# Network

This document explains how to get started using Azure Network Service with Fog. With this gem you can create/update/list/delete virtual networks, subnets, public IPs and network interfaces.

## Usage

First of all, you need to require the Fog library by executing:

require 'fog/azurerm'
## Create Connection

Next, create a connection to the Network Service:

    azure_network_service = Fog::Network::AzureRM.new(
        tenant_id: '<Tenantid>',                                                          # Tenant id of Azure Active Directory Application
        client_id:    '<Clientid>',                                                       # Client id of Azure Active Directory Application
        client_secret: '<ClientSecret>',                                                  # Client Secret of Azure Active Directory Application
        subscription_id: '<Subscriptionid>',                                              # Subscription id of an Azure Account
        :environment => '<AzureCloud/AzureChinaCloud/AzureUSGovernment/AzureGermanCloud>' # Azure cloud environment. Default is AzureCloud.

## Check Virtual Network Existence

 azure_network_service.virtual_networks.check_virtual_network_exists(<Resource Group name>, <Virtual Network Name>)

## Create Virtual Network

Create a new virtual network

Optional parameters for Virtual Network: subnets, dns_servers & address_prefixes
Optional parameters for Subnet: network_security_group_id, route_table_id & address_prefix

    vnet = azure_network_service.virtual_networks.create(
      name:             '<Virtual Network Name>',
      location:         'westus',
      resource_group:   '<Resource Group Name>',
      subnets:          [{
        name: '<Subnet Name>',
        address_prefix: '',
        network_security_group_id: '/subscriptions/<Subscription Id>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/<Network Security Group Name>',
        route_table_id: '/subscriptions/<Subscription Id>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/routeTables/<Route Table Name>'
      dns_servers:       ['',''],
      address_prefixes:  ['','']

## List Virtual Networks in Resource Group

List all virtual networks in a resource group

    vnets  = azure_network_service.virtual_networks(resource_group: '<Resource Group Name>')
    vnets.each do |vnet|
      puts "#{vnet.name}"
      puts "#{vnet.location}"

## List Virtual Networks in Subscription

List all virtual networks in a subscription

    vnets  = azure_network_service.virtual_networks
    vnets.each do |vnet|
      puts "#{vnet.name}"
      puts "#{vnet.location}"

## Retrieve a single Virtual Network

Get a single record of virtual network

     vnet = azure_network_service.virtual_networks.get('<Resource Group Name>', '<Virtual Network name>')
     puts "#{vnet.name}"

## Add/Remove DNS Servers to/from Virtual Network

Add/Remove DNS Servers to/from Virtual Network


## Add/Remove Address Prefixes to/from Virtual Network

Add/Remove Address Prefixes to/from Virtual Network

     vnet.add_address_prefixes(['', ''])

## Add/Remove Subnets to/from Virtual Network

Add/Remove Subnets to/from Virtual Network

       name: 'test-subnet',
       address_prefix: ''


## Update Virtual Network

Update Virtual Network

         name: 'fog-subnet',
         address_prefix: ''
       dns_servers: ['','']

## Destroy a single virtual network

Get virtual network object from the get method and then destroy that virtual network.


## Check Subnet Existence

 azure_network_service.subnets.check_subnet_exists(<Resource Group name>, <Virtual Network Name>, <Subnet Name>)

## Create Subnet

Create a new Subnet

Optional parameters: network_security_group_id, route_table_id & address_prefix

    subnet = azure_network_service.subnets.create(
      name: '<Subnet Name>',
      resource_group: '<Resource Group Name>',
      virtual_network_name: '<Virtual Network Name>',
      address_prefix: '',
      network_security_group_id: '/subscriptions/<Subscription Id>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group Name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/<Network Security Group Name>',
      route_table_id: '/subscriptions/<Subscription Id>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group Name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/routeTables/<Route Table Name>'

## List Subnets

List subnets in a resource group and a virtual network

    subnets  = azure_network_service.subnets(resource_group: '<Resource Group name>', virtual_network_name: '<Virtual Network name>')
    subnets.each do |subnet|
      puts "#{subnet.name}"

## Retrieve a single Subnet

Get a single record of Subnet

     subnet = azure_network_service
       .get('<Resource Group name>', '<Virtual Network name>', '<Subnet name>')
     puts "#{subnet.name}"

## Attach Network Security Group to Subnet

Attach Network Security Group to Subnet

     subnet = azure_network_service.attach_network_security_group('/subscriptions/<Subscription Id>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group Name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/<Network Security Group Name>')
     puts "#{subnet.network_security_group_id}"

## Detach Network Security Group from Subnet

Detach Network Security Group from Subnet

     subnet = azure_network_service.detach_network_security_group
     puts "#{subnet.network_security_group_id}"

## Attach Route Table to Subnet

Attach Route Table to Subnet

     subnet = azure_network_service.attach_route_table('/subscriptions/<Subscription Id>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group Name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/routeTables/<Route Table Name>')
     puts "#{subnet.route_table_id}"

## Detach Route Table from Subnet

Detach Route Table from Subnet

     subnet = azure_network_service.detach_route_table
     puts "#{subnet.route_table_id}"

## List Number of Available IP Addresses in Subnet

The parameter is a boolean which checks if the Virtual Network the Subnet belongs to is attached to an Express Route Circuit or not

    puts "#{subnet.get_available_ipaddresses_count(false)}"

## Destroy a single Subnet

Get a subnet object from the get method and then destroy that subnet.


## Check Network Interface Card Existence

 azure_network_service.network_interfaces.check_network_interface_exists(<Resource Group name>, <Network Interface name>)

## Create Network Interface Card

Create a new network interface. Skip public_ip_address_id parameter to create network interface without PublicIP. The parameter, private_ip_allocation_method can be Dynamic or Static.

    nic = azure_network_service.network_interfaces.create(
      name: '<Network Interface name>',
      resource_group: '<Resource Group name>',
      location: 'eastus',
      subnet_id: '/subscriptions/<Subscriptionid>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/<Virtual Network name>/subnets/<Subnet name>',
      public_ip_address_id: '/subscriptions/<Subscriptionid>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/<Public IP name>',
      ip_configuration_name: '<Ip Configuration Name>',
      private_ip_allocation_method: 'Dynamic'

## List Network Interface Cards

List network interfaces in a resource group

    nics  = azure_network_service.network_interfaces(resource_group: '<Resource Group name>')
    nics.each do |nic|
      puts "#{nic.name}"

## Retrieve a single Network Interface Card

Get a single record of Network Interface

     nic = azure_network_service
           .get('<Resource Group name>', '<Network Interface name>')
     puts "#{nic.name}"

## Update Network Interface Card

You can update network interface by passing only updated attributes, in the form of hash.
For example,
     nic.update(private_ip_allocation_method: 'Static', private_ip_address: '')
## Attach/Detach resources to Network Interface Card

Attach Subnet, Public-IP or Network-Security-Group as following
    subnet_id = "<NEW-SUBNET-ID>"
    public_ip_id = "<NEW-PUBLIC_IP-ID>"
    nsg_id = "<NEW-NSG-ID>"

Detach Public-IP or Network-Security-Group as following



`Note: You can't detach subnet from Network Interface.`

## Destroy a single Network Interface Card

Get a network interface object from the get method and then destroy that network interface.


## Check Public IP Existence

 azure_network_service.public_ips.check_public_ip_exists(<Resource Group name>, <Public IP name>>)

## Create Public IP

Create a new public IP. The parameter, type can be Dynamic or Static.

   pubip = azure_network_service.public_ips.create(
     name: '<Public IP name>',
     resource_group: '<Resource Group name>',
     location: 'westus',
     public_ip_allocation_method: 'Static'

## Check for Public IP

Checks if the Public IP already exists or not.

    azure_network_service.public_ips.check_if_exists('<Public IP name>', '<Resource Group name>')

## List Public IPs

List network interfaces in a resource group

    pubips  = azure_network_service.public_ips(resource_group: '<Resource Group name>')
    pubips.each do |pubip|
      puts "#{pubip.name}"

## Retrieve a single Public Ip

Get a single record of Public Ip

     pubip = azure_network_service
             .get('<Resource Group name>', '<Public IP name>')
     puts "#{pubip.name}"

## Update Public Ip

Get a Public IP object from the get method and then update that public IP. You can update the Public IP by passing the modifiable attributes in the form of a hash.

      public_ip_allocation_method: '<IP Allocation Method>',
      idle_timeout_in_minutes: '<Idle Timeout In Minutes>',
      domain_name_label: '<Domain Name Label>'

## Destroy a single Public Ip

Get a Public IP object from the get method and then destroy that public IP.


## Check Network Security Group Existence

 azure_network_service.network_security_groups.check_net_sec_group_exists(<Resource Group name>, <Network Security Group name>)

## Create Network Security Group

Network security group requires a resource group to create. 

       name: '<Network Security Group name>',
       resource_group: '<Resource Group name>',
       location: 'eastus',
       security_rules: [{
         name: '<Security Rule name>',
         protocol: 'tcp',
         source_port_range: '22',
         destination_port_range: '22',
         source_address_prefix: '',
         destination_address_prefix: '',
         access: 'Allow',
         priority: '100',
         direction: 'Inbound'

## List Network Security Groups 

List all the network security groups in a resource group

    network_security_groups = azure_network_service.network_security_groups(resource_group: '<Resource Group name>')       
    network_security_groups.each do |nsg|
      puts "#{nsg.name}"

## Retrieve a single Network Security Group

Get a single record of Network Security Group

    nsg = azure_network_service
                  .get('<Resource Group Name>','<Network Security Group name>')
    puts "#{nsg.name}"

## Update Security Rules

You can update security rules by passing the modified attributes in the form of hash.  

                    name: '<Security Rule name>',
                    protocol: 'tcp',
                    source_port_range: '*',
                    destination_port_range: '*',
                    source_address_prefix: '',
                    destination_address_prefix: '',
                    access: 'Allow',
                    priority: '100',
                    direction: 'Inbound'
`Note: You can't modify Name of a security rule.`

## Add and Remove Security Rules in a Network Security Group

Add array of security rules in the form of hash.

                    name: '<Security Rule name>',
                    protocol: 'tcp',
                    source_port_range: '3389',
                    destination_port_range: '3389',
                    source_address_prefix: '',
                    destination_address_prefix: '',
                    access: 'Allow',
                    priority: '102',
                    direction: 'Inbound'

Delete security rule by providing its name.

      nsg.remove_security_rule('<Security Rule name>')

## Destroy a Network Security Group

Get a network security group object from the get method and then destroy that network security group.


## Check Network Security Rule Existence

 azure_network_service.network_security_rules.check_net_sec_rule_exists(<Resource Group name>, <Network Security Group name>, <Security Rule name>)

## Create Network Security Rule

Network security rule requires a resource group and network security group to create. 

       name: '<Security Rule name>',
       resource_group: '<Resource Group name>',
       protocol: 'tcp',
       network_security_group_name: '<Network Security Group name>',
       source_port_range: '22',
       destination_port_range: '22',
       source_address_prefix: '',
       destination_address_prefix: '',
       access: 'Allow',
       priority: '100',
       direction: 'Inbound'

## List Network Security Rules 

List all the network security rules in a resource group and network security group

    network_security_rules = azure_network_service.network_security_rules(resource_group: '<Resource Group name>',
                                                            network_security_group_name: '<Network Security Group name>')
    network_security_rules.each do |network_security_rule|
      puts network_security_rule.name

## Retrieve a single Network Security Rule

Get a single record of Network Security Rule

    network_security_rule = azure_network_service
                  .get(<Resource Group Name>','<Network Security Group name>', '<Security Rule name>')
    puts "#{network_security_rule.name}"              

## Destroy a Network Security Rule

Get a network security rule object from the get method and then destroy that network security rule.


## Check External Load Balancer Existence

 azure_network_service.load_balancers.check_load_balancer_exists(<Resource Group name>, <Load Balancer name>)

## Create External Load Balancer

Create a new load balancer.

    lb = azure_network_service.load_balancers.create(
    name: '<Load Balancer name>',
    resource_group: '<Resource Group name>',
    location: 'westus',

                                         name: 'fic',
                                         private_ipallocation_method: 'Dynamic',
                                         public_ipaddress_id: '/subscriptions/<Subscriptionid>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/<Public-IP-Name>'                                         
                                        name: 'lb_rule_1',
                                        frontend_ip_configuration_id: '/subscriptions/<Subscriptionid>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/<Load Balancer name>/frontendIPConfigurations/fic',
                                        backend_address_pool_id: '/subscriptions/<Subscriptionid>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/<Load Balancer name>/backendAddressPools/pool1',
                                        protocol: 'Tcp',
                                        frontend_port: '80',
                                        backend_port: '8080',
                                        enable_floating_ip: false,
                                        idle_timeout_in_minutes: 4,
                                        load_distribution: "Default"
                                        name: 'RDP-Traffic',
                                        frontend_ip_configuration_id: '/subscriptions/<Subscriptionid>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/<Load Balancer name>/frontendIPConfigurations/fic',
                                        protocol: 'Tcp',
                                        frontend_port: 3389,
                                        backend_port: 3389

## Create Internal Load Balancer


    lb = azure_network_service.load_balancers.create(
    name: '<Load Balancer name>',
    resource_group: '<Resource Group name>',
    location: 'westus',
            name: 'LB-Frontend',
            private_ipallocation_method: 'Static',
            private_ipaddress: '',
            subnet_id: subnet.id
            name: 'HTTP',
            frontend_ip_configuration_id: "/subscriptions/<Subscriptionid>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/<Load-Balancer-Name>/frontendIPConfigurations/LB-Frontend",
            backend_address_pool_id: "/subscriptions/<Subscriptionid>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/<Load-Balancer-Name>/backendAddressPools/LB-backend",
            probe_id: "/subscriptions/<Subscriptionid>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers<Load-Balancer-Name>lb/probes/HealthProbe",
            protocol: 'Tcp',
            frontend_port: '80',
            backend_port: '80'
            name: 'RDP1',
            frontend_ip_configuration_id: "/subscriptions/<Subscriptionid>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/<Load-Balancer-Name>/frontendIPConfigurations/LB-Frontend",
            protocol: 'Tcp',
            frontend_port: 3441,
            backend_port: 3389
            name: 'RDP2',
            frontend_ip_configuration_id: "/subscriptions/<Subscriptionid>/resourceGroups/<Resource Group name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/<Load-Balancer-Name>/frontendIPConfigurations/LB-Frontend",
            protocol: 'Tcp',
            frontend_port: 3442,
            backend_port: 3389
            name: 'HealthProbe',
            protocol: 'http',
            request_path: 'HealthProbe.aspx',
            port: '80',
            interval_in_seconds: 15,
            number_of_probes: 2

## List Load Balancers

List all load balancers in a resource group

    lbs = azure_network_service.load_balancers(resource_group: '<Resource Group name>')       
    lbs.each do |lb|
      puts "#{lb.name}"

## List Load Balancers in subscription

List all load balancers in a subscription

    lbs = azure_network_service.load_balancers
    lbs.each do |lb|
      puts "#{lb.name}"

## Retrieve a single Load Balancer

Get a single record of Load Balancer

    lb = azure_network_service
         .get('<Resource Group name>', '<Load Balancer name>')
    puts "#{lb.name}"

## Destroy a Load Balancer

Get a load balancer object from the get method and then destroy that load balancer.


## Check Virtual Network Gateway Existence

 azure_network_service.virtual_network_gateways.check_vnet_gateway_exists(<Resource Group name>, <Virtual Network Gateway Name>)

## Create Virtual Network Gateway

Create a new Virtual Network Gateway.

    network_gateway = network.virtual_network_gateways.create(
      name: '<Virtual Network Gateway Name>',
      location: 'eastus',
      tags: {
        key1: 'value1',
        key2: 'value2'
      ip_configurations: [
          name: 'default',
          private_ipallocation_method: 'Dynamic',
          public_ipaddress_id: '/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/{public_ip_name}',
          subnet_id: '/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/{virtual_network_name}/subnets/{subnet_name}',
          private_ipaddress: nil
      resource_group: 'learn_fog',
      sku_name: 'Standard',
      sku_tier: 'Standard',
      sku_capacity: 2,
      gateway_type: 'ExpressRoute',
      enable_bgp: true,
      gateway_size: nil,
      asn: 100,
      bgp_peering_address: nil,
      peer_weight: 3,
      vpn_type: 'RouteBased',
      vpn_client_address_pool: [],
      gateway_default_site: '/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/resourceGroups/{resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.Network/localNetworkGateways/{local_network_gateway_name}',
      default_sites: [],
      vpn_client_configuration: {
        address_pool: ['', ''],
        root_certificates: [
            name: 'root',
            public_cert_data: 'certificate data'
        revoked_certificates: [
            name: 'revoked',
            thumbprint: 'thumb print detail'

## List Virtual Network Gateways

List all virtual network gateways in a resource group

    network_gateways = network.virtual_network_gateways(resource_group: '<Resource Group Name>')
	network_gateways.each do |gateway|
    	puts "#{gateway.name}"

## Retrieve single Virtual Network Gateway

Get single record of Virtual Network Gateway

    network_gateway = network.virtual_network_gateways.get('<Resource Group Name>', '<Virtual Network Gateway Name>')
	puts "#{network_gateway.name}"

## Destroy single Virtual Network Gateway

Get a virtual network gateway object from the get method and then destroy that virtual network gateway.


## Check Local Network Gateway Existence

 azure_network_service.local_network_gateways.check_local_net_gateway_exists(<Resource Group name>, <Local Network Gateway Name>)

## Create Local Network Gateway

Create a new Local Network Gateway.

    local_network_gateway = network.local_network_gateways.create(
        name: "<Local Network Gateway Name>",
        location: "eastus",
        tags: {
          key1: "value1",
          key2: "value2"
        resource_group: "<Resource Group Name>",
        gateway_ip_address: '',
        local_network_address_space_prefixes: [],
        asn: 100,
        bgp_peering_address: '',
        peer_weight: 3

## List Local Network Gateways

List all local network gateways in a resource group

    local_network_gateways = network.local_network_gateways(resource_group: '<Resource Group Name>')
	local_network_gateways.each do |gateway|
    	puts "#{gateway.name}"

## Retrieve single Local Network Gateway

Get single record of Local Network Gateway

    local_network_gateway = network.local_network_gateways.get('<Resource Group Name>', '<Local Network Gateway Name>')
	puts "#{local_network_gateway.name}"

## Destroy single Local Network Gateway

Get a local network gateway object from the get method and then destroy that local network gateway.


## Express Route

Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute lets you extend your on-premises networks into the Microsoft cloud over a dedicated private connection facilitated by a connectivity provider.
For more details about express route [click here](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/expressroute-introduction/).

# Express Route Circuit

The Circuit represents the entity created by customer to register with an express route service provider with intent to connect to Microsoft.

## Check Express Route Circuit Existence

 azure_network_service.express_route_circuits.check_express_route_circuit_exists(<Resource Group name>, <Circuit Name>)

## Create an Express Route Circuit

Create a new Express Route Circuit.

    circuit = network.express_route_circuits.create(
    	"name": "<Circuit Name>",
    	"location": "eastus",
    	"resource_group": "<Resource Group Name>",
    	"tags": {
    		"key1": 'value1',
    		"key2": 'value2'
    	"sku_name": "Standard_MeteredData",
    	"sku_tier": "Standard",
    	"sku_family": "MeteredData",
    	"service_provider_name": "Telenor",
    	"peering_location": "London",
    	"bandwidth_in_mbps": 100,
    	"peerings": [
            	"name": "AzurePublicPeering",
            	"peering_type": "AzurePublicPeering",
            	"peer_asn": 100,
            	"primary_peer_address_prefix": "",
            	"secondary_peer_address_prefix": "",
            	"vlan_id": 200

## List Express Route Circuits

List all express route circuits in a resource group

    circuits  = network.express_route_circuits(resource_group: '<Resource Group Name>')
	circuits.each do |circuit|
    	puts "#{circuit.name}"

## Retrieve a single Express Route Circuit

Get a single record of Express Route Circuit

    circuit = network.express_route_circuits.get("<Resource Group Name>", "<Circuit Name>")
	puts "#{circuit.name}"

## Destroy a single Express Route Circuit

Get an express route circuit object from the get method and then destroy that express route circuit.

# Express Route Authorization

Authorization is part of Express Route circuit.

## Check Express Route Circuit Authorization Existence

 azure_network_service.express_route_circuit_authorizations.check_express_route_cir_auth_exists(<Resource Group name>, <Circuit Name>, <Authorization-Name>)

## Create an Express Route Circuit Authorization

Create a new Express Route Circuit Authorization. Parameter 'authorization_status' can be 'Available' or 'InUse'.

    authorization = network.express_route_circuit_authorizations.create(
    	"resource_group": "<Resourse Group Name>",
    	"name": "<Resource-Unique-Name>",
    	"circuit_name": "<Circuit Name>",
    	"authorization_status": "Available",
    	"authorization_name": "<Authorization-Name>",

## List Express Route Circuit Authorizations

List all express route circuit authorizations in a resource group.

    authorizations  = network.express_route_circuit_authorizations(resource_group: '<Resource Group Name>', circuit_name: '<Circuit Name>')
	authorizations.each do |authorization|
    	puts "#{authorization.name}"

## Retrieve single Express Route Circuit Authorization

Get a single record of Express Route Circuit Authorization.

    authorization = network.express_route_circuit_authorizations.get("<Resource Group Name>", "Circuit Name", "Authorization Name")
	puts "#{authorization.name}"

## Destroy single Express Route Circuit Authorization

Get an express route circuit authorization object from the get method and then destroy that express route circuit authorization.


# Express Route Peering

BGP Peering is part of Express Route circuit and defines the type of connectivity needed with Microsoft.

## Create an Express Route Circuit Peering

Create a new Express Route Circuit Peering.

    peering = network.express_route_circuit_peerings.create(
    	"name": "AzurePrivatePeering",
    	"circuit_name": "<Circuit Name>",
    	"resource_group": "<Resourse Group Name>",
    	"peering_type": "AzurePrivatePeering",
    	"peer_asn": 100,
    	"primary_peer_address_prefix": "",
    	"secondary_peer_address_prefix": "",
    	"vlan_id": 200

## List Express Route Circuit Peerings

List all express route circuit peerings in a resource group

    peerings  = network.express_route_circuit_peerings(resource_group: '<Resource Group Name>', circuit_name: '<Circuit Name>')
	peerings.each do |peering|
    	puts "#{peering.name}"

## Retrieve single Express Route Circuit Peering

Get a single record of Express Route Circuit Peering

    peering = network.express_route_circuit_peerings.get("<Resource Group Name>", "<Peering Name>", "Circuit Name")
	puts "#{peering.peering_type}"

## Destroy single Express Route Circuit Peering

Get an express route circuit peering object from the get method and then destroy that express route circuit peering.


# Express Route Service Provider

Express Route Service Providers are telcos and exchange providers who are approved in the system to provide Express Route connectivity.

## List Express Route Service Providers

List all express route service providers

    service_providers = network.express_route_service_providers
	puts service_providers

## Check Virtual Network Gateway Connection Existence

 azure_network_service.virtual_network_gateway_connections.check_vnet_gateway_connection_exists(<Resource Group name>, <Virtual Network Gateway Connection Name>)

## Create Virtual Network Gateway Connection

Create a new Virtual Network Gateway Connection.

    gateway_connection = network.virtual_network_gateway_connections.create(
      name: '<Virtual Network Gateway Connection Name>',
      location: 'eastus',
      tags: {
        key1: 'value1',
        key2: 'value2'
      resource_group: '<Resource Group Name>',
      virtual_network_gateway1: {
        name: 'firstgateway',
        resource_group: '<Resource Group Name>'
      virtual_network_gateway2: {
        name: 'secondgateway',
        resource_group: '<Resource Group Name>'
      connection_type: 'VNet-to-VNet'

## List Virtual Network Gateway Connections

List all virtual network gateway connections in a resource group

    gateway_connections = network.virtual_network_gateway_connections(resource_group: '<Resource Group Name>')
	gateway_connections.each do |connection|
    	puts "#{connection.name}"

## Retrieve single Virtual Network Gateway Connection

Get single record of Virtual Network Gateway Connection

    gateway_connection = network.virtual_network_gateway_connections.get('<Resource Group Name>', '<Virtual Network Gateway Connection Name>')
	puts "#{gateway_connection.name}"

## Destroy single Virtual Network Gateway Connection

Get a virtual network gateway connection object from the get method and then destroy that virtual network gateway connection.


## Get the shared key for a connection

	shared_key = network.get_connection_shared_key('<Resource Group Name>', '<Virtual Network Gateway Connection Name>')
    puts gateway_connection

## Set the shared key for a connection

	network.set_connection_shared_key('<Resource Group Name>', '<Virtual Network Gateway Connection Name>', 'Value')

## Reset the shared key for a connection

	network.reset_connection_shared_key('<Resource Group Name>', '<Virtual Network Gateway Connection Name>', <Key Length in Integer>)

## Support and Feedback
Your feedback is highly appreciated! If you have specific issues with the fog ARM, you should file an issue via Github.