**Ruby architecture for simplicity and team adoption**
Architecture is hard. It’s very easy to build a complex system; much harder to build a simple and adaptable one. The code doesn't matter and coding for the sake of writing code is foolish.
Few of us get to write software that survives 5-10 years or longer. 90% of our work is garbage that becomes obsolete 1-3 years after release. Most of our work hours are wasted on features that never get shipped.
This is just reality.
(c) Volodya Sveredyuk
## Setup
gem install axr
or in your Gemfile
gem 'axr'
in console
bundle install
## DSL
In your ruby app: (for rails app put it into `config/initializers`)
require 'axr'
AxR.app.define do
layer 'Api'
layer 'YourBusinessLogic'
layer 'Repo'
By default, layers will get level from top to bottom.
Api -> 0
YourBusinessLogic -> 1
Repo -> 2
Layers with lower-level have less isolation.
- `Api` knows about `YourBusinessLogic` and `Repo`
- `YourBusinessLogic` knows about `Repo` but don't know anything about `Api`
- `Repo` fully isolated and don't familiar with `Api` and `YourBusinessLogic`
require 'axr'
AxR.app.define do
layer 'A'
layer 'B', familiar_with: 'C'
layer 'C', familiar_with: 'B'
layer 'D', isolated: true
layer 'E', isolated: true
# app.define options
AxR.app.define(isolated: true) # All layers will be isolated by default
AxR.app.define(familiar_with: ['D', 'E') # All layers will be familiar with D and E by default
# layer options
familiar_with: [...] # Can operate with other layers
isolated: true # 100% isolated and should not operate with other layers
isolated: true, familiar_with: [...] # Isolated from all except familiars
Can organize knowledge structure like:
## CLI
Run `AxR` checker in console
axr check . --load path/to/you/app/autoload.rb
For rails apps
axr check . --load config/environment
Run for a specific directory
axr lib/adapters
Run for a specific file
axr lib/adapters/youtube.rb
## More examples
**ERP system**
require 'axr'
AxR.app.define(isolated: true) do
layer 'Api', familiar_with: ['ERP']
layer 'UI', familiar_with: ['ERP']
layer 'ERP', familiar_with: %w[Inventory Sales Supply]
layer 'Sales', familiar_with: 'Inventory'
layer 'Supply', familiar_with: 'Inventory'
layer 'Repo'
layer 'Change'
layer 'Query'
### TODO
- Add sublayers
- Add `axr check --exit-on-warning` cli flag