# == ActiveModel Validations CreditCardNumberValidator # Can be used in combination with the +validates+ method # # Only Amex and Maestro # # class CreditCard # attr_accessor :number # include ActiveModel::Validations # validates :number, credit_card_number: {only: [:amex, :maestro]} # end # # All numbers are valid except Maestro # # class CreditCard # attr_accessor :number # include ActiveModel::Validations # validates :number, credit_card_number: {except: [:maestro]} # end # # Proc can be used as well # # class CreditCard # attr_accessor :number, :card_type # include ActiveModel::Validations # validates :number, credit_card_number: {brands: ->{|record| Array(record.accepted_brands) } } # # def accepted_brands # if card_type == 'Maestro' # :maestro # elsif card_type == 'American Express' # :amex # else # :visa # end # end # # end # # module ActiveModel module Validations class CreditCardNumberValidator < EachValidator def validate_each(record, attribute, value) record.errors.add(attribute, options[:message] || :invalid) unless credit_card_valid?(value, extract_brands(record, options)) end def credit_card_valid?(number, brands = []) CreditCardValidations::Detector.new(number).valid?(*brands) end protected def extract_brands(record, options) if options.has_key?(:brands) with_brands(record, options[:brands]) elsif options.has_key?(:only) Array(options[:only]) elsif options.has_key?(:except) Array(CreditCardValidations::Detector.brands.keys) - Array(options[:except]) else [] end end def with_brands(record, brands) if brands.is_a?(Proc) brands.call(record) elsif options[:brands] == :any [] else Array(options[:brands]) end end end end end