require 'bundler/gem_tasks' require 'rake/testtask' require 'cucumber' require 'cucumber/rake/task' do |t| t.libs.push "lib" t.test_files = FileList['spec/**/*_spec.rb'] t.verbose = true end do |t| t.cucumber_opts = ['features', '-x', '--format progress'] end desc "Run all test suites" task :test => [:unit, :features] desc "Display LOC stats" task :stats do puts "\n## Production Code Stats" sh "countloc -r lib/kitchen lib/kitchen.rb" puts "\n## Test Code Stats" sh "countloc -r spec features" end unless RUBY_ENGINE == 'jruby' require 'cane/rake_task' require 'tailor/rake_task' desc "Run cane to check quality metrics" do |cane| cane.abc_max = 20 cane.abc_exclude = %w( Kitchen::RakeTasks#define Kitchen::ThorTasks#define Kitchen::CLI#pry_prompts Kitchen::CLI#debug_instance Kitchen::Instance#synchronize_or_call Kitchen::Driver::SSHBase#converge ) cane.style_exclude = %w( lib/vendor/hash_recursive_merge.rb ) cane.doc_exclude = %w( lib/vendor/hash_recursive_merge.rb ) cane.style_measure = 160 end do |task| task.file_set('bin/*', 'binaries') task.file_set('lib/**/*.rb', 'code') do |style| # TODO: Tailor is confused thinking `module Kitchen` is a class. Until # the classes are split in seperate files, let's punt on this style.max_code_lines_in_class 1550, level: :warn # NOTE: Kitchen::InitGenerator.default_yaml is over the default 30 lines # and produces a warning. Since most of it is increasing readability of # the data structure, allowing it here to prevent it from growing style.max_code_lines_in_method 34 style.max_line_length 80, level: :warn style.max_line_length 160, level: :error end task.file_set('spec/**/*.rb', 'tests') do |style| # allow vertical alignment of `let(:foo) { block }` blocks style.spaces_before_lbrace 1, level: :off end task.file_set('spec/kitchen/data_munger_spec.rb', 'tests') do |style| # allow data formatting in DataMunger style.indentation_spaces 2, level: :off # allow far larger spec file to cover all data input cases as possible style.max_code_lines_in_class 600, level: :off end end desc "Run all quality tasks" task :quality => [:cane, :stats] else desc "Run all quality tasks" task :quality => [:stats] end task :default => [:test, :quality]