require 'spec_helper' describe 'LabController' do before do WebMock.allow_net_connect! end describe "showing lab list and map" do before do @zip_code = "90210" stub(Medivo::Lab).findLabs(@zip_code) { [BeverlyHillsLab1, BeverlyHillsLab2] } end it "/labs/data returns lab and zip data as json" do visit Medivo::Engine.routes.url_helpers.data_labs_path :zip_code => @zip_code # can't seem to get json back .. just html .. but it works in rails server just fine # so testing for the string will have to do for now page.body.should match /#{}/i page.body.should match /#{}/i end it "/labs/search shows search results on the map and list", :js=>true, :driver=>:selenium_chrome do visit search_labs_path :zip_code=>@zip_code page.body.should match /465 N ROXBURY DR STE 715, BEVERLY HILLS, CA/i page.body.should match /8737 BEVERLY BLVD STE 401, LOS ANGELES, CA/i end end describe "making appointments" do before do @lab_code = "20060" @date = "11/01/2011" @am_pm = '' end it "/labs/appointments returns appointment data as json" do body = {'time'=> ["11/03/2011|08:30 AM", "11/04/2011|08:30 AM"]} stub(Medivo::Appointment).find(@lab_code, @date, nil) { body } visit Medivo::Engine.routes.url_helpers.data_appointments_path :lab_code=>@lab_code, :appointment_date=>@date page.body.should match "08:30 AM" end #it "/labs/appointments returns appointment data as json", :js=>true, :driver=>:selenium_chrome do # body = {'time'=> ["11/03/2011|08:30 AM", "11/04/2011|08:30 AM"]} # stub(Medivo::Appointment).find(@lab_code, @date, nil) { body } # visit Medivo::Engine.routes.url_helpers.data_appointments_path :lab_code=>@lab_code, :appointment_date=>@date # page.body.should match "08:30 AM" #end end end