#!/usr/bin/env ruby # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'zip/zipfilesystem' require 'fileutils' # src zip filename # dest destination directory # options :fs_encoding=[UTF-8,Shift_JIS,EUC-JP] def extract_vba_project(src, dest, options = {}) FileUtils.makedirs(dest) Zip::ZipInputStream.open(src) do |is| loop do entry = is.get_next_entry() break if entry.nil?() if entry.name == 'xl/vbaProject.bin' path = File.join(dest, 'vbaProject.bin') File.open(path, File::CREAT|File::WRONLY|File::BINARY) do |w| w.puts(is.read()) end # The mod data on vbaProject.bin isn't generally set correctly in the # xlsm/zip file. This can cause issues on Windows so reset it to the # current data. ctime = Time.now File::utime(ctime, ctime, path) break end end end end # main extract_vba_project('add_vba_project.xlsm', './')