, b); else { args_with_block(p, a->cdr, b); } } else { n = a->cdr->cdr->cdr; if (!n->car) n->car = cons(0, b); else { args_with_block(p, n->car, b); } } } static node* negate_lit(parser_state *p, node *n) { return cons((node*)NODE_NEGATE, n); } static node* cond(node *n) { return n; } static node* ret_args(parser_state *p, node *n) { if (n->cdr) { yyerror(p, "block argument should not be given"); } if (!n->car->cdr) return n->car->car; return new_array(p, n->car); } static void assignable(parser_state *p, node *lhs) { if ((int)(intptr_t)lhs->car == NODE_LVAR) { local_add(p, sym(lhs->cdr)); } } static node* var_reference(parser_state *p, node *lhs) { node *n; if ((int)(intptr_t)lhs->car == NODE_LVAR) { if (!local_var_p(p, sym(lhs->cdr))) { n = new_fcall(p, sym(lhs->cdr), 0); cons_free(lhs); return n; } } return lhs; } typedef enum mrb_string_type string_type; static node* new_strterm(parser_state *p, string_type type, int term, int paren) { return cons((node*)(intptr_t)type, cons((node*)0, cons((node*)(intptr_t)paren, (node*)(intptr_t)term))); } static void end_strterm(parser_state *p) { cons_free(p->lex_strterm->cdr->cdr); cons_free(p->lex_strterm->cdr); cons_free(p->lex_strterm); p->lex_strterm = NULL; } parser_heredoc_info * parsing_heredoc_inf(parser_state *p) { node *nd = p->parsing_heredoc; if (nd == NULL) return NULL; /* assert(nd->car->car == NODE_HEREDOC); */ return (parser_heredoc_info*)nd->car->cdr; } static void heredoc_end(parser_state *p) { p->parsing_heredoc = p->parsing_heredoc->cdr; if (p->parsing_heredoc == NULL) { p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; p->cmd_start = TRUE; end_strterm(p); p->heredoc_end_now = TRUE; } else { /* next heredoc */ p->lex_strterm->car = (node*)(intptr_t)parsing_heredoc_inf(p)->type; } } #define is_strterm_type(p,str_func) ((int)(intptr_t)((p)->lex_strterm->car) & (str_func)) // xxx ----------------------------- %} %pure_parser %parse-param {parser_state *p} %lex-param {parser_state *p} %union { node *nd; mrb_sym id; int num; unsigned int stack; const struct vtable *vars; } %token keyword_class keyword_module keyword_def keyword_undef keyword_begin keyword_rescue keyword_ensure keyword_end keyword_if keyword_unless keyword_then keyword_elsif keyword_else keyword_case keyword_when keyword_while keyword_until keyword_for keyword_break keyword_next keyword_redo keyword_retry keyword_in keyword_do keyword_do_cond keyword_do_block keyword_do_LAMBDA keyword_return keyword_yield keyword_super keyword_self keyword_nil keyword_true keyword_false keyword_and keyword_or keyword_not modifier_if modifier_unless modifier_while modifier_until modifier_rescue keyword_alias keyword_BEGIN keyword_END keyword__LINE__ keyword__FILE__ keyword__ENCODING__ %token tIDENTIFIER tFID tGVAR tIVAR tCONSTANT tCVAR tLABEL %token tINTEGER tFLOAT tCHAR tXSTRING tREGEXP %token tSTRING tSTRING_PART tSTRING_MID %token tNTH_REF tBACK_REF %token tREGEXP_END %type singleton string string_rep string_interp xstring regexp %type literal numeric cpath symbol %type top_compstmt top_stmts top_stmt %type bodystmt compstmt stmts stmt expr arg primary command command_call method_call %type expr_value arg_value primary_value %type if_tail opt_else case_body cases opt_rescue exc_list exc_var opt_ensure %type args call_args opt_call_args %type paren_args opt_paren_args variable %type command_args aref_args opt_block_arg block_arg var_ref var_lhs %type command_asgn mrhs superclass block_call block_command %type f_block_optarg f_block_opt %type f_arglist f_args f_arg f_arg_item f_optarg f_marg f_marg_list f_margs %type assoc_list assocs assoc undef_list backref for_var %type block_param opt_block_param block_param_def f_opt %type bv_decls opt_bv_decl bvar f_larglist lambda_body %type brace_block cmd_brace_block do_block lhs none f_bad_arg %type mlhs mlhs_list mlhs_post mlhs_basic mlhs_item mlhs_node mlhs_inner %type fsym sym basic_symbol operation operation2 operation3 %type cname fname op f_rest_arg f_block_arg opt_f_block_arg f_norm_arg %type heredoc words symbols %token tUPLUS /* unary+ */ %token tUMINUS /* unary- */ %token tPOW /* ** */ %token tCMP /* <=> */ %token tEQ /* == */ %token tEQQ /* === */ %token tNEQ /* != */ %token tGEQ /* >= */ %token tLEQ /* <= */ %token tANDOP tOROP /* && and || */ %token tMATCH tNMATCH /* =~ and !~ */ %token tDOT2 tDOT3 /* .. and ... */ %token tAREF tASET /* [] and []= */ %token tLSHFT tRSHFT /* << and >> */ %token tCOLON2 /* :: */ %token tCOLON3 /* :: at EXPR_BEG */ %token tOP_ASGN /* +=, -= etc. */ %token tASSOC /* => */ %token tLPAREN /* ( */ %token tLPAREN_ARG /* ( */ %token tRPAREN /* ) */ %token tLBRACK /* [ */ %token tLBRACE /* { */ %token tLBRACE_ARG /* { */ %token tSTAR /* * */ %token tAMPER /* & */ %token tLAMBDA /* -> */ %token tSYMBEG tREGEXP_BEG tWORDS_BEG tSYMBOLS_BEG %token tSTRING_BEG tXSTRING_BEG tSTRING_DVAR tLAMBEG %token tHEREDOC_BEG /* <<, <<- */ %token tHEREDOC_END tLITERAL_DELIM /* * precedence table */ %nonassoc tLOWEST %nonassoc tLBRACE_ARG %nonassoc modifier_if modifier_unless modifier_while modifier_until %left keyword_or keyword_and %right keyword_not %right '=' tOP_ASGN %left modifier_rescue %right '?' ':' %nonassoc tDOT2 tDOT3 %left tOROP %left tANDOP %nonassoc tCMP tEQ tEQQ tNEQ tMATCH tNMATCH %left '>' tGEQ '<' tLEQ %left '|' '^' %left '&' %left tLSHFT tRSHFT %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' '%' %right tUMINUS_NUM tUMINUS %right tPOW %right '!' '~' tUPLUS %nonassoc idNULL %nonassoc idRespond_to %nonassoc idIFUNC %nonassoc idCFUNC %nonassoc id_core_set_method_alias %nonassoc id_core_set_variable_alias %nonassoc id_core_undef_method %nonassoc id_core_define_method %nonassoc id_core_define_singleton_method %nonassoc id_core_set_postexe %token tLAST_TOKEN %% program : { p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; if (!p->locals) p->locals = cons(0,0); } top_compstmt { p->tree = new_scope(p, $2); } ; top_compstmt : top_stmts opt_terms { $$ = $1; } ; top_stmts : none { $$ = new_begin(p, 0); } | top_stmt { $$ = new_begin(p, $1); } | top_stmts terms top_stmt { $$ = push($1, newline_node($3)); } | error top_stmt { $$ = new_begin(p, 0); } ; top_stmt : stmt | keyword_BEGIN { $$ = local_switch(p); } '{' top_compstmt '}' { yyerror(p, "BEGIN not supported"); local_resume(p, $2); $$ = 0; } ; bodystmt : compstmt opt_rescue opt_else opt_ensure { if ($2) { $$ = new_rescue(p, $1, $2, $3); } else if ($3) { yywarn(p, "else without rescue is useless"); $$ = push($1, $3); } else { $$ = $1; } if ($4) { if ($$) { $$ = new_ensure(p, $$, $4); } else { $$ = push($4, new_nil(p)); } } } ; compstmt : stmts opt_terms { $$ = $1; } ; stmts : none { $$ = new_begin(p, 0); } | stmt { $$ = new_begin(p, $1); } | stmts terms stmt { $$ = push($1, newline_node($3)); } | error stmt { $$ = new_begin(p, $2); } ; stmt : keyword_alias fsym {p->lstate = EXPR_FNAME;} fsym { $$ = new_alias(p, $2, $4); } | keyword_undef undef_list { $$ = $2; } | stmt modifier_if expr_value { $$ = new_if(p, cond($3), $1, 0); } | stmt modifier_unless expr_value { $$ = new_unless(p, cond($3), $1, 0); } | stmt modifier_while expr_value { $$ = new_while(p, cond($3), $1); } | stmt modifier_until expr_value { $$ = new_until(p, cond($3), $1); } | stmt modifier_rescue stmt { $$ = new_rescue(p, $1, list1(list3(0, 0, $3)), 0); } | keyword_END '{' compstmt '}' { yyerror(p, "END not suported"); $$ = new_postexe(p, $3); } | command_asgn | mlhs '=' command_call { $$ = new_masgn(p, $1, $3); } | var_lhs tOP_ASGN command_call { $$ = new_op_asgn(p, $1, $2, $3); } | primary_value '[' opt_call_args rbracket tOP_ASGN command_call { $$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, intern2("[]",2), $3), $5, $6); } | primary_value '.' tIDENTIFIER tOP_ASGN command_call { $$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, $3, 0), $4, $5); } | primary_value '.' tCONSTANT tOP_ASGN command_call { $$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, $3, 0), $4, $5); } | primary_value tCOLON2 tCONSTANT tOP_ASGN command_call { yyerror(p, "constant re-assignment"); $$ = 0; } | primary_value tCOLON2 tIDENTIFIER tOP_ASGN command_call { $$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, $3, 0), $4, $5); } | backref tOP_ASGN command_call { backref_error(p, $1); $$ = new_begin(p, 0); } | lhs '=' mrhs { $$ = new_asgn(p, $1, new_array(p, $3)); } | mlhs '=' arg_value { $$ = new_masgn(p, $1, $3); } | mlhs '=' mrhs { $$ = new_masgn(p, $1, new_array(p, $3)); } | expr ; command_asgn : lhs '=' command_call { $$ = new_asgn(p, $1, $3); } | lhs '=' command_asgn { $$ = new_asgn(p, $1, $3); } ; expr : command_call | expr keyword_and expr { $$ = new_and(p, $1, $3); } | expr keyword_or expr { $$ = new_or(p, $1, $3); } | keyword_not opt_nl expr { $$ = call_uni_op(p, cond($3), "!"); } | '!' command_call { $$ = call_uni_op(p, cond($2), "!"); } | arg ; expr_value : expr { if (!$1) $$ = new_nil(p); else $$ = $1; } ; command_call : command | block_command ; block_command : block_call | block_call dot_or_colon operation2 command_args ; cmd_brace_block : tLBRACE_ARG { local_nest(p); } opt_block_param compstmt '}' { $$ = new_block(p, $3, $4); local_unnest(p); } ; command : operation command_args %prec tLOWEST { $$ = new_fcall(p, $1, $2); } | operation command_args cmd_brace_block { args_with_block(p, $2, $3); $$ = new_fcall(p, $1, $2); } | primary_value '.' operation2 command_args %prec tLOWEST { $$ = new_call(p, $1, $3, $4); } | primary_value '.' operation2 command_args cmd_brace_block { args_with_block(p, $4, $5); $$ = new_call(p, $1, $3, $4); } | primary_value tCOLON2 operation2 command_args %prec tLOWEST { $$ = new_call(p, $1, $3, $4); } | primary_value tCOLON2 operation2 command_args cmd_brace_block { args_with_block(p, $4, $5); $$ = new_call(p, $1, $3, $4); } | keyword_super command_args { $$ = new_super(p, $2); } | keyword_yield command_args { $$ = new_yield(p, $2); } | keyword_return call_args { $$ = new_return(p, ret_args(p, $2)); } | keyword_break call_args { $$ = new_break(p, ret_args(p, $2)); } | keyword_next call_args { $$ = new_next(p, ret_args(p, $2)); } ; mlhs : mlhs_basic { $$ = $1; } | tLPAREN mlhs_inner rparen { $$ = $2; } ; mlhs_inner : mlhs_basic | tLPAREN mlhs_inner rparen { $$ = list1($2); } ; mlhs_basic : mlhs_list { $$ = list1($1); } | mlhs_list mlhs_item { $$ = list1(push($1,$2)); } | mlhs_list tSTAR mlhs_node { $$ = list2($1, $3); } | mlhs_list tSTAR mlhs_node ',' mlhs_post { $$ = list3($1, $3, $5); } | mlhs_list tSTAR { $$ = list2($1, new_nil(p)); } | mlhs_list tSTAR ',' mlhs_post { $$ = list3($1, new_nil(p), $4); } | tSTAR mlhs_node { $$ = list2(0, $2); } | tSTAR mlhs_node ',' mlhs_post { $$ = list3(0, $2, $4); } | tSTAR { $$ = list2(0, new_nil(p)); } | tSTAR ',' mlhs_post { $$ = list3(0, new_nil(p), $3); } ; mlhs_item : mlhs_node | tLPAREN mlhs_inner rparen { $$ = $2; } ; mlhs_list : mlhs_item ',' { $$ = list1($1); } | mlhs_list mlhs_item ',' { $$ = push($1, $2); } ; mlhs_post : mlhs_item { $$ = list1($1); } | mlhs_list mlhs_item { $$ = push($1, $2); } ; mlhs_node : variable { assignable(p, $1); } | primary_value '[' opt_call_args rbracket { $$ = new_call(p, $1, intern2("[]",2), $3); } | primary_value '.' tIDENTIFIER { $$ = new_call(p, $1, $3, 0); } | primary_value tCOLON2 tIDENTIFIER { $$ = new_call(p, $1, $3, 0); } | primary_value '.' tCONSTANT { $$ = new_call(p, $1, $3, 0); } | primary_value tCOLON2 tCONSTANT { if (p->in_def || p->in_single) yyerror(p, "dynamic constant assignment"); $$ = new_colon2(p, $1, $3); } | tCOLON3 tCONSTANT { if (p->in_def || p->in_single) yyerror(p, "dynamic constant assignment"); $$ = new_colon3(p, $2); } | backref { backref_error(p, $1); $$ = 0; } ; lhs : variable { assignable(p, $1); } | primary_value '[' opt_call_args rbracket { $$ = new_call(p, $1, intern2("[]",2), $3); } | primary_value '.' tIDENTIFIER { $$ = new_call(p, $1, $3, 0); } | primary_value tCOLON2 tIDENTIFIER { $$ = new_call(p, $1, $3, 0); } | primary_value '.' tCONSTANT { $$ = new_call(p, $1, $3, 0); } | primary_value tCOLON2 tCONSTANT { if (p->in_def || p->in_single) yyerror(p, "dynamic constant assignment"); $$ = new_colon2(p, $1, $3); } | tCOLON3 tCONSTANT { if (p->in_def || p->in_single) yyerror(p, "dynamic constant assignment"); $$ = new_colon3(p, $2); } | backref { backref_error(p, $1); $$ = 0; } ; cname : tIDENTIFIER { yyerror(p, "class/module name must be CONSTANT"); } | tCONSTANT ; cpath : tCOLON3 cname { $$ = cons((node*)1, nsym($2)); } | cname { $$ = cons((node*)0, nsym($1)); } | primary_value tCOLON2 cname { $$ = cons($1, nsym($3)); } ; fname : tIDENTIFIER | tCONSTANT | tFID | op { p->lstate = EXPR_ENDFN; $$ = $1; } | reswords { p->lstate = EXPR_ENDFN; $$ = $1; } ; fsym : fname | basic_symbol ; undef_list : fsym { $$ = new_undef(p, $1); } | undef_list ',' {p->lstate = EXPR_FNAME;} fsym { $$ = push($1, nsym($4)); } ; op : '|' { $$ = intern_c('|'); } | '^' { $$ = intern_c('^'); } | '&' { $$ = intern_c('&'); } | tCMP { $$ = intern2("<=>",3); } | tEQ { $$ = intern2("==",2); } | tEQQ { $$ = intern2("===",3); } | tMATCH { $$ = intern2("=~",2); } | tNMATCH { $$ = intern2("!~",2); } | '>' { $$ = intern_c('>'); } | tGEQ { $$ = intern2(">=",2); } | '<' { $$ = intern_c('<'); } | tLEQ { $$ = intern2("<=",2); } | tNEQ { $$ = intern2("!=",2); } | tLSHFT { $$ = intern2("<<",2); } | tRSHFT { $$ = intern2(">>",2); } | '+' { $$ = intern_c('+'); } | '-' { $$ = intern_c('-'); } | '*' { $$ = intern_c('*'); } | tSTAR { $$ = intern_c('*'); } | '/' { $$ = intern_c('/'); } | '%' { $$ = intern_c('%'); } | tPOW { $$ = intern2("**",2); } | '!' { $$ = intern_c('!'); } | '~' { $$ = intern_c('~'); } | tUPLUS { $$ = intern2("+@",2); } | tUMINUS { $$ = intern2("-@",2); } | tAREF { $$ = intern2("[]",2); } | tASET { $$ = intern2("[]=",3); } | '`' { $$ = intern_c('`'); } ; reswords : keyword__LINE__ | keyword__FILE__ | keyword__ENCODING__ | keyword_BEGIN | keyword_END | keyword_alias | keyword_and | keyword_begin | keyword_break | keyword_case | keyword_class | keyword_def | keyword_do | keyword_else | keyword_elsif | keyword_end | keyword_ensure | keyword_false | keyword_for | keyword_in | keyword_module | keyword_next | keyword_nil | keyword_not | keyword_or | keyword_redo | keyword_rescue | keyword_retry | keyword_return | keyword_self | keyword_super | keyword_then | keyword_true | keyword_undef | keyword_when | keyword_yield | keyword_if | keyword_unless | keyword_while | keyword_until ; arg : lhs '=' arg { $$ = new_asgn(p, $1, $3); } | lhs '=' arg modifier_rescue arg { $$ = new_asgn(p, $1, new_rescue(p, $3, list1(list3(0, 0, $5)), 0)); } | var_lhs tOP_ASGN arg { $$ = new_op_asgn(p, $1, $2, $3); } | var_lhs tOP_ASGN arg modifier_rescue arg { $$ = new_op_asgn(p, $1, $2, new_rescue(p, $3, list1(list3(0, 0, $5)), 0)); } | primary_value '[' opt_call_args rbracket tOP_ASGN arg { $$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, intern2("[]",2), $3), $5, $6); } | primary_value '.' tIDENTIFIER tOP_ASGN arg { $$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, $3, 0), $4, $5); } | primary_value '.' tCONSTANT tOP_ASGN arg { $$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, $3, 0), $4, $5); } | primary_value tCOLON2 tIDENTIFIER tOP_ASGN arg { $$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, $3, 0), $4, $5); } | primary_value tCOLON2 tCONSTANT tOP_ASGN arg { yyerror(p, "constant re-assignment"); $$ = new_begin(p, 0); } | tCOLON3 tCONSTANT tOP_ASGN arg { yyerror(p, "constant re-assignment"); $$ = new_begin(p, 0); } | backref tOP_ASGN arg { backref_error(p, $1); $$ = new_begin(p, 0); } | arg tDOT2 arg { $$ = new_dot2(p, $1, $3); } | arg tDOT3 arg { $$ = new_dot3(p, $1, $3); } | arg '+' arg { $$ = call_bin_op(p, $1, "+", $3); } | arg '-' arg { $$ = call_bin_op(p, $1, "-", $3); } | arg '*' arg { $$ = call_bin_op(p, $1, "*", $3); } | arg '/' arg { $$ = call_bin_op(p, $1, "/", $3); } | arg '%' arg { $$ = call_bin_op(p, $1, "%", $3); } | arg tPOW arg { $$ = call_bin_op(p, $1, "**", $3); } | tUMINUS_NUM tINTEGER tPOW arg { $$ = call_uni_op(p, call_bin_op(p, $2, "**", $4), "-@"); } | tUMINUS_NUM tFLOAT tPOW arg { $$ = call_uni_op(p, call_bin_op(p, $2, "**", $4), "-@"); } | tUPLUS arg { $$ = call_uni_op(p, $2, "+@"); } | tUMINUS arg { $$ = call_uni_op(p, $2, "-@"); } | arg '|' arg { $$ = call_bin_op(p, $1, "|", $3); } | arg '^' arg { $$ = call_bin_op(p, $1, "^", $3); } | arg '&' arg { $$ = call_bin_op(p, $1, "&", $3); } | arg tCMP arg { $$ = call_bin_op(p, $1, "<=>", $3); } | arg '>' arg { $$ = call_bin_op(p, $1, ">", $3); } | arg tGEQ arg { $$ = call_bin_op(p, $1, ">=", $3); } | arg '<' arg { $$ = call_bin_op(p, $1, "<", $3); } | arg tLEQ arg { $$ = call_bin_op(p, $1, "<=", $3); } | arg tEQ arg { $$ = call_bin_op(p, $1, "==", $3); } | arg tEQQ arg { $$ = call_bin_op(p, $1, "===", $3); } | arg tNEQ arg { $$ = call_bin_op(p, $1, "!=", $3); } | arg tMATCH arg { $$ = call_bin_op(p, $1, "=~", $3); } | arg tNMATCH arg { $$ = call_bin_op(p, $1, "!~", $3); } | '!' arg { $$ = call_uni_op(p, cond($2), "!"); } | '~' arg { $$ = call_uni_op(p, cond($2), "~"); } | arg tLSHFT arg { $$ = call_bin_op(p, $1, "<<", $3); } | arg tRSHFT arg { $$ = call_bin_op(p, $1, ">>", $3); } | arg tANDOP arg { $$ = new_and(p, $1, $3); } | arg tOROP arg { $$ = new_or(p, $1, $3); } | arg '?' arg opt_nl ':' arg { $$ = new_if(p, cond($1), $3, $6); } | primary { $$ = $1; } ; arg_value : arg { $$ = $1; if (!$$) $$ = new_nil(p); } ; aref_args : none | args trailer { $$ = $1; } | args ',' assocs trailer { $$ = push($1, new_hash(p, $3)); } | assocs trailer { $$ = cons(new_hash(p, $1), 0); } ; paren_args : '(' opt_call_args rparen { $$ = $2; } ; opt_paren_args : none | paren_args ; opt_call_args : none | call_args | args ',' { $$ = cons($1,0); } | args ',' assocs ',' { $$ = cons(push($1, new_hash(p, $3)), 0); } | assocs ',' { $$ = cons(list1(new_hash(p, $1)), 0); } ; call_args : command { $$ = cons(list1($1), 0); } | args opt_block_arg { $$ = cons($1, $2); } | assocs opt_block_arg { $$ = cons(list1(new_hash(p, $1)), $2); } | args ',' assocs opt_block_arg { $$ = cons(push($1, new_hash(p, $3)), $4); } | block_arg { $$ = cons(0, $1); } ; command_args : { $$ = p->cmdarg_stack; CMDARG_PUSH(1); } call_args { p->cmdarg_stack = $1; $$ = $2; } ; block_arg : tAMPER arg_value { $$ = new_block_arg(p, $2); } ; opt_block_arg : ',' block_arg { $$ = $2; } | none { $$ = 0; } ; args : arg_value { $$ = cons($1, 0); } | tSTAR arg_value { $$ = cons(new_splat(p, $2), 0); } | args ',' arg_value { $$ = push($1, $3); } | args ',' tSTAR arg_value { $$ = push($1, new_splat(p, $4)); } ; mrhs : args ',' arg_value { $$ = push($1, $3); } | args ',' tSTAR arg_value { $$ = push($1, new_splat(p, $4)); } | tSTAR arg_value { $$ = list1(new_splat(p, $2)); } ; primary : literal | string | xstring | regexp | heredoc | var_ref | backref | tFID { $$ = new_fcall(p, $1, 0); } | keyword_begin { $1 = p->cmdarg_stack; p->cmdarg_stack = 0; } bodystmt keyword_end { p->cmdarg_stack = $1; $$ = $3; } | tLPAREN_ARG expr {p->lstate = EXPR_ENDARG;} rparen { $$ = $2; } | tLPAREN_ARG {p->lstate = EXPR_ENDARG;} rparen { $$ = 0; } | tLPAREN compstmt ')' { $$ = $2; } | primary_value tCOLON2 tCONSTANT { $$ = new_colon2(p, $1, $3); } | tCOLON3 tCONSTANT { $$ = new_colon3(p, $2); } | tLBRACK aref_args ']' { $$ = new_array(p, $2); } | tLBRACE assoc_list '}' { $$ = new_hash(p, $2); } | keyword_return { $$ = new_return(p, 0); } | keyword_yield '(' call_args rparen { $$ = new_yield(p, $3); } | keyword_yield '(' rparen { $$ = new_yield(p, 0); } | keyword_yield { $$ = new_yield(p, 0); } | keyword_not '(' expr rparen { $$ = call_uni_op(p, cond($3), "!"); } | keyword_not '(' rparen { $$ = call_uni_op(p, new_nil(p), "!"); } | operation brace_block { $$ = new_fcall(p, $1, cons(0, $2)); } | method_call | method_call brace_block { call_with_block(p, $1, $2); $$ = $1; } | tLAMBDA { local_nest(p); $$ = p->lpar_beg; p->lpar_beg = ++p->paren_nest; } f_larglist lambda_body { p->lpar_beg = $2; $$ = new_lambda(p, $3, $4); local_unnest(p); } | keyword_if expr_value then compstmt if_tail keyword_end { $$ = new_if(p, cond($2), $4, $5); } | keyword_unless expr_value then compstmt opt_else keyword_end { $$ = new_unless(p, cond($2), $4, $5); } | keyword_while {COND_PUSH(1);} expr_value do {COND_POP();} compstmt keyword_end { $$ = new_while(p, cond($3), $6); } | keyword_until {COND_PUSH(1);} expr_value do {COND_POP();} compstmt keyword_end { $$ = new_until(p, cond($3), $6); } | keyword_case expr_value opt_terms case_body keyword_end { $$ = new_case(p, $2, $4); } | keyword_case opt_terms case_body keyword_end { $$ = new_case(p, 0, $3); } | keyword_for for_var keyword_in {COND_PUSH(1);} expr_value do {COND_POP();} compstmt keyword_end { $$ = new_for(p, $2, $5, $8); } | keyword_class cpath superclass { if (p->in_def || p->in_single) yyerror(p, "class definition in method body"); $$ = local_switch(p); } bodystmt keyword_end { $$ = new_class(p, $2, $3, $5); local_resume(p, $4); } | keyword_class tLSHFT expr { $$ = p->in_def; p->in_def = 0; } term { $$ = cons(local_switch(p), (node*)(intptr_t)p->in_single); p->in_single = 0; } bodystmt keyword_end { $$ = new_sclass(p, $3, $7); local_resume(p, $6->car); p->in_def = $4; p->in_single = (int)(intptr_t)$6->cdr; } | keyword_module cpath { if (p->in_def || p->in_single) yyerror(p, "module definition in method body"); $$ = local_switch(p); } bodystmt keyword_end { $$ = new_module(p, $2, $4); local_resume(p, $3); } | keyword_def fname { p->in_def++; $$ = local_switch(p); } f_arglist bodystmt keyword_end { $$ = new_def(p, $2, $4, $5); local_resume(p, $3); p->in_def--; } | keyword_def singleton dot_or_colon {p->lstate = EXPR_FNAME;} fname { p->in_single++; p->lstate = EXPR_ENDFN; /* force for args */ $$ = local_switch(p); } f_arglist bodystmt keyword_end { $$ = new_sdef(p, $2, $5, $7, $8); local_resume(p, $6); p->in_single--; } | keyword_break { $$ = new_break(p, 0); } | keyword_next { $$ = new_next(p, 0); } | keyword_redo { $$ = new_redo(p); } | keyword_retry { $$ = new_retry(p); } ; primary_value : primary { $$ = $1; if (!$$) $$ = new_nil(p); } ; then : term | keyword_then | term keyword_then ; do : term | keyword_do_cond ; if_tail : opt_else | keyword_elsif expr_value then compstmt if_tail { $$ = new_if(p, cond($2), $4, $5); } ; opt_else : none | keyword_else compstmt { $$ = $2; } ; for_var : lhs { $$ = list1(list1($1)); } | mlhs ; f_marg : f_norm_arg { $$ = new_arg(p, $1); } | tLPAREN f_margs rparen { $$ = new_masgn(p, $2, 0); } ; f_marg_list : f_marg { $$ = list1($1); } | f_marg_list ',' f_marg { $$ = push($1, $3); } ; f_margs : f_marg_list { $$ = list3($1,0,0); } | f_marg_list ',' tSTAR f_norm_arg { $$ = list3($1, new_arg(p, $4), 0); } | f_marg_list ',' tSTAR f_norm_arg ',' f_marg_list { $$ = list3($1, new_arg(p, $4), $6); } | f_marg_list ',' tSTAR { $$ = list3($1, (node*)-1, 0); } | f_marg_list ',' tSTAR ',' f_marg_list { $$ = list3($1, (node*)-1, $5); } | tSTAR f_norm_arg { $$ = list3(0, new_arg(p, $2), 0); } | tSTAR f_norm_arg ',' f_marg_list { $$ = list3(0, new_arg(p, $2), $4); } | tSTAR { $$ = list3(0, (node*)-1, 0); } | tSTAR ',' f_marg_list { $$ = list3(0, (node*)-1, $3); } ; block_param : f_arg ',' f_block_optarg ',' f_rest_arg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, $1, $3, $5, 0, $6); } | f_arg ',' f_block_optarg ',' f_rest_arg ',' f_arg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, $1, $3, $5, $7, $8); } | f_arg ',' f_block_optarg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, $1, $3, 0, 0, $4); } | f_arg ',' f_block_optarg ',' f_arg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, $1, $3, 0, $5, $6); } | f_arg ',' f_rest_arg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, $1, 0, $3, 0, $4); } | f_arg ',' { $$ = new_args(p, $1, 0, 1, 0, 0); } | f_arg ',' f_rest_arg ',' f_arg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, $1, 0, $3, $5, $6); } | f_arg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, $1, 0, 0, 0, $2); } | f_block_optarg ',' f_rest_arg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, 0, $1, $3, 0, $4); } | f_block_optarg ',' f_rest_arg ',' f_arg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, 0, $1, $3, $5, $6); } | f_block_optarg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, 0, $1, 0, 0, $2); } | f_block_optarg ',' f_arg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, 0, $1, 0, $3, $4); } | f_rest_arg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, 0, 0, $1, 0, $2); } | f_rest_arg ',' f_arg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, 0, 0, $1, $3, $4); } | f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, 0, 0, 0, 0, $1); } ; opt_block_param : none | block_param_def { p->cmd_start = TRUE; $$ = $1; } ; block_param_def : '|' opt_bv_decl '|' { local_add_f(p, 0); $$ = 0; } | tOROP { local_add_f(p, 0); $$ = 0; } | '|' block_param opt_bv_decl '|' { $$ = $2; } ; opt_bv_decl : opt_nl { $$ = 0; } | opt_nl ';' bv_decls opt_nl { $$ = 0; } ; bv_decls : bvar | bv_decls ',' bvar ; bvar : tIDENTIFIER { local_add_f(p, $1); new_bv(p, $1); } | f_bad_arg ; f_larglist : '(' f_args opt_bv_decl ')' { $$ = $2; } | f_args { $$ = $1; } ; lambda_body : tLAMBEG compstmt '}' { $$ = $2; } | keyword_do_LAMBDA compstmt keyword_end { $$ = $2; } ; do_block : keyword_do_block { local_nest(p); } opt_block_param compstmt keyword_end { $$ = new_block(p,$3,$4); local_unnest(p); } ; block_call : command do_block { if ($1->car == (node*)NODE_YIELD) { yyerror(p, "block given to yield"); } else { call_with_block(p, $1, $2); } $$ = $1; } | block_call dot_or_colon operation2 opt_paren_args { $$ = new_call(p, $1, $3, $4); } | block_call dot_or_colon operation2 opt_paren_args brace_block { $$ = new_call(p, $1, $3, $4); call_with_block(p, $$, $5); } | block_call dot_or_colon operation2 command_args do_block { $$ = new_call(p, $1, $3, $4); call_with_block(p, $$, $5); } ; method_call : operation paren_args { $$ = new_fcall(p, $1, $2); } | primary_value '.' operation2 opt_paren_args { $$ = new_call(p, $1, $3, $4); } | primary_value tCOLON2 operation2 paren_args { $$ = new_call(p, $1, $3, $4); } | primary_value tCOLON2 operation3 { $$ = new_call(p, $1, $3, 0); } | primary_value '.' paren_args { $$ = new_call(p, $1, intern2("call",4), $3); } | primary_value tCOLON2 paren_args { $$ = new_call(p, $1, intern2("call",4), $3); } | keyword_super paren_args { $$ = new_super(p, $2); } | keyword_super { $$ = new_zsuper(p); } | primary_value '[' opt_call_args rbracket { $$ = new_call(p, $1, intern2("[]",2), $3); } ; brace_block : '{' { local_nest(p); } opt_block_param compstmt '}' { $$ = new_block(p,$3,$4); local_unnest(p); } | keyword_do { local_nest(p); } opt_block_param compstmt keyword_end { $$ = new_block(p,$3,$4); local_unnest(p); } ; case_body : keyword_when args then compstmt cases { $$ = cons(cons($2, $4), $5); } ; cases : opt_else { if ($1) { $$ = cons(cons(0, $1), 0); } else { $$ = 0; } } | case_body ; opt_rescue : keyword_rescue exc_list exc_var then compstmt opt_rescue { $$ = list1(list3($2, $3, $5)); if ($6) $$ = append($$, $6); } | none ; exc_list : arg_value { $$ = list1($1); } | mrhs | none ; exc_var : tASSOC lhs { $$ = $2; } | none ; opt_ensure : keyword_ensure compstmt { $$ = $2; } | none ; literal : numeric | symbol | words | symbols ; string : tCHAR | tSTRING | tSTRING_BEG tSTRING { $$ = $2; } | tSTRING_BEG string_rep tSTRING { $$ = new_dstr(p, push($2, $3)); } ; string_rep : string_interp | string_rep string_interp { $$ = append($1, $2); } ; string_interp : tSTRING_MID { $$ = list1($1); } | tSTRING_PART { $$ = p->lex_strterm; p->lex_strterm = NULL; } compstmt '}' { p->lex_strterm = $2; $$ = list2($1, $3); } | tLITERAL_DELIM { $$ = list1(new_literal_delim(p)); } ; xstring : tXSTRING_BEG tXSTRING { $$ = $2; } | tXSTRING_BEG string_rep tXSTRING { $$ = new_dxstr(p, push($2, $3)); } ; regexp : tREGEXP_BEG tREGEXP { $$ = $2; } | tREGEXP_BEG string_rep tREGEXP { $$ = new_dregx(p, $2, $3); } ; heredoc : tHEREDOC_BEG ; opt_heredoc_bodies : none | heredoc_bodies ; heredoc_bodies : heredoc_body | heredoc_bodies heredoc_body ; heredoc_body : tHEREDOC_END { parsing_heredoc_inf(p)->doc = list1(new_str(p, "", 0)); heredoc_end(p); } | string_rep tHEREDOC_END { parsing_heredoc_inf(p)->doc = $1; heredoc_end(p); } ; words : tWORDS_BEG tSTRING { $$ = new_words(p, list1($2)); } | tWORDS_BEG string_rep tSTRING { $$ = new_words(p, push($2, $3)); } ; symbol : basic_symbol { $$ = new_sym(p, $1); } | tSYMBEG tSTRING_BEG string_interp tSTRING { p->lstate = EXPR_END; $$ = new_dsym(p, push($3, $4)); } ; basic_symbol : tSYMBEG sym { p->lstate = EXPR_END; $$ = $2; } ; sym : fname | tIVAR | tGVAR | tCVAR | tSTRING { $$ = new_strsym(p, $1); } | tSTRING_BEG tSTRING { $$ = new_strsym(p, $2); } ; symbols : tSYMBOLS_BEG tSTRING { $$ = new_symbols(p, list1($2)); } | tSYMBOLS_BEG string_rep tSTRING { $$ = new_symbols(p, push($2, $3)); } ; numeric : tINTEGER | tFLOAT | tUMINUS_NUM tINTEGER %prec tLOWEST { $$ = negate_lit(p, $2); } | tUMINUS_NUM tFLOAT %prec tLOWEST { $$ = negate_lit(p, $2); } ; variable : tIDENTIFIER { $$ = new_lvar(p, $1); } | tIVAR { $$ = new_ivar(p, $1); } | tGVAR { $$ = new_gvar(p, $1); } | tCVAR { $$ = new_cvar(p, $1); } | tCONSTANT { $$ = new_const(p, $1); } ; var_lhs : variable { assignable(p, $1); } ; var_ref : variable { $$ = var_reference(p, $1); } | keyword_nil { $$ = new_nil(p); } | keyword_self { $$ = new_self(p); } | keyword_true { $$ = new_true(p); } | keyword_false { $$ = new_false(p); } | keyword__FILE__ { if (!p->filename) { p->filename = "(null)"; } $$ = new_str(p, p->filename, strlen(p->filename)); } | keyword__LINE__ { char buf[16]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", p->lineno); $$ = new_int(p, buf, 10); } ; backref : tNTH_REF | tBACK_REF ; superclass : term { $$ = 0; } | '<' { p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; p->cmd_start = TRUE; } expr_value term { $$ = $3; } | error term { yyerrok; $$ = 0; } ; f_arglist : '(' f_args rparen { $$ = $2; p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; p->cmd_start = TRUE; } | f_args term { $$ = $1; } ; f_args : f_arg ',' f_optarg ',' f_rest_arg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, $1, $3, $5, 0, $6); } | f_arg ',' f_optarg ',' f_rest_arg ',' f_arg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, $1, $3, $5, $7, $8); } | f_arg ',' f_optarg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, $1, $3, 0, 0, $4); } | f_arg ',' f_optarg ',' f_arg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, $1, $3, 0, $5, $6); } | f_arg ',' f_rest_arg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, $1, 0, $3, 0, $4); } | f_arg ',' f_rest_arg ',' f_arg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, $1, 0, $3, $5, $6); } | f_arg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, $1, 0, 0, 0, $2); } | f_optarg ',' f_rest_arg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, 0, $1, $3, 0, $4); } | f_optarg ',' f_rest_arg ',' f_arg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, 0, $1, $3, $5, $6); } | f_optarg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, 0, $1, 0, 0, $2); } | f_optarg ',' f_arg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, 0, $1, 0, $3, $4); } | f_rest_arg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, 0, 0, $1, 0, $2); } | f_rest_arg ',' f_arg opt_f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, 0, 0, $1, $3, $4); } | f_block_arg { $$ = new_args(p, 0, 0, 0, 0, $1); } | /* none */ { local_add_f(p, 0); $$ = new_args(p, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } ; f_bad_arg : tCONSTANT { yyerror(p, "formal argument cannot be a constant"); $$ = 0; } | tIVAR { yyerror(p, "formal argument cannot be an instance variable"); $$ = 0; } | tGVAR { yyerror(p, "formal argument cannot be a global variable"); $$ = 0; } | tCVAR { yyerror(p, "formal argument cannot be a class variable"); $$ = 0; } ; f_norm_arg : f_bad_arg { $$ = 0; } | tIDENTIFIER { local_add_f(p, $1); $$ = $1; } ; f_arg_item : f_norm_arg { $$ = new_arg(p, $1); } | tLPAREN f_margs rparen { $$ = new_masgn(p, $2, 0); } ; f_arg : f_arg_item { $$ = list1($1); } | f_arg ',' f_arg_item { $$ = push($1, $3); } ; f_opt : tIDENTIFIER '=' arg_value { local_add_f(p, $1); $$ = cons(nsym($1), $3); } ; f_block_opt : tIDENTIFIER '=' primary_value { local_add_f(p, $1); $$ = cons(nsym($1), $3); } ; f_block_optarg : f_block_opt { $$ = list1($1); } | f_block_optarg ',' f_block_opt { $$ = push($1, $3); } ; f_optarg : f_opt { $$ = list1($1); } | f_optarg ',' f_opt { $$ = push($1, $3); } ; restarg_mark : '*' | tSTAR ; f_rest_arg : restarg_mark tIDENTIFIER { local_add_f(p, $2); $$ = $2; } | restarg_mark { local_add_f(p, 0); $$ = -1; } ; blkarg_mark : '&' | tAMPER ; f_block_arg : blkarg_mark tIDENTIFIER { local_add_f(p, $2); $$ = $2; } ; opt_f_block_arg : ',' f_block_arg { $$ = $2; } | none { local_add_f(p, 0); $$ = 0; } ; singleton : var_ref { $$ = $1; if (!$$) $$ = new_nil(p); } | '(' {p->lstate = EXPR_BEG;} expr rparen { if ($3 == 0) { yyerror(p, "can't define singleton method for ()."); } else { switch ((enum node_type)(int)(intptr_t)$3->car) { case NODE_STR: case NODE_DSTR: case NODE_XSTR: case NODE_DXSTR: case NODE_DREGX: case NODE_MATCH: case NODE_FLOAT: case NODE_ARRAY: case NODE_HEREDOC: yyerror(p, "can't define singleton method for literals"); default: break; } } $$ = $3; } ; assoc_list : none | assocs trailer { $$ = $1; } ; assocs : assoc { $$ = list1($1); } | assocs ',' assoc { $$ = push($1, $3); } ; assoc : arg_value tASSOC arg_value { $$ = cons($1, $3); } | tLABEL arg_value { $$ = cons(new_sym(p, $1), $2); } ; operation : tIDENTIFIER | tCONSTANT | tFID ; operation2 : tIDENTIFIER | tCONSTANT | tFID | op ; operation3 : tIDENTIFIER | tFID | op ; dot_or_colon : '.' | tCOLON2 ; opt_terms : /* none */ | terms ; opt_nl : /* none */ | nl ; rparen : opt_nl ')' ; rbracket : opt_nl ']' ; trailer : /* none */ | nl | ',' ; term : ';' {yyerrok;} | nl ; nl : '\n' { p->lineno++; p->column = 0; } opt_heredoc_bodies terms : term | terms ';' {yyerrok;} ; none : /* none */ { $$ = 0; } ; %% #define yylval (*((YYSTYPE*)(p->ylval))) static void yyerror(parser_state *p, const char *s) { char* c; int n; if (! p->capture_errors) { #ifdef ENABLE_STDIO if (p->filename) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d:%d: %s\n", p->filename, p->lineno, p->column, s); } else { fprintf(stderr, "line %d:%d: %s\n", p->lineno, p->column, s); } #endif } else if (p->nerr < sizeof(p->error_buffer) / sizeof(p->error_buffer[0])) { n = strlen(s); c = (char *)parser_palloc(p, n + 1); memcpy(c, s, n + 1); p->error_buffer[p->nerr].message = c; p->error_buffer[p->nerr].lineno = p->lineno; p->error_buffer[p->nerr].column = p->column; } p->nerr++; } static void yyerror_i(parser_state *p, const char *fmt, int i) { char buf[256]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, i); yyerror(p, buf); } static void yywarn(parser_state *p, const char *s) { char* c; int n; if (! p->capture_errors) { #ifdef ENABLE_STDIO if (p->filename) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d:%d: %s\n", p->filename, p->lineno, p->column, s); } else { fprintf(stderr, "line %d:%d: %s\n", p->lineno, p->column, s); } #endif } else if (p->nwarn < sizeof(p->warn_buffer) / sizeof(p->warn_buffer[0])) { n = strlen(s); c = (char *)parser_palloc(p, n + 1); memcpy(c, s, n + 1); p->warn_buffer[p->nwarn].message = c; p->warn_buffer[p->nwarn].lineno = p->lineno; p->warn_buffer[p->nwarn].column = p->column; } p->nwarn++; } static void yywarning(parser_state *p, const char *s) { yywarn(p, s); } static void yywarning_s(parser_state *p, const char *fmt, const char *s) { char buf[256]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, s); yywarning(p, buf); } static void backref_error(parser_state *p, node *n) { int c; c = (int)(intptr_t)n->car; if (c == NODE_NTH_REF) { yyerror_i(p, "can't set variable $%d", (int)(intptr_t)n->cdr); } else if (c == NODE_BACK_REF) { yyerror_i(p, "can't set variable $%c", (int)(intptr_t)n->cdr); } else { mrb_bug(p->mrb, "Internal error in backref_error() : n=>car == %d", c); } } static int peeks(parser_state *p, const char *s); static int skips(parser_state *p, const char *s); static inline int nextc(parser_state *p) { int c; if (p->pb) { node *tmp; c = (int)(intptr_t)p->pb->car; tmp = p->pb; p->pb = p->pb->cdr; cons_free(tmp); } else { #ifdef ENABLE_STDIO if (p->f) { if (feof(p->f)) goto end_retry; c = fgetc(p->f); if (c == EOF) goto end_retry; } else #endif if (!p->s || p->s >= p->send) { goto end_retry; } else { c = (unsigned char)*p->s++; } } p->column++; return c; end_retry: if (!p->cxt) return -1; else { mrbc_context *cxt = p->cxt; if (cxt->partial_hook(p) < 0) return -1; p->cxt = NULL; c = nextc(p); p->cxt = cxt; return c; } } static void pushback(parser_state *p, int c) { if (c < 0) return; p->column--; p->pb = cons((node*)(intptr_t)c, p->pb); } static void skip(parser_state *p, char term) { int c; for (;;) { c = nextc(p); if (c < 0) break; if (c == term) break; } } static int peek_n(parser_state *p, int c, int n) { node *list = 0; int c0; do { c0 = nextc(p); if (c0 < 0) return FALSE; list = push(list, (node*)(intptr_t)c0); } while(n--); if (p->pb) { p->pb = append(p->pb, (node*)list); } else { p->pb = list; } if (c0 == c) return TRUE; return FALSE; } #define peek(p,c) peek_n((p), (c), 0) static int peeks(parser_state *p, const char *s) { int len = strlen(s); #ifdef ENABLE_STDIO if (p->f) { int n = 0; while (*s) { if (!peek_n(p, *s++, n++)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } else #endif if (p->s && p->s + len >= p->send) { if (memcmp(p->s, s, len) == 0) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static int skips(parser_state *p, const char *s) { int c; for (;;) { // skip until first char for (;;) { c = nextc(p); if (c < 0) return c; if (c == *s) break; } s++; if (peeks(p, s)) { int len = strlen(s); while (len--) { nextc(p); } return TRUE; } else{ s--; } } return FALSE; } static int newtok(parser_state *p) { p->bidx = 0; return p->column - 1; } static void tokadd(parser_state *p, int c) { if (p->bidx < MRB_PARSER_BUF_SIZE) { p->buf[p->bidx++] = c; } } static int toklast(parser_state *p) { return p->buf[p->bidx-1]; } static void tokfix(parser_state *p) { if (p->bidx >= MRB_PARSER_BUF_SIZE) { yyerror(p, "string too long (truncated)"); } p->buf[p->bidx] = '\0'; } static const char* tok(parser_state *p) { return p->buf; } static int toklen(parser_state *p) { return p->bidx; } #define IS_ARG() (p->lstate == EXPR_ARG || p->lstate == EXPR_CMDARG) #define IS_END() (p->lstate == EXPR_END || p->lstate == EXPR_ENDARG || p->lstate == EXPR_ENDFN) #define IS_BEG() (p->lstate == EXPR_BEG || p->lstate == EXPR_MID || p->lstate == EXPR_VALUE || p->lstate == EXPR_CLASS) #define IS_SPCARG(c) (IS_ARG() && space_seen && !ISSPACE(c)) #define IS_LABEL_POSSIBLE() ((p->lstate == EXPR_BEG && !cmd_state) || IS_ARG()) #define IS_LABEL_SUFFIX(n) (peek_n(p, ':',(n)) && !peek_n(p, ':', (n)+1)) static int scan_oct(const int *start, int len, int *retlen) { const int *s = start; int retval = 0; /* assert(len <= 3) */ while (len-- && *s >= '0' && *s <= '7') { retval <<= 3; retval |= *s++ - '0'; } *retlen = s - start; return retval; } static int scan_hex(const int *start, int len, int *retlen) { static const char hexdigit[] = "0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF"; register const int *s = start; register int retval = 0; char *tmp; /* assert(len <= 2) */ while (len-- && *s && (tmp = (char*)strchr(hexdigit, *s))) { retval <<= 4; retval |= (tmp - hexdigit) & 15; s++; } *retlen = s - start; return retval; } static int read_escape(parser_state *p) { int c; switch (c = nextc(p)) { case '\\': /* Backslash */ return c; case 'n': /* newline */ return '\n'; case 't': /* horizontal tab */ return '\t'; case 'r': /* carriage-return */ return '\r'; case 'f': /* form-feed */ return '\f'; case 'v': /* vertical tab */ return '\13'; case 'a': /* alarm(bell) */ return '\007'; case 'e': /* escape */ return 033; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': /* octal constant */ case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': { int buf[3]; int i; buf[0] = c; for (i=1; i<3; i++) { buf[i] = nextc(p); if (buf[i] == -1) goto eof; if (buf[i] < '0' || '7' < buf[i]) { pushback(p, buf[i]); break; } } c = scan_oct(buf, i, &i); } return c; case 'x': /* hex constant */ { int buf[2]; int i; for (i=0; i<2; i++) { buf[i] = nextc(p); if (buf[i] == -1) goto eof; if (!ISXDIGIT(buf[i])) { pushback(p, buf[i]); break; } } c = scan_hex(buf, i, &i); if (i == 0) { yyerror(p, "Invalid escape character syntax"); return 0; } } return c; case 'b': /* backspace */ return '\010'; case 's': /* space */ return ' '; case 'M': if ((c = nextc(p)) != '-') { yyerror(p, "Invalid escape character syntax"); pushback(p, c); return '\0'; } if ((c = nextc(p)) == '\\') { return read_escape(p) | 0x80; } else if (c == -1) goto eof; else { return ((c & 0xff) | 0x80); } case 'C': if ((c = nextc(p)) != '-') { yyerror(p, "Invalid escape character syntax"); pushback(p, c); return '\0'; } case 'c': if ((c = nextc(p))== '\\') { c = read_escape(p); } else if (c == '?') return 0177; else if (c == -1) goto eof; return c & 0x9f; eof: case -1: yyerror(p, "Invalid escape character syntax"); return '\0'; default: return c; } } static int parse_string(parser_state *p) { int c; string_type type = (string_type)(intptr_t)p->lex_strterm->car; int nest_level = (intptr_t)p->lex_strterm->cdr->car; int beg = (intptr_t)p->lex_strterm->cdr->cdr->car; int end = (intptr_t)p->lex_strterm->cdr->cdr->cdr; parser_heredoc_info *hinf = (type & STR_FUNC_HEREDOC) ? parsing_heredoc_inf(p) : NULL; newtok(p); while ((c = nextc(p)) != end || nest_level != 0) { if (hinf && (c == '\n' || c == -1)) { int line_head; tokadd(p, '\n'); tokfix(p); p->lineno++; p->column = 0; line_head = hinf->line_head; hinf->line_head = TRUE; if (line_head) { /* check whether end of heredoc */ const char *s = tok(p); int len = toklen(p); if (hinf->allow_indent) { while (ISSPACE(*s) && len > 0) { ++s; --len; } } if ((len-1 == hinf->term_len) && (strncmp(s, hinf->term, len-1) == 0)) { return tHEREDOC_END; } } if (c == -1) { char buf[256]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "can't find string \"%s\" anywhere before EOF", hinf->term); yyerror(p, buf); return 0; } yylval.nd = new_str(p, tok(p), toklen(p)); return tSTRING_MID; } if (c == -1) { yyerror(p, "unterminated string meets end of file"); return 0; } else if (c == beg) { nest_level++; p->lex_strterm->cdr->car = (node*)(intptr_t)nest_level; } else if (c == end) { nest_level--; p->lex_strterm->cdr->car = (node*)(intptr_t)nest_level; } else if (c == '\\') { c = nextc(p); if (type & STR_FUNC_EXPAND) { if (c == end || c == beg) { tokadd(p, c); } else if ((c == '\n') && (type & STR_FUNC_ARRAY)) { p->lineno++; p->column = 0; tokadd(p, '\n'); } else { if (type & STR_FUNC_REGEXP) { tokadd(p, '\\'); if (c != -1) tokadd(p, c); } else { pushback(p, c); tokadd(p, read_escape(p)); } if (hinf) hinf->line_head = FALSE; } } else { if (c != beg && c != end) { switch (c) { case '\n': p->lineno++; p->column = 0; break; case '\\': break; default: if (! ISSPACE(c)) tokadd(p, '\\'); } } tokadd(p, c); } continue; } else if ((c == '#') && (type & STR_FUNC_EXPAND)) { c = nextc(p); if (c == '{') { tokfix(p); p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; p->cmd_start = TRUE; yylval.nd = new_str(p, tok(p), toklen(p)); if (hinf) hinf->line_head = FALSE; return tSTRING_PART; } tokadd(p, '#'); pushback(p, c); continue; } if ((type & STR_FUNC_ARRAY) && ISSPACE(c)) { if (toklen(p) == 0) { do { if (c == '\n') { p->lineno++; p->column = 0; } } while (ISSPACE(c = nextc(p))); pushback(p, c); return tLITERAL_DELIM; } else { pushback(p, c); tokfix(p); yylval.nd = new_str(p, tok(p), toklen(p)); return tSTRING_MID; } } tokadd(p, c); } tokfix(p); p->lstate = EXPR_END; end_strterm(p); if (type & STR_FUNC_XQUOTE) { yylval.nd = new_xstr(p, tok(p), toklen(p)); return tXSTRING; } if (type & STR_FUNC_REGEXP) { int f = 0; int c; char *s = strndup(tok(p), toklen(p)); char flag[4] = { '\0' }; newtok(p); while (c = nextc(p), ISALPHA(c)) { switch (c) { case 'i': f |= 1; break; case 'x': f |= 2; break; case 'm': f |= 4; break; default: tokadd(p, c); break; } } pushback(p, c); if (toklen(p)) { char msg[128]; tokfix(p); snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "unknown regexp option%s - %s", toklen(p) > 1 ? "s" : "", tok(p)); yyerror(p, msg); } if (f & 1) strcat(flag, "i"); if (f & 2) strcat(flag, "x"); if (f & 4) strcat(flag, "m"); yylval.nd = new_regx(p, s, strdup(flag)); return tREGEXP; } yylval.nd = new_str(p, tok(p), toklen(p)); return tSTRING; } static int heredoc_identifier(parser_state *p) { int c; int type = str_heredoc; int indent = FALSE; int quote = FALSE; node *newnode; parser_heredoc_info *info; c = nextc(p); if (ISSPACE(c) || c == '=') { pushback(p, c); return 0; } if (c == '-') { indent = TRUE; c = nextc(p); } if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { int term = c; if (c == '\'') quote = TRUE; newtok(p); while ((c = nextc(p)) != -1 && c != term) { if (c == '\n') { c = -1; break; } tokadd(p, c); } if (c == -1) { yyerror(p, "unterminated here document identifier"); return 0; } } else { if (! identchar(c)) { pushback(p, c); if (indent) pushback(p, '-'); return 0; } newtok(p); do { tokadd(p, c); } while ((c = nextc(p)) != -1 && identchar(c)); pushback(p, c); } tokfix(p); newnode = new_heredoc(p); info = (parser_heredoc_info*)newnode->cdr; info->term = strndup(tok(p), toklen(p)); info->term_len = toklen(p); if (! quote) type |= STR_FUNC_EXPAND; info->type = (string_type)type; info->allow_indent = indent; info->line_head = TRUE; info->doc = NULL; p->heredocs = push(p->heredocs, newnode); if (p->parsing_heredoc == NULL) { node *n = p->heredocs; while (n->cdr) n = n->cdr; p->parsing_heredoc = n; } p->heredoc_starts_nextline = TRUE; p->lstate = EXPR_END; yylval.nd = newnode; return tHEREDOC_BEG; } static int arg_ambiguous(parser_state *p) { yywarning(p, "ambiguous first argument; put parentheses or even spaces"); return 1; } #include "lex.def" static int parser_yylex(parser_state *p) { register int c; int space_seen = 0; int cmd_state; enum mrb_lex_state_enum last_state; int token_column; if (p->lex_strterm) { if (is_strterm_type(p, STR_FUNC_HEREDOC)) { if ((p->parsing_heredoc != NULL) && (! p->heredoc_starts_nextline)) return parse_string(p); } else return parse_string(p); } cmd_state = p->cmd_start; p->cmd_start = FALSE; retry: last_state = p->lstate; switch (c = nextc(p)) { case '\0': /* NUL */ case '\004': /* ^D */ case '\032': /* ^Z */ case -1: /* end of script. */ return 0; /* white spaces */ case ' ': case '\t': case '\f': case '\r': case '\13': /* '\v' */ space_seen = 1; goto retry; case '#': /* it's a comment */ skip(p, '\n'); /* fall through */ case '\n': p->heredoc_starts_nextline = FALSE; if (p->parsing_heredoc != NULL) { p->lex_strterm = new_strterm(p, parsing_heredoc_inf(p)->type, 0, 0); goto normal_newline; } switch (p->lstate) { case EXPR_BEG: case EXPR_FNAME: case EXPR_DOT: case EXPR_CLASS: case EXPR_VALUE: p->lineno++; p->column = 0; goto retry; default: break; } while ((c = nextc(p))) { switch (c) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\f': case '\r': case '\13': /* '\v' */ space_seen = 1; break; case '.': if ((c = nextc(p)) != '.') { pushback(p, c); pushback(p, '.'); goto retry; } case -1: /* EOF */ goto normal_newline; default: pushback(p, c); goto normal_newline; } } normal_newline: p->cmd_start = TRUE; p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; return '\n'; case '*': if ((c = nextc(p)) == '*') { if ((c = nextc(p)) == '=') { yylval.id = intern2("**",2); p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; return tOP_ASGN; } pushback(p, c); c = tPOW; } else { if (c == '=') { yylval.id = intern_c('*'); p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; return tOP_ASGN; } pushback(p, c); if (IS_SPCARG(c)) { yywarning(p, "`*' interpreted as argument prefix"); c = tSTAR; } else if (IS_BEG()) { c = tSTAR; } else { c = '*'; } } if (p->lstate == EXPR_FNAME || p->lstate == EXPR_DOT) { p->lstate = EXPR_ARG; } else { p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; } return c; case '!': c = nextc(p); if (p->lstate == EXPR_FNAME || p->lstate == EXPR_DOT) { p->lstate = EXPR_ARG; if (c == '@') { return '!'; } } else { p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; } if (c == '=') { return tNEQ; } if (c == '~') { return tNMATCH; } pushback(p, c); return '!'; case '=': if (p->column == 1) { if (peeks(p, "begin\n")) { skips(p, "\n=end\n"); goto retry; } } if (p->lstate == EXPR_FNAME || p->lstate == EXPR_DOT) { p->lstate = EXPR_ARG; } else { p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; } if ((c = nextc(p)) == '=') { if ((c = nextc(p)) == '=') { return tEQQ; } pushback(p, c); return tEQ; } if (c == '~') { return tMATCH; } else if (c == '>') { return tASSOC; } pushback(p, c); return '='; case '<': last_state = p->lstate; c = nextc(p); if (c == '<' && p->lstate != EXPR_DOT && p->lstate != EXPR_CLASS && !IS_END() && (!IS_ARG() || space_seen)) { int token = heredoc_identifier(p); if (token) return token; } if (p->lstate == EXPR_FNAME || p->lstate == EXPR_DOT) { p->lstate = EXPR_ARG; } else { p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; if (p->lstate == EXPR_CLASS) { p->cmd_start = TRUE; } } if (c == '=') { if ((c = nextc(p)) == '>') { return tCMP; } pushback(p, c); return tLEQ; } if (c == '<') { if ((c = nextc(p)) == '=') { yylval.id = intern2("<<",2); p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; return tOP_ASGN; } pushback(p, c); return tLSHFT; } pushback(p, c); return '<'; case '>': if (p->lstate == EXPR_FNAME || p->lstate == EXPR_DOT) { p->lstate = EXPR_ARG; } else { p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; } if ((c = nextc(p)) == '=') { return tGEQ; } if (c == '>') { if ((c = nextc(p)) == '=') { yylval.id = intern2(">>",2); p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; return tOP_ASGN; } pushback(p, c); return tRSHFT; } pushback(p, c); return '>'; case '"': p->lex_strterm = new_strterm(p, str_dquote, '"', 0); return tSTRING_BEG; case '\'': p->lex_strterm = new_strterm(p, str_squote, '\'', 0); return parse_string(p); case '`': if (p->lstate == EXPR_FNAME) { p->lstate = EXPR_ENDFN; return '`'; } if (p->lstate == EXPR_DOT) { if (cmd_state) p->lstate = EXPR_CMDARG; else p->lstate = EXPR_ARG; return '`'; } p->lex_strterm = new_strterm(p, str_xquote, '`', 0); return tXSTRING_BEG; case '?': if (IS_END()) { p->lstate = EXPR_VALUE; return '?'; } c = nextc(p); if (c == -1) { yyerror(p, "incomplete character syntax"); return 0; } if (isspace(c)) { if (!IS_ARG()) { int c2; switch (c) { case ' ': c2 = 's'; break; case '\n': c2 = 'n'; break; case '\t': c2 = 't'; break; case '\v': c2 = 'v'; break; case '\r': c2 = 'r'; break; case '\f': c2 = 'f'; break; default: c2 = 0; break; } if (c2) { char buf[256]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "invalid character syntax; use ?\\%c", c2); yyerror(p, buf); } } ternary: pushback(p, c); p->lstate = EXPR_VALUE; return '?'; } token_column = newtok(p); // need support UTF-8 if configured if ((isalnum(c) || c == '_')) { int c2 = nextc(p); pushback(p, c2); if ((isalnum(c2) || c2 == '_')) { goto ternary; } } if (c == '\\') { c = nextc(p); if (c == 'u') { #if 0 tokadd_utf8(p); #endif } else { pushback(p, c); c = read_escape(p); tokadd(p, c); } } else { tokadd(p, c); } tokfix(p); yylval.nd = new_str(p, tok(p), toklen(p)); p->lstate = EXPR_END; return tCHAR; case '&': if ((c = nextc(p)) == '&') { p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; if ((c = nextc(p)) == '=') { yylval.id = intern2("&&",2); p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; return tOP_ASGN; } pushback(p, c); return tANDOP; } else if (c == '=') { yylval.id = intern_c('&'); p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; return tOP_ASGN; } pushback(p, c); if (IS_SPCARG(c)) { yywarning(p, "`&' interpreted as argument prefix"); c = tAMPER; } else if (IS_BEG()) { c = tAMPER; } else { c = '&'; } if (p->lstate == EXPR_FNAME || p->lstate == EXPR_DOT) { p->lstate = EXPR_ARG; } else { p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; } return c; case '|': if ((c = nextc(p)) == '|') { p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; if ((c = nextc(p)) == '=') { yylval.id = intern2("||",2); p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; return tOP_ASGN; } pushback(p, c); return tOROP; } if (c == '=') { yylval.id = intern_c('|'); p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; return tOP_ASGN; } if (p->lstate == EXPR_FNAME || p->lstate == EXPR_DOT) { p->lstate = EXPR_ARG; } else { p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; } pushback(p, c); return '|'; case '+': c = nextc(p); if (p->lstate == EXPR_FNAME || p->lstate == EXPR_DOT) { p->lstate = EXPR_ARG; if (c == '@') { return tUPLUS; } pushback(p, c); return '+'; } if (c == '=') { yylval.id = intern_c('+'); p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; return tOP_ASGN; } if (IS_BEG() || (IS_SPCARG(c) && arg_ambiguous(p))) { p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; pushback(p, c); if (c != -1 && ISDIGIT(c)) { c = '+'; goto start_num; } return tUPLUS; } p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; pushback(p, c); return '+'; case '-': c = nextc(p); if (p->lstate == EXPR_FNAME || p->lstate == EXPR_DOT) { p->lstate = EXPR_ARG; if (c == '@') { return tUMINUS; } pushback(p, c); return '-'; } if (c == '=') { yylval.id = intern_c('-'); p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; return tOP_ASGN; } if (c == '>') { p->lstate = EXPR_ENDFN; return tLAMBDA; } if (IS_BEG() || (IS_SPCARG(c) && arg_ambiguous(p))) { p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; pushback(p, c); if (c != -1 && ISDIGIT(c)) { return tUMINUS_NUM; } return tUMINUS; } p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; pushback(p, c); return '-'; case '.': p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; if ((c = nextc(p)) == '.') { if ((c = nextc(p)) == '.') { return tDOT3; } pushback(p, c); return tDOT2; } pushback(p, c); if (c != -1 && ISDIGIT(c)) { yyerror(p, "no . floating literal anymore; put 0 before dot"); } p->lstate = EXPR_DOT; return '.'; start_num: case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { int is_float, seen_point, seen_e, nondigit; is_float = seen_point = seen_e = nondigit = 0; p->lstate = EXPR_END; token_column = newtok(p); if (c == '-' || c == '+') { tokadd(p, c); c = nextc(p); } if (c == '0') { #define no_digits() do {yyerror(p,"numeric literal without digits"); return 0;} while (0) int start = toklen(p); c = nextc(p); if (c == 'x' || c == 'X') { /* hexadecimal */ c = nextc(p); if (c != -1 && ISXDIGIT(c)) { do { if (c == '_') { if (nondigit) break; nondigit = c; continue; } if (!ISXDIGIT(c)) break; nondigit = 0; tokadd(p, tolower(c)); } while ((c = nextc(p)) != -1); } pushback(p, c); tokfix(p); if (toklen(p) == start) { no_digits(); } else if (nondigit) goto trailing_uc; yylval.nd = new_int(p, tok(p), 16); return tINTEGER; } if (c == 'b' || c == 'B') { /* binary */ c = nextc(p); if (c == '0' || c == '1') { do { if (c == '_') { if (nondigit) break; nondigit = c; continue; } if (c != '0' && c != '1') break; nondigit = 0; tokadd(p, c); } while ((c = nextc(p)) != -1); } pushback(p, c); tokfix(p); if (toklen(p) == start) { no_digits(); } else if (nondigit) goto trailing_uc; yylval.nd = new_int(p, tok(p), 2); return tINTEGER; } if (c == 'd' || c == 'D') { /* decimal */ c = nextc(p); if (c != -1 && ISDIGIT(c)) { do { if (c == '_') { if (nondigit) break; nondigit = c; continue; } if (!ISDIGIT(c)) break; nondigit = 0; tokadd(p, c); } while ((c = nextc(p)) != -1); } pushback(p, c); tokfix(p); if (toklen(p) == start) { no_digits(); } else if (nondigit) goto trailing_uc; yylval.nd = new_int(p, tok(p), 10); return tINTEGER; } if (c == '_') { /* 0_0 */ goto octal_number; } if (c == 'o' || c == 'O') { /* prefixed octal */ c = nextc(p); if (c == -1 || c == '_' || !ISDIGIT(c)) { no_digits(); } } if (c >= '0' && c <= '7') { /* octal */ octal_number: do { if (c == '_') { if (nondigit) break; nondigit = c; continue; } if (c < '0' || c > '9') break; if (c > '7') goto invalid_octal; nondigit = 0; tokadd(p, c); } while ((c = nextc(p)) != -1); if (toklen(p) > start) { pushback(p, c); tokfix(p); if (nondigit) goto trailing_uc; yylval.nd = new_int(p, tok(p), 8); return tINTEGER; } if (nondigit) { pushback(p, c); goto trailing_uc; } } if (c > '7' && c <= '9') { invalid_octal: yyerror(p, "Invalid octal digit"); } else if (c == '.' || c == 'e' || c == 'E') { tokadd(p, '0'); } else { pushback(p, c); yylval.nd = new_int(p, "0", 10); return tINTEGER; } } for (;;) { switch (c) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': nondigit = 0; tokadd(p, c); break; case '.': if (nondigit) goto trailing_uc; if (seen_point || seen_e) { goto decode_num; } else { int c0 = nextc(p); if (c0 == -1 || !ISDIGIT(c0)) { pushback(p, c0); goto decode_num; } c = c0; } tokadd(p, '.'); tokadd(p, c); is_float++; seen_point++; nondigit = 0; break; case 'e': case 'E': if (nondigit) { pushback(p, c); c = nondigit; goto decode_num; } if (seen_e) { goto decode_num; } tokadd(p, c); seen_e++; is_float++; nondigit = c; c = nextc(p); if (c != '-' && c != '+') continue; tokadd(p, c); nondigit = c; break; case '_': /* `_' in number just ignored */ if (nondigit) goto decode_num; nondigit = c; break; default: goto decode_num; } c = nextc(p); } decode_num: pushback(p, c); if (nondigit) { trailing_uc: yyerror_i(p, "trailing `%c' in number", nondigit); } tokfix(p); if (is_float) { double d; char *endp; errno = 0; d = strtod(tok(p), &endp); if (d == 0 && endp == tok(p)) { yywarning_s(p, "corrupted float value %s", tok(p)); } else if (errno == ERANGE) { yywarning_s(p, "float %s out of range", tok(p)); errno = 0; } yylval.nd = new_float(p, tok(p)); return tFLOAT; } yylval.nd = new_int(p, tok(p), 10); return tINTEGER; } case ')': case ']': p->paren_nest--; case '}': COND_LEXPOP(); CMDARG_LEXPOP(); if (c == ')') p->lstate = EXPR_ENDFN; else p->lstate = EXPR_ENDARG; return c; case ':': c = nextc(p); if (c == ':') { if (IS_BEG() || p->lstate == EXPR_CLASS || IS_SPCARG(-1)) { p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; return tCOLON3; } p->lstate = EXPR_DOT; return tCOLON2; } if (IS_END() || ISSPACE(c)) { pushback(p, c); p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; return ':'; } pushback(p, c); p->lstate = EXPR_FNAME; return tSYMBEG; case '/': if (IS_BEG()) { p->lex_strterm = new_strterm(p, str_regexp, '/', 0); return tREGEXP_BEG; } if ((c = nextc(p)) == '=') { yylval.id = intern_c('/'); p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; return tOP_ASGN; } pushback(p, c); if (IS_SPCARG(c)) { p->lex_strterm = new_strterm(p, str_regexp, '/', 0); return tREGEXP_BEG; } if (p->lstate == EXPR_FNAME || p->lstate == EXPR_DOT) { p->lstate = EXPR_ARG; } else { p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; } return '/'; case '^': if ((c = nextc(p)) == '=') { yylval.id = intern_c('^'); p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; return tOP_ASGN; } if (p->lstate == EXPR_FNAME || p->lstate == EXPR_DOT) { p->lstate = EXPR_ARG; } else { p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; } pushback(p, c); return '^'; case ';': p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; return ';'; case ',': p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; return ','; case '~': if (p->lstate == EXPR_FNAME || p->lstate == EXPR_DOT) { if ((c = nextc(p)) != '@') { pushback(p, c); } p->lstate = EXPR_ARG; } else { p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; } return '~'; case '(': if (IS_BEG()) { c = tLPAREN; } else if (IS_SPCARG(-1)) { c = tLPAREN_ARG; } p->paren_nest++; COND_PUSH(0); CMDARG_PUSH(0); p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; return c; case '[': p->paren_nest++; if (p->lstate == EXPR_FNAME || p->lstate == EXPR_DOT) { p->lstate = EXPR_ARG; if ((c = nextc(p)) == ']') { if ((c = nextc(p)) == '=') { return tASET; } pushback(p, c); return tAREF; } pushback(p, c); return '['; } else if (IS_BEG()) { c = tLBRACK; } else if (IS_ARG() && space_seen) { c = tLBRACK; } p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; COND_PUSH(0); CMDARG_PUSH(0); return c; case '{': if (p->lpar_beg && p->lpar_beg == p->paren_nest) { p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; p->lpar_beg = 0; p->paren_nest--; COND_PUSH(0); CMDARG_PUSH(0); return tLAMBEG; } if (IS_ARG() || p->lstate == EXPR_END || p->lstate == EXPR_ENDFN) c = '{'; /* block (primary) */ else if (p->lstate == EXPR_ENDARG) c = tLBRACE_ARG; /* block (expr) */ else c = tLBRACE; /* hash */ COND_PUSH(0); CMDARG_PUSH(0); p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; return c; case '\\': c = nextc(p); if (c == '\n') { p->lineno++; p->column = 0; space_seen = 1; goto retry; /* skip \\n */ } pushback(p, c); return '\\'; case '%': if (IS_BEG()) { int term; int paren; c = nextc(p); quotation: if (c == -1 || !ISALNUM(c)) { term = c; c = 'Q'; } else { term = nextc(p); if (isalnum(term)) { yyerror(p, "unknown type of %string"); return 0; } } if (c == -1 || term == -1) { yyerror(p, "unterminated quoted string meets end of file"); return 0; } paren = term; if (term == '(') term = ')'; else if (term == '[') term = ']'; else if (term == '{') term = '}'; else if (term == '<') term = '>'; else paren = 0; switch (c) { case 'Q': p->lex_strterm = new_strterm(p, str_dquote, term, paren); return tSTRING_BEG; case 'q': p->lex_strterm = new_strterm(p, str_squote, term, paren); return parse_string(p); case 'W': p->lex_strterm = new_strterm(p, str_dword, term, paren); return tWORDS_BEG; case 'w': p->lex_strterm = new_strterm(p, str_sword, term, paren); return tWORDS_BEG; case 'x': p->lex_strterm = new_strterm(p, str_xquote, term, paren); return tXSTRING_BEG; case 'r': p->lex_strterm = new_strterm(p, str_regexp, term, paren); return tREGEXP_BEG; case 's': p->lex_strterm = new_strterm(p, str_ssym, term, paren); return tSYMBEG; case 'I': p->lex_strterm = new_strterm(p, str_dsymbols, term, paren); return tSYMBOLS_BEG; case 'i': p->lex_strterm = new_strterm(p, str_ssymbols, term, paren); return tSYMBOLS_BEG; default: yyerror(p, "unknown type of %string"); return 0; } } if ((c = nextc(p)) == '=') { yylval.id = intern_c('%'); p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; return tOP_ASGN; } if (IS_SPCARG(c)) { goto quotation; } if (p->lstate == EXPR_FNAME || p->lstate == EXPR_DOT) { p->lstate = EXPR_ARG; } else { p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; } pushback(p, c); return '%'; case '$': p->lstate = EXPR_END; token_column = newtok(p); c = nextc(p); if (c == -1) { yyerror(p, "incomplete global variable syntax"); return 0; } switch (c) { case '_': /* $_: last read line string */ c = nextc(p); if (c != -1 && identchar(c)) { /* if there is more after _ it is a variable */ tokadd(p, '$'); tokadd(p, c); break; } pushback(p, c); c = '_'; /* fall through */ case '~': /* $~: match-data */ case '*': /* $*: argv */ case '$': /* $$: pid */ case '?': /* $?: last status */ case '!': /* $!: error string */ case '@': /* $@: error position */ case '/': /* $/: input record separator */ case '\\': /* $\: output record separator */ case ';': /* $;: field separator */ case ',': /* $,: output field separator */ case '.': /* $.: last read line number */ case '=': /* $=: ignorecase */ case ':': /* $:: load path */ case '<': /* $<: reading filename */ case '>': /* $>: default output handle */ case '\"': /* $": already loaded files */ tokadd(p, '$'); tokadd(p, c); tokfix(p); yylval.id = intern(tok(p)); return tGVAR; case '-': tokadd(p, '$'); tokadd(p, c); c = nextc(p); pushback(p, c); gvar: tokfix(p); yylval.id = intern(tok(p)); return tGVAR; case '&': /* $&: last match */ case '`': /* $`: string before last match */ case '\'': /* $': string after last match */ case '+': /* $+: string matches last pattern */ if (last_state == EXPR_FNAME) { tokadd(p, '$'); tokadd(p, c); goto gvar; } yylval.nd = new_back_ref(p, c); return tBACK_REF; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': do { tokadd(p, c); c = nextc(p); } while (c != -1 && isdigit(c)); pushback(p, c); if (last_state == EXPR_FNAME) goto gvar; tokfix(p); yylval.nd = new_nth_ref(p, atoi(tok(p))); return tNTH_REF; default: if (!identchar(c)) { pushback(p, c); return '$'; } case '0': tokadd(p, '$'); } break; case '@': c = nextc(p); token_column = newtok(p); tokadd(p, '@'); if (c == '@') { tokadd(p, '@'); c = nextc(p); } if (c == -1) { if (p->bidx == 1) { yyerror(p, "incomplete instance variable syntax"); } else { yyerror(p, "incomplete class variable syntax"); } return 0; } else if (isdigit(c)) { if (p->bidx == 1) { yyerror_i(p, "`@%c' is not allowed as an instance variable name", c); } else { yyerror_i(p, "`@@%c' is not allowed as a class variable name", c); } return 0; } if (!identchar(c)) { pushback(p, c); return '@'; } break; case '_': token_column = newtok(p); break; default: if (!identchar(c)) { yyerror_i(p, "Invalid char `\\x%02X' in expression", c); goto retry; } token_column = newtok(p); break; } do { tokadd(p, c); c = nextc(p); if (c < 0) break; } while (identchar(c)); if (token_column == 0 && toklen(p) == 7 && (c < 0 || c == '\n') && strncmp(tok(p), "__END__", toklen(p)) == 0) return -1; switch (tok(p)[0]) { case '@': case '$': pushback(p, c); break; default: if ((c == '!' || c == '?') && !peek(p, '=')) { tokadd(p, c); } else { pushback(p, c); } } tokfix(p); { int result = 0; last_state = p->lstate; switch (tok(p)[0]) { case '$': p->lstate = EXPR_END; result = tGVAR; break; case '@': p->lstate = EXPR_END; if (tok(p)[1] == '@') result = tCVAR; else result = tIVAR; break; default: if (toklast(p) == '!' || toklast(p) == '?') { result = tFID; } else { if (p->lstate == EXPR_FNAME) { if ((c = nextc(p)) == '=' && !peek(p, '~') && !peek(p, '>') && (!peek(p, '=') || (peek_n(p, '>', 1)))) { result = tIDENTIFIER; tokadd(p, c); tokfix(p); } else { pushback(p, c); } } if (result == 0 && isupper((int)(unsigned char)tok(p)[0])) { result = tCONSTANT; } else { result = tIDENTIFIER; } } if (IS_LABEL_POSSIBLE()) { if (IS_LABEL_SUFFIX(0)) { p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; nextc(p); tokfix(p); yylval.id = intern(tok(p)); return tLABEL; } } if (p->lstate != EXPR_DOT) { const struct kwtable *kw; /* See if it is a reserved word. */ kw = mrb_reserved_word(tok(p), toklen(p)); if (kw) { enum mrb_lex_state_enum state = p->lstate; p->lstate = kw->state; if (state == EXPR_FNAME) { yylval.id = intern(kw->name); return kw->id[0]; } if (p->lstate == EXPR_BEG) { p->cmd_start = TRUE; } if (kw->id[0] == keyword_do) { if (p->lpar_beg && p->lpar_beg == p->paren_nest) { p->lpar_beg = 0; p->paren_nest--; return keyword_do_LAMBDA; } if (COND_P()) return keyword_do_cond; if (CMDARG_P() && state != EXPR_CMDARG) return keyword_do_block; if (state == EXPR_ENDARG || state == EXPR_BEG) return keyword_do_block; return keyword_do; } if (state == EXPR_BEG || state == EXPR_VALUE) return kw->id[0]; else { if (kw->id[0] != kw->id[1]) p->lstate = EXPR_BEG; return kw->id[1]; } } } if (IS_BEG() || p->lstate == EXPR_DOT || IS_ARG()) { if (cmd_state) { p->lstate = EXPR_CMDARG; } else { p->lstate = EXPR_ARG; } } else if (p->lstate == EXPR_FNAME) { p->lstate = EXPR_ENDFN; } else { p->lstate = EXPR_END; } } { mrb_sym ident = intern(tok(p)); yylval.id = ident; #if 0 if (last_state != EXPR_DOT && islower(tok(p)[0]) && lvar_defined(ident)) { p->lstate = EXPR_END; } #endif } return result; } } static int yylex(void *lval, parser_state *p) { int t; p->ylval = lval; t = parser_yylex(p); return t; } static void parser_init_cxt(parser_state *p, mrbc_context *cxt) { if (!cxt) return; if (cxt->lineno) p->lineno = cxt->lineno; if (cxt->filename) p->filename = cxt->filename; if (cxt->syms) { int i; p->locals = cons(0,0); for (i=0; islen; i++) { local_add_f(p, cxt->syms[i]); } } p->capture_errors = cxt->capture_errors; if (cxt->partial_hook) { p->cxt = cxt; } } static void parser_update_cxt(parser_state *p, mrbc_context *cxt) { node *n, *n0; int i = 0; if (!cxt) return; if ((int)(intptr_t)p->tree->car != NODE_SCOPE) return; n0 = n = p->tree->cdr->car; while (n) { i++; n = n->cdr; } cxt->syms = (mrb_sym *)mrb_realloc(p->mrb, cxt->syms, i*sizeof(mrb_sym)); cxt->slen = i; for (i=0, n=n0; n; i++,n=n->cdr) { cxt->syms[i] = sym(n->car); } } void codedump_all(mrb_state*, int); void parser_dump(mrb_state *mrb, node *tree, int offset); void mrb_parser_parse(parser_state *p, mrbc_context *c) { if (setjmp(p->jmp) != 0) { yyerror(p, "memory allocation error"); p->nerr++; p->tree = 0; return; } p->cmd_start = TRUE; p->in_def = p->in_single = FALSE; p->nerr = p->nwarn = 0; p->lex_strterm = NULL; parser_init_cxt(p, c); yyparse(p); if (!p->tree) { p->tree = new_nil(p); } parser_update_cxt(p, c); if (c && c->dump_result) { parser_dump(p->mrb, p->tree, 0); } } parser_state* mrb_parser_new(mrb_state *mrb) { mrb_pool *pool; parser_state *p; static const parser_state parser_state_zero = { 0 }; pool = mrb_pool_open(mrb); if (!pool) return 0; p = (parser_state *)mrb_pool_alloc(pool, sizeof(parser_state)); if (!p) return 0; *p = parser_state_zero; p->mrb = mrb; p->pool = pool; p->in_def = p->in_single = 0; p->s = p->send = NULL; #ifdef ENABLE_STDIO p->f = NULL; #endif p->cmd_start = TRUE; p->in_def = p->in_single = FALSE; p->capture_errors = 0; p->lineno = 1; p->column = 0; #if defined(PARSER_TEST) || defined(PARSER_DEBUG) yydebug = 1; #endif p->lex_strterm = NULL; p->heredocs = p->parsing_heredoc = NULL; return p; } void mrb_parser_free(parser_state *p) { mrb_pool_close(p->pool); } mrbc_context* mrbc_context_new(mrb_state *mrb) { mrbc_context *c; c = (mrbc_context *)mrb_calloc(mrb, 1, sizeof(mrbc_context)); return c; } void mrbc_context_free(mrb_state *mrb, mrbc_context *cxt) { mrb_free(mrb, cxt->syms); mrb_free(mrb, cxt); } const char* mrbc_filename(mrb_state *mrb, mrbc_context *c, const char *s) { if (s) { int len = strlen(s); char *p = (char *)mrb_alloca(mrb, len + 1); memcpy(p, s, len + 1); c->filename = p; c->lineno = 1; } return c->filename; } void mrbc_partial_hook(mrb_state *mrb, mrbc_context *c, int (*func)(struct mrb_parser_state*), void *data) { c->partial_hook = func; c->partial_data = data; } #ifdef ENABLE_STDIO parser_state* mrb_parse_file(mrb_state *mrb, FILE *f, mrbc_context *c) { parser_state *p; p = mrb_parser_new(mrb); if (!p) return 0; p->s = p->send = NULL; p->f = f; mrb_parser_parse(p, c); return p; } #endif parser_state* mrb_parse_nstring(mrb_state *mrb, const char *s, int len, mrbc_context *c) { parser_state *p; p = mrb_parser_new(mrb); if (!p) return 0; p->s = s; p->send = s + len; mrb_parser_parse(p, c); return p; } parser_state* mrb_parse_string(mrb_state *mrb, const char *s, mrbc_context *c) { return mrb_parse_nstring(mrb, s, strlen(s), c); } static mrb_value load_exec(mrb_state *mrb, parser_state *p, mrbc_context *c) { int n; mrb_value v; if (!p) { return mrb_undef_value(); } if (!p->tree || p->nerr) { if (p->capture_errors) { char buf[256]; n = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "line %d: %s\n", p->error_buffer[0].lineno, p->error_buffer[0].message); mrb->exc = mrb_obj_ptr(mrb_exc_new(mrb, E_SYNTAX_ERROR, buf, n)); mrb_parser_free(p); return mrb_undef_value(); } else { static const char msg[] = "syntax error"; mrb->exc = mrb_obj_ptr(mrb_exc_new(mrb, E_SYNTAX_ERROR, msg, sizeof(msg) - 1)); mrb_parser_free(p); return mrb_undef_value(); } } n = mrb_generate_code(mrb, p); mrb_parser_free(p); if (n < 0) { static const char msg[] = "codegen error"; mrb->exc = mrb_obj_ptr(mrb_exc_new(mrb, E_SCRIPT_ERROR, msg, sizeof(msg) - 1)); return mrb_nil_value(); } if (c) { if (c->dump_result) codedump_all(mrb, n); if (c->no_exec) return mrb_fixnum_value(n); } v = mrb_run(mrb, mrb_proc_new(mrb, mrb->irep[n]), mrb_top_self(mrb)); if (mrb->exc) return mrb_nil_value(); return v; } #ifdef ENABLE_STDIO mrb_value mrb_load_file_cxt(mrb_state *mrb, FILE *f, mrbc_context *c) { return load_exec(mrb, mrb_parse_file(mrb, f, c), c); } mrb_value mrb_load_file(mrb_state *mrb, FILE *f) { return mrb_load_file_cxt(mrb, f, NULL); } #endif mrb_value mrb_load_nstring_cxt(mrb_state *mrb, const char *s, int len, mrbc_context *c) { return load_exec(mrb, mrb_parse_nstring(mrb, s, len, c), c); } mrb_value mrb_load_nstring(mrb_state *mrb, const char *s, int len) { return mrb_load_nstring_cxt(mrb, s, len, NULL); } mrb_value mrb_load_string_cxt(mrb_state *mrb, const char *s, mrbc_context *c) { return mrb_load_nstring_cxt(mrb, s, strlen(s), c); } mrb_value mrb_load_string(mrb_state *mrb, const char *s) { return mrb_load_string_cxt(mrb, s, NULL); } #ifdef ENABLE_STDIO static void dump_prefix(int offset) { while (offset--) { putc(' ', stdout); putc(' ', stdout); } } static void dump_recur(mrb_state *mrb, node *tree, int offset) { while (tree) { parser_dump(mrb, tree->car, offset); tree = tree->cdr; } } #endif void parser_dump(mrb_state *mrb, node *tree, int offset) { #ifdef ENABLE_STDIO int n; if (!tree) return; again: dump_prefix(offset); n = (int)(intptr_t)tree->car; tree = tree->cdr; switch (n) { case NODE_BEGIN: printf("NODE_BEGIN:\n"); dump_recur(mrb, tree, offset+1); break; case NODE_RESCUE: printf("NODE_RESCUE:\n"); if (tree->car) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("body:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->car, offset+2); } tree = tree->cdr; if (tree->car) { node *n2 = tree->car; dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("rescue:\n"); while (n2) { node *n3 = n2->car; if (n3->car) { dump_prefix(offset+2); printf("handle classes:\n"); dump_recur(mrb, n3->car, offset+3); } if (n3->cdr->car) { dump_prefix(offset+2); printf("exc_var:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, n3->cdr->car, offset+3); } if (n3->cdr->cdr->car) { dump_prefix(offset+2); printf("rescue body:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, n3->cdr->cdr->car, offset+3); } n2 = n2->cdr; } } tree = tree->cdr; if (tree->car) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("else:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->car, offset+2); } break; case NODE_ENSURE: printf("NODE_ENSURE:\n"); dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("body:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->car, offset+2); dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("ensure:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->cdr->cdr, offset+2); break; case NODE_LAMBDA: printf("NODE_BLOCK:\n"); goto block; case NODE_BLOCK: block: printf("NODE_BLOCK:\n"); tree = tree->cdr; if (tree->car) { node *n = tree->car; if (n->car) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("mandatory args:\n"); dump_recur(mrb, n->car, offset+2); } n = n->cdr; if (n->car) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("optional args:\n"); { node *n2 = n->car; while (n2) { dump_prefix(offset+2); printf("%s=", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(n2->car->car))); parser_dump(mrb, n2->car->cdr, 0); n2 = n2->cdr; } } } n = n->cdr; if (n->car) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("rest=*%s\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(n->car))); } n = n->cdr; if (n->car) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("post mandatory args:\n"); dump_recur(mrb, n->car, offset+2); } n = n->cdr; if (n) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("blk=&%s\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(n))); } } dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("body:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->cdr->car, offset+2); break; case NODE_IF: printf("NODE_IF:\n"); dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("cond:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->car, offset+2); dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("then:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->cdr->car, offset+2); if (tree->cdr->cdr->car) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("else:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->cdr->cdr->car, offset+2); } break; case NODE_AND: printf("NODE_AND:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->car, offset+1); parser_dump(mrb, tree->cdr, offset+1); break; case NODE_OR: printf("NODE_OR:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->car, offset+1); parser_dump(mrb, tree->cdr, offset+1); break; case NODE_CASE: printf("NODE_CASE:\n"); if (tree->car) { parser_dump(mrb, tree->car, offset+1); } tree = tree->cdr; while (tree) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("case:\n"); dump_recur(mrb, tree->car->car, offset+2); dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("body:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->car->cdr, offset+2); tree = tree->cdr; } break; case NODE_WHILE: printf("NODE_WHILE:\n"); dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("cond:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->car, offset+2); dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("body:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->cdr, offset+2); break; case NODE_UNTIL: printf("NODE_UNTIL:\n"); dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("cond:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->car, offset+2); dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("body:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->cdr, offset+2); break; case NODE_FOR: printf("NODE_FOR:\n"); dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("var:\n"); { node *n2 = tree->car; if (n2->car) { dump_prefix(offset+2); printf("pre:\n"); dump_recur(mrb, n2->car, offset+3); } n2 = n2->cdr; if (n2) { if (n2->car) { dump_prefix(offset+2); printf("rest:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, n2->car, offset+3); } n2 = n2->cdr; if (n2) { if (n2->car) { dump_prefix(offset+2); printf("post:\n"); dump_recur(mrb, n2->car, offset+3); } } } } tree = tree->cdr; dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("in:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->car, offset+2); tree = tree->cdr; dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("do:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->car, offset+2); break; case NODE_SCOPE: printf("NODE_SCOPE:\n"); { node *n2 = tree->car; if (n2 && (n2->car || n2->cdr)) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("local variables:\n"); dump_prefix(offset+2); while (n2) { if (n2->car) { if (n2 != tree->car) printf(", "); printf("%s", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(n2->car))); } n2 = n2->cdr; } printf("\n"); } } tree = tree->cdr; offset++; goto again; case NODE_FCALL: case NODE_CALL: printf("NODE_CALL:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->car, offset+1); dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("method='%s' (%d)\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(tree->cdr->car)), (int)(intptr_t)tree->cdr->car); tree = tree->cdr->cdr->car; if (tree) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("args:\n"); dump_recur(mrb, tree->car, offset+2); if (tree->cdr) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("block:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->cdr, offset+2); } } break; case NODE_DOT2: printf("NODE_DOT2:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->car, offset+1); parser_dump(mrb, tree->cdr, offset+1); break; case NODE_DOT3: printf("NODE_DOT3:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->car, offset+1); parser_dump(mrb, tree->cdr, offset+1); break; case NODE_COLON2: printf("NODE_COLON2:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->car, offset+1); dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("::%s\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(tree->cdr))); break; case NODE_COLON3: printf("NODE_COLON3:\n"); dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("::%s\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(tree))); break; case NODE_ARRAY: printf("NODE_ARRAY:\n"); dump_recur(mrb, tree, offset+1); break; case NODE_HASH: printf("NODE_HASH:\n"); while (tree) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("key:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->car->car, offset+2); dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("value:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->car->cdr, offset+2); tree = tree->cdr; } break; case NODE_SPLAT: printf("NODE_SPLAT:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree, offset+1); break; case NODE_ASGN: printf("NODE_ASGN:\n"); dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("lhs:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->car, offset+2); dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("rhs:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->cdr, offset+2); break; case NODE_MASGN: printf("NODE_MASGN:\n"); dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("mlhs:\n"); { node *n2 = tree->car; if (n2->car) { dump_prefix(offset+2); printf("pre:\n"); dump_recur(mrb, n2->car, offset+3); } n2 = n2->cdr; if (n2) { if (n2->car) { dump_prefix(offset+2); printf("rest:\n"); if (n2->car == (node*)-1) { dump_prefix(offset+2); printf("(empty)\n"); } else { parser_dump(mrb, n2->car, offset+3); } } n2 = n2->cdr; if (n2) { if (n2->car) { dump_prefix(offset+2); printf("post:\n"); dump_recur(mrb, n2->car, offset+3); } } } } dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("rhs:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->cdr, offset+2); break; case NODE_OP_ASGN: printf("NODE_OP_ASGN:\n"); dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("lhs:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->car, offset+2); tree = tree->cdr; dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("op='%s' (%d)\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(tree->car)), (int)(intptr_t)tree->car); tree = tree->cdr; parser_dump(mrb, tree->car, offset+1); break; case NODE_SUPER: printf("NODE_SUPER:\n"); if (tree) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("args:\n"); dump_recur(mrb, tree->car, offset+2); if (tree->cdr) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("block:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->cdr, offset+2); } } break; case NODE_ZSUPER: printf("NODE_ZSUPER\n"); break; case NODE_RETURN: printf("NODE_RETURN:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree, offset+1); break; case NODE_YIELD: printf("NODE_YIELD:\n"); dump_recur(mrb, tree, offset+1); break; case NODE_BREAK: printf("NODE_BREAK:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree, offset+1); break; case NODE_NEXT: printf("NODE_NEXT:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree, offset+1); break; case NODE_REDO: printf("NODE_REDO\n"); break; case NODE_RETRY: printf("NODE_RETRY\n"); break; case NODE_LVAR: printf("NODE_LVAR %s\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(tree))); break; case NODE_GVAR: printf("NODE_GVAR %s\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(tree))); break; case NODE_IVAR: printf("NODE_IVAR %s\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(tree))); break; case NODE_CVAR: printf("NODE_CVAR %s\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(tree))); break; case NODE_CONST: printf("NODE_CONST %s\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(tree))); break; case NODE_MATCH: printf("NODE_MATCH:\n"); dump_prefix(offset + 1); printf("lhs:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->car, offset + 2); dump_prefix(offset + 1); printf("rhs:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->cdr, offset + 2); break; case NODE_BACK_REF: printf("NODE_BACK_REF: $%c\n", (int)(intptr_t)tree); break; case NODE_NTH_REF: printf("NODE_NTH_REF: $%d\n", (int)(intptr_t)tree); break; case NODE_ARG: printf("NODE_ARG %s\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(tree))); break; case NODE_BLOCK_ARG: printf("NODE_BLOCK_ARG:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree, offset+1); break; case NODE_INT: printf("NODE_INT %s base %d\n", (char*)tree->car, (int)(intptr_t)tree->cdr->car); break; case NODE_FLOAT: printf("NODE_FLOAT %s\n", (char*)tree); break; case NODE_NEGATE: printf("NODE_NEGATE\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree, offset+1); break; case NODE_STR: printf("NODE_STR \"%s\" len %d\n", (char*)tree->car, (int)(intptr_t)tree->cdr); break; case NODE_DSTR: printf("NODE_DSTR\n"); dump_recur(mrb, tree, offset+1); break; case NODE_XSTR: printf("NODE_XSTR \"%s\" len %d\n", (char*)tree->car, (int)(intptr_t)tree->cdr); break; case NODE_DXSTR: printf("NODE_DXSTR\n"); dump_recur(mrb, tree, offset+1); break; case NODE_REGX: printf("NODE_REGX /%s/%s\n", (char*)tree->car, (char*)tree->cdr); break; case NODE_DREGX: printf("NODE_DREGX\n"); dump_recur(mrb, tree->car, offset+1); dump_prefix(offset); printf("tail: %s\n", (char*)tree->cdr->cdr->car); dump_prefix(offset); printf("opt: %s\n", (char*)tree->cdr->cdr->cdr); break; case NODE_SYM: printf("NODE_SYM :%s\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(tree))); break; case NODE_SELF: printf("NODE_SELF\n"); break; case NODE_NIL: printf("NODE_NIL\n"); break; case NODE_TRUE: printf("NODE_TRUE\n"); break; case NODE_FALSE: printf("NODE_FALSE\n"); break; case NODE_ALIAS: printf("NODE_ALIAS %s %s:\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(tree->car)), mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(tree->cdr))); break; case NODE_UNDEF: printf("NODE_UNDEF"); { node *t = tree; while (t) { printf(" %s", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(t->car))); t = t->cdr; } } printf(":\n"); break; case NODE_CLASS: printf("NODE_CLASS:\n"); if (tree->car->car == (node*)0) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf(":%s\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(tree->car->cdr))); } else if (tree->car->car == (node*)1) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("::%s\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(tree->car->cdr))); } else { parser_dump(mrb, tree->car->car, offset+1); dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("::%s\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(tree->car->cdr))); } if (tree->cdr->car) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("super:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->cdr->car, offset+2); } dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("body:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->cdr->cdr->car->cdr, offset+2); break; case NODE_MODULE: printf("NODE_MODULE:\n"); if (tree->car->car == (node*)0) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf(":%s\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(tree->car->cdr))); } else if (tree->car->car == (node*)1) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("::%s\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(tree->car->cdr))); } else { parser_dump(mrb, tree->car->car, offset+1); dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("::%s\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(tree->car->cdr))); } dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("body:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->cdr->car->cdr, offset+2); break; case NODE_SCLASS: printf("NODE_SCLASS:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->car, offset+1); dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("body:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->cdr->car->cdr, offset+2); break; case NODE_DEF: printf("NODE_DEF:\n"); dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("%s\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(tree->car))); tree = tree->cdr; { node *n2 = tree->car; if (n2 && (n2->car || n2->cdr)) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("local variables:\n"); dump_prefix(offset+2); while (n2) { if (n2->car) { if (n2 != tree->car) printf(", "); printf("%s", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(n2->car))); } n2 = n2->cdr; } printf("\n"); } } tree = tree->cdr; if (tree->car) { node *n = tree->car; if (n->car) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("mandatory args:\n"); dump_recur(mrb, n->car, offset+2); } n = n->cdr; if (n->car) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("optional args:\n"); { node *n2 = n->car; while (n2) { dump_prefix(offset+2); printf("%s=", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(n2->car->car))); parser_dump(mrb, n2->car->cdr, 0); n2 = n2->cdr; } } } n = n->cdr; if (n->car) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("rest=*%s\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(n->car))); } n = n->cdr; if (n->car) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("post mandatory args:\n"); dump_recur(mrb, n->car, offset+2); } n = n->cdr; if (n) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("blk=&%s\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(n))); } } parser_dump(mrb, tree->cdr->car, offset+1); break; case NODE_SDEF: printf("NODE_SDEF:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree->car, offset+1); tree = tree->cdr; dump_prefix(offset+1); printf(":%s\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(tree->car))); tree = tree->cdr->cdr; if (tree->car) { node *n = tree->car; if (n->car) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("mandatory args:\n"); dump_recur(mrb, n->car, offset+2); } n = n->cdr; if (n->car) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("optional args:\n"); { node *n2 = n->car; while (n2) { dump_prefix(offset+2); printf("%s=", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(n2->car->car))); parser_dump(mrb, n2->car->cdr, 0); n2 = n2->cdr; } } } n = n->cdr; if (n->car) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("rest=*%s\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(n->car))); } n = n->cdr; if (n->car) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("post mandatory args:\n"); dump_recur(mrb, n->car, offset+2); } n = n->cdr; if (n) { dump_prefix(offset+1); printf("blk=&%s\n", mrb_sym2name(mrb, sym(n))); } } tree = tree->cdr; parser_dump(mrb, tree->car, offset+1); break; case NODE_POSTEXE: printf("NODE_POSTEXE:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, tree, offset+1); break; case NODE_HEREDOC: printf("NODE_HEREDOC:\n"); parser_dump(mrb, ((parser_heredoc_info*)tree)->doc, offset+1); break; default: printf("node type: %d (0x%x)\n", (int)n, (int)n); break; } #endif }