class RubyProf::CallTreePrinter

Generate profiling information in calltree format for use by kcachegrind and similar tools.

Public Instance Methods

convert(value) click to toggle source
# File lib/ruby-prof/printers/call_tree_printer.rb, line 61
def convert(value)
  (value * @value_scale).round
file(method) click to toggle source
# File lib/ruby-prof/printers/call_tree_printer.rb, line 65
def file(method)
print(output = STDOUT, options = {}) click to toggle source

Specify print options.

options - Hash table

:min_percent - Number 0 to 100 that specifes the minimum
               %self (the methods self time divided by the
               overall total time) that a method must take
               for it to be printed out in the report.
               Default value is 0.

:print_file  - True or false. Specifies if a method's source
               file should be printed.  Default value if false.
print_thread(thread) click to toggle source
print_threads() click to toggle source