module Selenium module WebDriver module Firefox # @private class Binary def initialize ENV['MOZ_NO_REMOTE'] = '1' # able to launch multiple instances end def create_base_profile(name) execute("-CreateProfile", name) status = nil Timeout.timeout(15, Error::TimeOutError) do _, status = wait end if status && status.to_i != 0 raise Error::WebDriverError, "could not create base profile: (exit status: #{status})" end end def start_with(profile, *args) ENV['XRE_PROFILE_PATH'] = profile.absolute_path execute(*args) cope_with_mac_strangeness(args) if Platform.mac? end def execute(*extra_args) args = [self.class.path, "-no-remote", "--verbose"] + extra_args @process =*args).start end def cope_with_mac_strangeness(args) sleep 0.3 if @process.ugly_death? # process crashed, trying a restart. sleeping 5 seconds shorter than the java driver sleep 5 execute(*args) end # ensure we're ok sleep 0.3 if @process.ugly_death? raise Error::WebDriverError, "unable to start Firefox cleanly, args: #{args.inspect}" end end def quit @process.ensure_death if @process end def kill @process.kill if @process end def wait @process.wait if @process end def pid if @process end private class << self def path @path ||= case Platform.os when :macosx "/Applications/" when :windows windows_path when :linux, :unix Platform.find_binary("firefox3", "firefox2", "firefox") || "/usr/bin/firefox" else raise "Unknown platform: #{Platform.os}" end unless File.file?(@path) raise Error::WebDriverError, "Could not find Firefox binary. Make sure Firefox is installed (OS: #{Platform.os})" end @path end private def windows_path windows_registry_path || "#{ ENV['PROGRAMFILES'] || "\\Program Files" }\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe" end def windows_registry_path require "win32/registry" lm = Win32::Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"SOFTWARE\\Mozilla\\Mozilla Firefox") do |reg| main ="SOFTWARE\\Mozilla\\Mozilla Firefox\\#{reg.keys[0]}\\Main") if entry = main.find { |key, type, data| key =~ /pathtoexe/i } return entry.last end end rescue LoadError # older JRuby or IronRuby does not have win32/registry nil rescue Win32::Registry::Error raise Error::WebDriverError, "Firefox not found in the Windows registry. Make sure Firefox is installed" end end # class << self end # Binary end # Firefox end # WebDriver end # Selenium